Get told that Taxi Driver is the quintessential robot movie

>get told that Taxi Driver is the quintessential robot movie
>watch it
>Travis sees a cute girl he likes
>walks right into the place where she works
>goes straight up to her desk
>asks her out right then and there
>she immediately says yes
>quintessential robot movie
Pardon me?

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did you actually finish watching the film though

literally this.
>He takes her to a porn film as a date.
>when she leaves him, he spergs, walks into her work place and shouts at her.
>Then tries to assassinate her boss.
>Then he goes on a rampage against some brothel owners, kills three of them to save a girl.

How is that not autistic?
How is that not Jow Forums

Attached: 1516234847490.png (684x710, 59K)

You obviously didnt finish watching it you homo. Travis is a true robot. Much more than the faggot normies who go on this board.

I think Brave New World is a much better medium for true robots
>main character is easily more intelligent, but more importantly is more aware than everyone else
>everyone lives in a rabid consumerist society where pleasure is placed on a pedestal and is used to control everyone
>everyone treats the main character like some oddity and as an object of their amusement
>main character realizes the fucked state of the world and how it's impossible to change it
>hangs himself alone
The best authoritarianism isn't the kind where you must use guns and walls to enslave a people. It's where you use pleasure to make them want to be your slave. It's what we live in now.

Taxi Driver is an incredible movie.

OP is right, Taxi Driver is not a robot movie. It's a psycho movie. This dirt bag nut case wants to kill a good politician. He does kill a hard working pimp, a guy who was nothing but nice to little Joanie Foster. He sickens me.

Attached: Jodie-Foster-in-‘Taxi-Driver’1-550x432.jpg (550x432, 75K)

You're a good goy, Travis realized politicians don't do shit and people have to take matters into their own hands.

Waterboy is the quintessential robot movie
prove me wrong

Taxi Driver and Falling Down are edge fests.

Attached: waterboy.gif (420x280, 1.51M)

You made me choke on my saliva

Waterboy and Joe Dirt are unironically my favorite robot movies. The only real way to portray robots is tragic comedy.

Anymore movie recommendations guys?
Shawshank redemption was pretty good

Travis Bickle was a pre-internet robot

The problem with trying to find a quintessential robot movie is that the robot never does anything that would be interesting to watch. Sitting at home 24/7, doing menial tasks, never pursuing women or goals and slowly losing all contact with family, friends and the world is not entertaining.

You've watched american psycho right?

This. At the heart of all movies and stories in general is about conflict and resolution. They are tales about a problem arising and the characters stopping it.

Movies have to spice things up to be interesting. I'm sure the life of the average fratboy chad isn't like Animal House either.

Blade Runner 2049
Inside Llewyn Davis
After Hours

Cast Away was kind of like this.

Hollywood has made a lot of movies about losers and virgins, usually with autism or some social or mental deficiency. They are made as comedies or horror movies, because normies can't relate at these ridiculous lives so they must laugh or be afraid.

40 Year Old Virgin
Joe Dirt
Cast Away
24 Hour Photo
Rain Man (a little unrelateable since the autism is so heavy and he's a rare savant)
Nutty Professor (original Sherman, not Buddy Love)
Friday the 13th (Jason is a robot jealous of chads and stacies at the camp site)
Halloween (Mike Myers is a robot)
Elephant Man
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
Beavis and Butthead Do America
Dumb and Dumber

They're comedies because those lives are comical. If any of you could get on stage and tell your green text stories without seeming creepy you'd make mad money.

They make horrors because you faggots either self-isolate or start trying to kill people because you were too retarded to figure out how to fit in.

Just because they are comedy or horror doesn't mean you can't derive some truths from them. My life seems more like a comedy than anything. It's just one big case of Murphy's Law fuckups.

>being a vigilante is fascist
I've never understood this reasoning.

The line he used to pick her up was absolutely strange.

>I'll tell you why. I think you're a lonely person. I drive by this place a lot and I see you here. I see a lot of people around you. And I see all these phones and all this stuff on your desk. It means nothing. Then when I came inside and I met you, I saw in your eyes and I saw the way you carried yourself that you're not a happy person. And I think you need something. And if you want to call it a friend, you can call it a friend.

It must have been a 70s thing. If you tried that now, you would get called an incel on the spot and arrested.

Lefties don't like the movie because of this quote

>All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

In the lefty mind this is being discriminatory and racist against innocent people who just wanna have a good time :(

I dont really know the movies you listed, but one flew over the cuckoo's nest is one of the best robot movies there is

The Professional is the real robot movie.

Because robot never even try to approach girl.
And even if Jow Forums will go and girl out and even if she agrees (there is enough failed normies around, myself included, to make this believable scenario), our cyborg gonna be super self-conscious about this and will go to normal movie and make sure he never even speak anything inappropriate (to the point where girl will question if he really interested in dating). He'll never rush to her work and shout at her publicly in case of break up, since it means lot of people looking at him.

Blade Runner 2049 is the most accurate robot mainstream movie I've ever seen

"lefties" (liberals) don't like the film because of travis' unhealthy view of women. lefties like the film because travis recognises that the poor and destitute are in need of help but society isn't going to help them, so he takes matters into his own hands in a plot of violent liberation.
i have NEVER in my life heard this said by anyone.

Quintessential robot movies
>After Hours, a tale of a wagecuck who runs around doing dumb shit he doesn't fucking want to because he just wants to get home, spends a whole night in the cold and dark of nigger filled NY only to come back to work in the morning having accomplished nothing
>Office Space, a movie about a guy that just stops giving a fuck
>Groundhog Day
>Falling Down
>Look who's back again (Er ist wieder da)
>The Iron Giant
Countless more

I'd imagine a robot comedian being like Steven Wright (monotone deadpan) or Mitch Hedburg (couldn't even make eye contact with audience)

If you guys wanna see a real robot movie, watch Ikiru. It's by Akira Kurosawa.

It's the ultimate robot movie. It's fucking sad, too.

Mitch Hedberg was a GOAT. A literal creative genius imo. I haven't heard Steven Wright before but I'll give him a listen

Early parts of Shrek are robot af.

Shrek is just a failed normie. He becomes Chad, fucks princesses, makes friends, saves the world, etc.

As I said, the early parts of the movie.

Because he wants female attention? A robot doesn't care about relationships and women in a romantic context, an incel (Travis) wants to 'save' them then hold them down and rape them while punching their face into a bloody pulp.

Attached: Being in close distance to anon.png (720x675, 314K)

>A robot doesn't care about relationships and women in a romantic context

let's just memoryhole >tfwnogf feels on this board then lmao

to be fair, robots often want boyfriends more than girlfriends.

Taxi Driver is one of the best movies ever made
Of course it's not the quintessnetial robot movie, the quintessential robot movie is probably some japanese cartoon
Being an autist, unbeliavably socially anxious and never approaching people yet having an amazing hate for people and especially women whom you jerk off to everyday and blaming society for yourself being autistic and literally staying home all day everyday refreshing Jow Forums while fucking calling people that live their life NPCs isn't much filmworthy, isn't it user?
Of course there can't be a movie that really relates to robots since you too can't relate and immediatly screech at the thought of someone asking a girl out

why do gays want to revise history so much?

the accountant is kind of a robot movie. Despite him being james bond tier in combat, he feels really relatable to me. he can't even make a move on the girl he likes

Un homme qui dort nothing happens

I feel like she went out with him sort of out of pity, and because she really did have nothing going on in her life, her only other romantic option was her beta manlet coworker

I honestly think it isn't bad. This kind of control might feel disgusting but it's much better than violence

What about office space? Sure it's kinda normie territory. But there's no nigger way a classic like that can't also be a nigger robot nigger movie nigger

For some reason it was my favourite movie when I was a kid. I did not understand it fully back then, but still it was very enjoyable

This is pure robot soundtrack

Taxi Driver and Drive are both overhyped on this board, I probably would have enjoyed them more if you faggots didn't set my expectations so high.

Falling Down is pure kino though.

Attached: Ryan-Gosling-in-Drive.jpg (725x1092, 129K)