Why not just commit suicide anons if you are so depressed and hate normie society what's stopping you...

Why not just commit suicide anons if you are so depressed and hate normie society what's stopping you? No troll serious question...

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I'm too scared of death.


Why kill yourself but not take down others with you to make the world a better place? Like go shoot up a gang's hideout taking as many as you can with you or launch a rocket into a group of antifa. At least make the world a better place before you go out.

i love my mom too much

Fuck off, Reiko. I already know what your following solution is.
"If youre too scared, just become a trap!"
I cant wait until youre doxxed and get a bunch of traps at your door looking for revenge.

Honestly feels, user. I love my mom too. Dont do it. Instead, be somebody and make her proud.

I'm going to join the military.
If I'm going to hate my life anyway might as well do something useful at the same time. Plus I might actually die on the job which will save me the trouble, gain some respect from my family, all while accomplishing my original goal.

I tried but since I fucked up I have to continue living an even bigger lie now. Sucks desu

I have an overwhelming sense to want to be somebody in life. You only get one life to do it. No matter the age, I want to at least make a mark and be something.

Also, theres so much of the world to see. Sites to experiance. Events to attend. Stuff to see and do. I want to take advantage of it all. One day I will. Until then, observing the atmosphere I have is good enough. Never know when it is the last time youll see or do something. Take it all in.

This thread is going to kill a lot of people. Delete it while you still can.

And so? it's not like America doesn't have shoot outs regularly and it's population control anyways if r9k is filled with depressed anti social ppl why not just have them all die off and make society stronger? Suicide is a good option when you have nothing

I'm too much of a pussy to commit

it's pretty tough to do. plus i still enjoy certain things. dying wouldn't be a problem, but why would i die if i could sit here and play vidya? eventually the vidya will be too boring though

You could OD on some nice drugs like heroin or take acid and fry your brains out or just do they erotic hanging thing so ppl just think you were some sex addict who was into BDSM

I don't like snowboarding but other people like to snowboard. People snowboard all the time.
I'm going to kill myself because I can't snowboard.
Great logic OP.

im afraid of death, after death there are only two options, or there is nothing after death,absolute nothing, or either there is something after death, death is just an ilusion existence never ends. both ideas terrifie me to the point of sometime i totally paralyze trough the day thinking about that, i literally cant sleep sometimes because im thinking about death, trying to choose wich option is worse

When I was 12 my mom found me leaning out the window of my attic wondering if the fall would be fatal or just crippling. She told me that if I jumped she would most likely become suicidal herself as a result. I love my parents, so I swore an oath to myself to set a goal to outlive my parents. That was in 2002, not much has changed. So as soon as they are gone I probably will follow though on what I started that day. Just got to ensure my method will be lethal.

Because I don't have to and it doesn't have to be like that. If I can't handle life, and I have no idea what death entails, then I have no idea whether or not I can also handle death.

>evry1 who is sad shuld die xDDDD
Why does it feel like everyone is insane?

Not all depressives are suicidal

And people here do it pretty regularly, user.

Maybe if I could just press a button and disappear, I would.

We'll the cops stole all my stuff. Winter clothes and blanket and sleeping bag so I figure it's what they want. Rather just commit crimes so I can go to jail where they give you a blanket.

I have tried and failed. I am waiting 3 years until I can buy a gun and finish the job properly.

I feel like I have unfinished business. Also I'd like a dramatic death

unironically your life would be much better if you were on hormones.


wow this board is shit

I'm trying to program my brain into doing it
It's my final passion
But we live in a matrix
"Normies" "know" everything that's going on

>might as well do something useful
yeah user, get ready for rump to send you to the mexican border for a political strategy, where you'll have to sleep in tents with 11 other dudes, with no climate control or electricity

really being useful to the world, m8

just make sure you only follow orders and never think for yourself

this was actually really mean of me to say, i'm sorry user. i forgot i was in a suicide thread. you deserve better

I will leech off every single resource out of it that I can before I will accept death.

How far must one jump to make sure you're dead?

Uhh It's hard.

Don't have the balls to pull the fucking trigger

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you know what? the military isn't that bad, I'm a U.S. Marine. Have been for a year now and it was fun to say the least. a steady paycheck, friends available, people will care by default. you know, just pick a POG job, and there is no chance of getting sent to the border and hardly any chance to deploy with a pog job. just be weary of all the suicidal questions they ask you when you see a recruiter. just say no and simply, deny deny deny. there is a lot of room to improve. i live a miserable existence, but I'm a shut-in on the weekends. if you need more advice, let me know!!