R9K waifuism logic

>A heroine addict who fucks hundreds of men posts fake cutesy videos is worshipped
>posted everywhere, called a queen
>scams orbiters, treats them like shit, gives 0 fucks about robots and just uses them as an ATM
>posts herself, uses a trip, still gets no criticism
>in comes Tahlia
>An insecure virgin who hates herself
>actually relatable
>stopped using r9k after a few months
>doesn't romance scam or use men for money
>met with so much unnecessary hatred just because she's not as cute as the others and is female
>just wanted to be nice to you and vent about her life but gets shit on in every thread about her

Stay classy, robots. Keep complaining about women when you build up the ones who scam you and tear down the ones who just want solidarity in this unforgiving world.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself tahlia stop speaking in third person

Is this pic hiding something I can't see? Looks wife tier to me

>He cucked me
Still makes watching her "waaah they mean to me" vid worth it

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Tahlia is at school right now if you check Australian timezones, but thanks for proving my point user

At least Ciara posted nudes. This cunt just wants men to tell her she's pretty.

yeh but the junkies got nice tiddies

Australian schools finished 50 minutes ago faggot.

lots of people appreciate tahlia for what she is and recognize that she is just someone going through a rough time with mental illness and that's exactly why she isn't posted here, it actually goes to show that you don't like her if you post her here because not only does she hate being posted on r9k (dipshit) but by immortalizing her on this shitty board you're just going to open her up to more predators and make her into a lolcow for people to laugh at.

people orbit girls who manipulate them because those girls want to be orbitted, most of us have the decency to know when people need to be left alone on their own online space like tahlia because she simply can't handle that many people talking about her when she's so young and still trying to figure herself out.

so stop your bitching OP

tahlia is from perth, not queensland

that is true, Tahlia is flatter than a pancake from what I can tell

so you actually want women to post nudes and be whores? That's what you consider a good trait worthy of praise. Faggot.

They're already being attention whores. They should be made to feel like the whores they are.

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that's my point though, you worship girls who contribute nothing but tits and then you ridicule girls who don't make everything all about being female. Why is that?

>who don't make everything all about being female
If this were the case, she'd post anonymously. But she didn't. She shilled herself for attention and gratification from men on the internet. Every time she posts a video saying "whaa I'm so ugly aren't I :'(" she knows exactly what she's doing; idiots like you eat it right up and convince yourself she's relatable so you feel less pathetic while you orbit her.
So get the fuck out and take your whore with you.

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she posts videos showing her face like everyone on the platform. You could say male incel youtubers like FaceandLMS or Kent are advertising that they are male because they show who they are but you don't because you're just salty over women.

>incel youtubers like FaceandLMS or Kent
Never even heard of them. Probably because orbiters like yourself don't shill them as often as this bitch and the ones like her.

fucking retarded, they're two different people with completely different lives. neither of them deserve attention.

Okay well where can I talk to her?

>he doesnt know tahlia is some validation seeking whore who has had multiple e-bfs whos shes led on and ultimately broke up with for one pathetic excuse of a reason or another

why are orbiters so beta and naive?

but she's not like the others

She was abused and cheated on in those relationships, which she has explained countless times. I don't think that's a stupid reason to leave someone

here's her channel anony

Women deserve to be abused, and they tend to like it anyway. If you stay long enough to let yourself get abused, it is your fault.
Fuck Tahlia, and all other disgusting e-whores, and fuck all of you pathetic whiteknights.

if you actually watched the videos where she talks about her 'e-bfs' you'll know why your argument is bs.
They would:
>cuck her with camgirls
>make her call them sir and act as lesser
>make her give them passwords to her social media accounts
It is common for people who have been in controlling and abusive relationships to follow a cycle and get into more unhealthy relationships, especially with a self esteem as low as tahlia's

If you really think a sixteen year old girl with body image issues should get abused because 'fuck the wiminz' then you need to seek professional help user

well, clearly she doesn't like it since she leaves and exhibits traits of PTSD when she has panic attacks on video when commenters exhibit similar traits to her ex

>he doesn't know about the glass eye

she needs to be shown what true love is, in a comfy and happy relationship with Georgie boy (once she turns 18 of course)

She sometimes acts like my abusive ex-gf that also browsed r9k
Fuck that

>he thinks online comments can leave any real impact

this is literally just more proof that women fundamentally have a victim complex and want to be pitied and given pats on the back and validation
congrats on being a roastie enabler you repulsive cuck

Meant to reply to
Original post

tahlia uses sarcastic humor and lingo

she's faking it for attention

Trash likes trash

Shit people have shit taste