Okay guys So me and my girlfriend are having some trouble and I don't know what to do Basically she gave me an...

Okay guys So me and my girlfriend are having some trouble and I don't know what to do Basically she gave me an ultimatum either I continue watching anime and post on Jow Forums or no more Sex So I really dont know what to do, pretty much every minute I'm not with her im watching seasonal anime or posting on here and Jow Forums so I don't know Do you bros think it's worth it to give up Jow Forums?

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>pretty much every minute I'm not with her

how will she know if you're watching anime or posting here, if you're not with her while you're doing it?

Here is some an advice from an older guy who has been in a lot of relationships. I know you will probably ignore this though.

You are better off dumping her and trying with someone else. If she is trying to force you to change hobbies she isn't worth being with. The only time you should take their advice to drop a hobby if it is something bad for you like drinking, gambling, or smoking.

Ask yourself do you really want to be with someone who won't let you be yourself? Why should you have to change when she doesn't have to change and you accept her for herself?

You're not supposed to tell people you go on Jow Forums you zoomer faggot

for some reason I cant reply

Gfs who give ultimatums for any reason whatsoever belong in the trash.

>having sex


Unlike I haven't been in many relationships, but I have qualifications he doesn't have and I'm going to lay it down. Anime may be okay, talk with her about it. But Jow Forums is a waste of life and complete self degradation.

She wants you to quit Jow Forums probably because she wants you to improve. This isn't about "accepting you for who you are." Jow Forums makes you a worthless piece of shit and there's no way around it. Pick yourself up my man and be proud.

I tried with her she told me it's stupid and asked me if I'm a little kid.

Literally everyone who's white male goes on reddit and Jow Forums what's the problem.

But I really feel like we can make it, besides this she's my second girlfriend, I'm 18 but I really feel a connection to her. Yeah she does kinda wanna get me into Drinking and keeps trying to make me make new friends but I don't know. Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

>asks me if I'm a little kid
Well you're sure acting like one. Anime and Jow Forums are not for men.
>Literally everyone who's white male goes on reddit and Jow Forums what's the problem
That is not true. Grown men do not go on Jow Forums and reddit and if they do they're losers who don't really have heads or tails figured out in life. You constantly see threads from people saying "25+ no reason to live in life" etc... These are losers who wasted the most important years of their life consuming this stupid information and idolizing stupidity and self loathing. They are not respectable in any sense.

You may not have it in you to change and by this post it seems like you aren't ready to grow up. But I'm telling you, get your shit together and be a proud man. Dress nicely, respect yourself, be decent.

Dude, break up with her. You have literally no reason to change yourself for her just to make the relationship work. Know your worth.

Ask if she would give up shit she likes just so she could stay with you. If not she has no fucking right to complain.

Worth is not "being yourself"

All relationships require compromise you old faggot. No one wants advice from someone that can't keep a partner so fuck off you retard.

Actual compromises aren't dealt by ultimatum

>wants to get you into drinking
>wants to get you new friends
I think shes trying to turn you into a normie, homeslice.

Thats not necessarily a bad thing, especially at your age, but you gotta make sure you dont lose yourself in the process.

Also, if you are gonna start drinking, I got a drink I might recommend. Had this at a bar a while ago and I fucking loved it, cant really even taste the alcohol.

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If you are given such a retarded ultimatum like that you leave instantly

i fucking hate old fucks like you and i hate the women that validate your existence you fucking faggot I hope you get punched in your face so you learn to be humble for once

Seething 15 year olds detected. He is right though women who wont change but will change you are utter trash

literally dump her instantly and call her a control freak.

Care to explain why? There's no logic behind what you're saying. People either want to be in a relationship with you or they don't and the second you fall into a gray area you're setting yourself up for failure.
E.g. I don't want to date someone that hits me. Stop hurting me when you are upset or else I will break up with you.
This is an ultimatum and it's a completely logic and sound way to make a decision

Again, if you don't have a successful relationship you should fuck right off and stop giving out advice as if being in numerous relationships is some sort of magical testament to how good of a partner you are.

>Care to explain why?
The simple fact that there's such a thing as tolerance.
Also I'm not that other guy.

>Do you bros think it's worth it to give up Jow Forums?
Giving up Jow Forums doesn't sound like a bad idea to me in general, anime is pretty harmless though and you enjoy so tell her to piss off on that front because that's a petty ultimatum.

Okay so it's wrong to be intolerant of certain behaviors? If your partner likes to fuck other people you shouldn't give them an ultimatum? You should be tolerant and be cucked? There's absolutely nothing wrong with being blunt with someone and giving them an ultimatum. It's called being honest.

>There's absolutely nothing wrong with being blunt with someone and giving them an ultimatum.
Yeah when it's about something serious, not fucking watching anime and browsing Jow Forums

>he hasn't spent 90% of his free time shit posting on Jow Forums for the past decade
Yeah ok you're right. Maybe for a normie like you posting here isn't serious, but for a lot of other people this is literally their lives. You don't know the suffering OP's gf could be saving him from.

I actually have been spending most of my free time here. I was in a similar situation to OP's once a while ago, fell for the pussy meme and in the end that made me a fuckton more miserable than spending my time with internet angry fucks could ever have.

>all women are the same and will hurt you! Don't fall for it!!
And you admit to spending too much time here. Pathetic.

>missing the point
okay keep believing that being told what to do by a vagina will magically make you happy, see if I care

Cared enough to click on this thread and reply several times but hey you obviously don't care, right? If you could have your dream gf and all you had to do was give up an imageboard and watching weird japanese loli animes, you wouldn't dare do that. Because you're a MAN. A man with CONVICTION. You don't need no stinky VAGINA telling you what to do! You're happy just the way you are! Strong independent man you, yasss king slay!