If you thought Chris-chan's cat was going to live a long happy life, you were wrong

If you thought Chris-chan's cat was going to live a long happy life, you were wrong.

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Is there a full story?

>If you thought Chris-chan's cat was going to live a long happy life, you were wrong.

I don't think that even Chris believed that.

guess in the context you can finally say...
Chris is a real pussy slayer

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Sounds sad bro. Whats the story? Why did the cat die?

i get that chrischan is a big meme and all but i find it hard to believe he didn't try to do weird shit to it


He posted a faked image a few days earlier of a gory kitten saying that his cat got mauled. The image was CGI from some article.

Youre trying to say Chris killed it then. Thats not bullshit and I believe you.

I've followed enough of chrischan to know he probably didn't do anything to kill it purposefully. Just was ignorant and retarded enough to let it die.

I can safely say that I would never think that about any organism (living or otherwise) in Chris-chan's care.

>OPL adopts three kittens
>One of them has some health problems and needs to go to the vet several times
>Kicks the bucket a week later

>cpu blue heart
Is Neptunia Sonic tier now?

You don't have a smaller flaccid penis than Chris-chan, do you Jow Forums?

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He literally never had a kitten, made it up for sympathy.

What the actual fuck is that black band around his cock's head. I don't have a penis but that does NOT seem normal.

I thought he was close to being homeless?

He's probably uncircumcised, and that's peeled back foreskin.

It's where the penis elbow is, dumb roastie.

Attached: chris chan duck.jpg (474x307, 14K)

will you be my gf please i'm a NEET and I weigh 300 pounds but i'm 6 feet tall and don't have a black band around my penis

Yeah that's not true, that duck is bent and cut.

lol no fat guys

I don't even want to know what kind of a life you have if you have this photo saved

Kittens have a low survival rate which is my the litter size is so big. One quick way to test if a kitten might survive is to gently try tip it from its side. If it braces itself and leans against your hand so that it does not fall - it might live. 9/10 times, thr kittens that do not do this, i.e. they let you push them over due to their poor balance, they will not make it to 3 months.

Do not make an emotional bond with kittens.

t. guy who grew up with 10 cats and new litters every year.

Dont have a dick??? You some dumb faggot who got it cut off or something?

PLEASE someone call animal help hotline and get those kittens away from retard chris chan

fuck you bitch the fattest thing about me is my cock

I can't believe i even gave a dumb roastie like you the chance to be with me

dumb slut men are supposed to be bigger than women enjoy your skinny twigs can't wait for them to get the shit beat out of them when you get mugged and raped

this worked out for the best anyway probably would've caught a disease from you you dumb roast beef bitch

terrible impression, originally.

>be cat
>have one chance at life
>adopted by a retarded transsexual white male

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Lets all pet our cats good knowing they will never be adopted by Chris-chan

Chris adopted 3 kittens and they all had several health problems and despite people constantly telling him, he refused to take it to the vet.

So basically the cat died due to him being an irresponsible retard. Same as always.

Chris is cut

Why does this need to be pointed out? He's autistic, of course he's circumcised.

You don't have an uglier vagina than Chris-chan, do you fembots?

Attached: Chris_china.jpg (384x510, 18K)

Taint natural, it is.

Are you prepared for the dimensional merge, where we will all meet our waifus and OCs?

This is fucking retarded. I had four female cats growing up and, until I nagged my parents into fixing them, they regularly produced litters. We never lost a single kitten because I took care of our animals.

I'd say this attempt is lazy, but you are claiming to be fat, so it's fitting.

That's a level of existential horror I could never comprehend.

>what if our universe is dancing on the fingertip of Eldritch!Chris

Because the other user said that he was uncircumcised and the band was his foreskin. lern2read the thread, dumbass.

The TERFs were right.

>Chris adopted 3 kittens

And by adopted, you mean "stole them from the feral mother cat living in his yard".

She's probably still looking for her babies.

>getting ANOTHER cat when they're apparently in debt up to their eyeballs and can't even afford to pay basic bills
The Chandlers' utter lack of any financial responsibility whatsoever continues to astound me.

Barb died, Chris-chan obviously made a ventriloquist puppet out of her body, just look at her

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Little does she know that they are all most certainly doomed.

One of them got adopted out to someone who actually knows how to take care of a pet, the other two died in Chris' custody I think.

Unfortunate about the other 2, but atleast 1 managed to get away and hopefully it can live a happy life.

Never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of people. As if Chris Chan of all things is capable of taking care of another living organism (animal or human)

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Chris probably saw the feral cat nursing her babies, thought "pwetty wittle kitties, me take" and left the mother to die because "this kitty old and ugwy, me no wike". He thinks pets are just toys for him to play with.

That is messed up if true.

But then again, I can see Chris doing some fucked up shit like that.

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There was a whole thread about it on that Kiwifarms board. Apparently a feral cat started living in his landfill of a garden, gave birth, Chris found the litter (probably when the mother cat wasn't around) and went "MINE NOW!" He wanted to let the mother in as well, but she wouldn't come inside, because she was probably freaking the fuck out and trying to find her babies. That and most feral cats aren't very comfortable around humans to begin with.

It took a lot of convincing for him to part with just one.

Were they too young to eat solid food?

Chris probably unintentionally starved them to death.

Chris has the mind of a child and the sex drive of a pubescent teenager. I wouldn't trust him with trained animals, much less feral ones.