
i feel as if i crossed the line, everyone doesnt call me. my suicidal tendencies are at maximum and i have no one to talk to except online.

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I read somewhere that people who try to commit suicide always regret it the instant after they start so theres that
No organism desires death if theyre thinking clearly. Talk to an actual expert and get it sorted out

buy a hat

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I survived a suicide attempt not too long ago

I cen be fwen

>tfw when you're depressed, anhedonic and ocd but mentally stable.

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Don't ask me how to help, user. It feels like I'm invisible to everyone offline.

do a stream of you injecting the tide pod juice into your vein

everyone doesnt call me makes it seem as if you had people who cared about you at one point. What did (or didn't) you do?

I've decided to start working on hobbies. In D. B. T. one of the emotion regulation skills is Please Master which stands for:
treat Physical ILlnesses
balanced Eating
avoid mood Altering drugs
balanced Sleep
get Exercise
build Mastery

The Please part is more about taking care of physiology but Build Mastery is about accomplishing something which you can be proud of.

If you just shit post on Jow Forums and masturbate all day then you won't have anything to show for yourself. But if you do things like make music, drawings, programing, writing or anything else you'll have something to be proud of.

Maybe you can start a diary and you can sort through all these issues you're dealing with. But don't wallow in self-pity or you can make it worse. Practice looking at the glass half full and finding things you can learn from your mistakes.

According to Cognitive - Behavioral Psychology our thoughts and actions create a feedback loop. And if you become pessimistic and unproductive you can fall into a downward spiral. So interrupt the process by thinking positive or watching a funny movie.

I stopped calling them to see if they'll call me or notice that i'm not with them. I can see them post pictures on social media with the rest of the group and shit, only I called them and I wanted to stop and see who would call back and care. They really don't even though i'm the leader of the group.

Thank you for the advice robro

i dont even talk to people online anymore so atleast you have that

I can't possibly fully understand your personal situation, though I just want you to know that lines get crossed, and we can strive for forgiveness. The important thing is that we move forward, and we learn from our mistakes. I also want you to know I've been through multiple suicide attempts with different methods, each more painful than the last. I've had two "visual" near death experiences, one of terrifying void with only my fading thoughts while endlessly free-falling, and the other absolutely fiery hell and torture.
I don't know if you're religious, I wouldn't say that I am, but suicide is painful and terrifying and leaves a lot of hurt people in its wake. The thoughts I have now are still repressed by those memories, I promise if you try to off yourself, it will hurt and you will regret and it you might not be as lucky as me

I'll try as hard as I can robro, thanks you for understanding.

They aren't really your friends if you're the one who always has to initiate conversation, you're just being used. Do you find it hard to make connections with people? as I would say try to find new friends but if it's too difficult you may be alone for awhile till you meet others, sucks but you don't have many other options. Even just try to make online mates to keep some sort of company

Better yet, become one with Anonymous, we all frens here :^)

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You don't want to kill yourself:

How did you cross the line

So now you've lost it and you know you can kill?

embrace it, maximize pleasure, and think of down-sides of all the RL interactions.

hold on user and go outside, the beauty of it all beyond the ugliness of humanity belongs to you just as much as the rest of us

>No organism desires death if theyre not thinking
Do not listen to this fool, OP

None of you faggots are suicidal. Just attention whores. Prove me wrong