What makes a guy introverted and quiet possibly friendless, especially if they are attractive...

What makes a guy introverted and quiet possibly friendless, especially if they are attractive? I know a few qts who would just remain to stay quiet than talk to the people around them.

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Fear of judgement and toxic masculinity

they just look like they are like this

Maybe that's just their personality

so I have a lot of reasons but my two biggest reasons are my family has severely traumatized me to believe almost all people are crazy and may attempt to stab me at any moment, so I essentially have ptsd and am very paranoid of people. The other thing is I'm also naturally introverted so most social situations take a lot of energy out of me instead of fill me with energy.

feel free to ask more detailed questions about my own self isolation even though a lot of people consider me a qt male. Oh I'm also socialized, I know how to come off as a normie but under the mask I want to get away from them as quickly as possible most the time.

Because people only like me because I'm cute

lol get off my thread ugly faggot

Mental illness caused by a traumatic episode in one's earlier days

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>know a few qts
>lol get off my thread ugly faggot
what's her endgame?

She's just jealous because us cutebots don't contactfag ugly femanons

haha sure as shit you guys are all cute and hot here

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- Could also be he heared people talk shit about him and now despises them
- It could be he is a virgin even if it might not seem that way and is a little scared of women and doesn't know how to respond to them. Maybe help him a little.
- Could also be that he thinks he is boring (seeing that he doesn't know the inside jokes) and doesn't want others to think of him as boring
- Maybe he thinks you are a roasty and would rather be alone than talk to a used up whore.

Toastie Roastie has been toasted

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just because i look like tomoko's brother doesn't mean i'm a roastie

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Because my mom raised me poorly. I don't know how to be social, even if people make an effort to try and talk to me. Probably have some mental disorders.

absolutely thiss

I look similar to Kuroki as well, if I ever feel like wanting to fuck myself again i'll find you

I don't know roasters, it's just the way I am.

Really not trying to sound like an arrogant prick, but, im qt boi introvert. I just have a really child like wqy of thinking and interests that nobody would want to deal with me, let alone other qt girls. Im also really fucking hard on my self to the point where its self abusive so I really font think im hood enough for other people

There are little to no italian robots so unless you're willing to book a flight to meet a total socially retarded stranger it's clearly out of question

autism, schizoid personality, HORRIBLE relationship with his mother

i have all 3 and i have very good bone structure. ive been complimented repeatedly, but still on the inside in a shy autist with depression and low self-esteem

Flying across the world to meet someone does sound cute enough, but I heard that italians are stinky so i'm a bit unsure

You sound like a bitch
No one's interested in what you have to say

Because it's simply harder to be a man when it comes to that shit. Even if you have the best going for you.

weired fetishes

whoever keeps spreading these dumb rumors is a an absolute retard
for all i know unless they're born in tuscany italians shower at least once a week but I got the hang of doing it every day

You're getting worked up over nothing, are you sure you're not stinky? how cute

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No but it's a stereotype made up by northern italians to belittle southerners. My dad is a bricklayer and I've seen dozens of rundown houses with disgusting spider webs hanging from walls all around Tuscany since I moved out. These guys don't give a shit about housekeeping and shift the blame on us who grew paranoid about hygiene and stuff.

Tell me more about how its like there, whats a good stereotype against the northern italians?

Maybe because they had terrible social experiences in their formative years and their brain was permanently altered as a result like those studies say and now they are fucked

We believe they're all loaded and snobbish cunts, hell even in the shit hole I live I'm like one of the few guys who still take notes on paper instead of using a laptop. On top of that their food is trash and unless you're born there you're gonna have a hard time enjoying saltless bread and poor cuisine

Too much salt is bad for you though user, and I'm not sure if being rich and snobby is as bad a stereotype as being stinky

Like i said southern Italians are hygiene maniacs and I know a thing or two about paranoia and anxiety. But you aren't doing this to rile me up are you?

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Introversion is natural in some, it's what it is.

Maybe I find you cuter when you're riled up user

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at least i'm not throwing a hissy fit and pushing people away
i wish i could see a doctor about it but my parents won't allow me to and if i'd tell them i have such issues they'd regard me as batshit crazy and start to despise me even more than they already do

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Does anyone else here think they might be autistic or aspie and was never told?

It fucking terrifies me

Lol what is it with this discussion about Italians? Northerner here btw :^)

To answer OP:
>social anxiety
>feeling like nobody will be interested in what you have to say
>not wanting to disturb other people
at least that's for me

Anyone who thinks masculinity is toxic has a vagina, either a literal one or a metaphorical one. Which category to you fall in, pussy?

>Parents wont allow me to
How old are you? Besides you don't need a doctor to tell you to get better, just reflect on yourself, or cut yourself thats what I do it helps

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I never saw a shrink but i seem to exhibit a lot of Borderline symptoms, not that I'm picking fights with them on the street but I tend to feel extremely upset when I'm around people and since I haven't made a single friend after I moved my social skills have deteriorated even more.
I never wanted to be a guy but I'm not going to mutilate myself and call myself a girl. I just wish people would stop shitting on fragile guys while showering insecure girls with love.

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I'm 20 but still living with them until i move out and start living in a student dorm with my scholarship. By the way, I tried the psychological support service once and they told me I'd have to either take meds (which would require me to tell my parents anyway) or get accustomed to group therapy. I had no choice so I went for the latter, but I pussied out after my first meeting.

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I had to change schools a lot of times, that messed me up. Each time I had to start from bottom. I am now in a college and I still don't talk to anyone.
pls help

You are probably talking about this guy.

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Op specifically asked a question for people like me to answer. You sound like a retard, no one cares about your opinion. So do every one a favor and keep it to yourself.

im quiet because I just enjoy listening to people when I first meet them because I like to know people before they know me

"toxic masculinity" lol what a fag

>toxic masculinity is not real

before any one flames you I'm just going to go ahead and preemptively tell you you're actually right before some one can attempt to gaslight you.

Dont worry user they only taking their frustration out on you because they are lonely and insecure. Join my ts and talk to boys.

ive always said ill never get mentally evaluated because im deadly sure I will have something and would just prefer not to know

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt i guess im fucked then

Toxic masculinity it's just sexism towards males

more like being judged for their masculinity, which people will deem toxic the moment they need a talking point to use against them.

I've fucking hard to turn down thots who want me to be rough with them in bed, because all it takes is one vindictive bitch to pony up a "rape" charge on me and if she's got a bruise ANYWHERE, I'll be mounted on a cross.

If she looks like she's a fem its better just to steer clear. Because she's mentally unstable more likely then not.

>having a life
Sorry user we aren't compatible Here is my t.s if you want to talk girl.

If you call staying home all day unless you have classes then yeah i guess we aren't.

>maybe he would rather be alone than have to deal with hoes

100% on point over here. Also depressed and unmotivated.

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Not sure if I can be called attractive, but I just hate the stress of talking with people.
I do not care about their endless drama, learning when their birthday is, and who did what to/with who on the last party.
Girls constantly try to shit test you, guys claim to be friendly but in reality want to rank up over you and get the girl.
And when you do get a gf, chances are that she will only try to drag you into more of that circus.

I want OUT of all that shit, with a girl that would be happy to be at home with me and fall asleep in my arms.
Not interested in getting dragged into more of that stuff above every weekend since she is into friends and status and being social.
Too bad next to every girl is into that, so I rather just just shut up and let them do their little games

You talk to enough people and never enjoy it so you stop. That's pretty much it.

I have no clue how to interact with people. It's usually others that form groups around me cuz they like me a lot, especially girls, but I have absolutely no idea how to act on my own. I just adapt to the group and follow the flow of others but am never able to initiate anything on my own, mainly cuz I'm afraid not to be labeled a creep due to social awkwardness. Help me.

Autism, mother issues, introversion, schizoid personality disorder, aversion to socializing, being told you're a failure growing up, etc. Combine all of these and you end up with men wanting to be isolated from the world, wanting to not be a part of society (except just work and do their own leisure).

I just want a wife who is more loving and caring as opposed to being cold and heartless [/spoiler]like my mother [/endspoiler].

Childhood trauma reinforced by neglect and isolation in the later formative years, and most of the rest of life as well. Some light verbal abuse mixed in for good measure, and a pinch of more heavy verbal abuse. A little bit of regret and guilt.
Add a healthy dose of utter failures with women, some of them with negative overreactions to being asked out, and you get that, give or take. Should apply regardless of attractiveness.

The only people I've been close with in the past eight years or so are ones who've been attracted to me from an initial non-platonic incentive. I cannot make friends like normal people.

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I try to be quiet because I usually am too stupid to think of anything to say. But I'm also very stupid.