Black women the least desirable of both men and women groups among various dating apps

>black women the least desirable of both men and women groups among various dating apps
>yet you guys shill them almost daily
are you guys just the the other side of the BLACKED cuck coin? Don't get me wrong black guys are also the lowest desired but most other women desire black men
How many white guys on here actually banged a black girl? be honest

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>Its another degenerate OP posting racemixing just like he pushes aids and bestiality threads.

>pretending not to shill niggers while he shills niggers

O hai Nick


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This thread isn't about racemixing. If anything I was talking about the thicc black girls being shilled on here
when in real life they ain't liked by other races

Spanish genes, fucking other races is in my blood.

Race-mixing is immoral on every level especially when children are born. I know this because I am mixed race.

Reproduction is immoral on every level.

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>tfw brainlet
Can somebody explain this chart to me? I can't understand it for the life of me.

black girls are /kino/

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based hunter

since Black Male/White Female and White Male/Asian Female are the most common inter-racial couples you would think that Asian Male/Black Female would be extremely common as well.

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The numbers I don't get but you could probably figure out what they're representing. My take:
>Asian/White/Latino women respond to Black men less than anyone responds to any other race/gender
>Black women respond to White men less than they respond to any other race
>All races of men respond to Black women less than they respond to any other race
>...but they still respond far more than non-Black women respond to Black men and Black women respond to White men
>and Black men respond to Black women the least still but they respond almost twice as often as White men respond to Black women
>Both genders of Asian have a marginal(borderline negligible tbqh) preference for Black women and men compared to their White/Latino counterparts
So Black people have the best luck with other Black people, Black women have better luck than Black men with Asians/Whites/Latinos but still worse luck than every other woman, a tiny portion of Asians have jungle fever.

also Black women and White men both dislike each other the most, so it's a mutual thing. Though, White men actually respond to Black women more than vice versa.

My mind isn't clear on this but it might also matter that women may respond to anyone, on average, less than men do, so if you take that into account and scale for it then it might all look differently. I would have to look at the chart and actually know shit about statistics and math though, rather than vague principles.

Black women can be nice to look at, but they're still the lowest iq race and no one likes dealing with them in person.

>using statistics from a dead dating site for gold diggers
why are white males so pathetic

meanwhile asian women are the most sought women ever. based.

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who hasn't had fuji fever? I used to crush on asian girls since primary school

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they have less fans but the ones they have go extra crazy for them

Black women are pretty
Sure there's some ugly sheboons but it's not like every white girl is 10/10
I'd probably never date on though since they're all so different from me and liberal and I'm not changing political parties for pussy

>not taking the sissy for black men pill

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>not dating someone you disagree with for bantz
I'd be scared of their families hating me.

>now you're hard and in denial

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This means that Black women respond to Black men about as much as White men respond to Black women.

I slept with a Polynesian girl who was dark skinned, thicc, could twerk and could sing rap.
That's still not black of course, but I do find black women attractive and am not as perturbed by the culture that everyone complains about.

If I wanted a short-term thing maybe
But I don't believe in that
If I manage to find a girl I wanna keep her forever

>How many white guys on here actually banged a black girl?
That would be zero and I'm one of the shillers

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