Post pics that enrage you

post pics that enrage you

Attached: 1523540458456.jpg (806x1106, 218K)

wait, what's wrong with the picture you sent?

you just posted one that makes me want to end myself

some /fa/ggot who posted his gf fuck him and fuck all normies

>Dresses like a literal homosexual
Makes sense.

Now I get it, I originally thought it was more of a creepshot

this is such a god damn original comment

Attached: (500x333, 99K)

Are you sure he isn't gay? No straight male would dress like that.

those girls only take pics with pizza and food they never actually it it all

Yes the picture is of the planet

Attached: 1200px-The_Earth_seen_from_Apollo_17.jpg (1200x1201, 365K)

i know

that's why it makes me so mad

fuck i hate how false socia media is

i hate how niggers are fucking my women and meanwhile im left with nothing

Attached: wtf.png (979x914, 1.67M)

this pic always made me fucking angry. I dont even know why it just does. help

Attached: 94ea6c80e963c78a.jpg (750x771, 43K)

then who took the picture? clearly wasnt him unless hes a cuck

>Knew some weird angry butthurt Jow Forums user was going to post this
Honestly I feel good every time I see these sort of posts

Attached: Edomite.jpg (1200x1600, 237K)

what? are you unable to think how people take pictures of their friends?

lmao, imagine your beautiful white daughter fucking up your lineage like this, I wouldn't even take this thing by the hand, monkeys should stay where they belong, in Africa

but seal is based

>my women
>left nothing
How are yours if they are not yours, Jow Forumstard? Bwahahahahaha! Keep voting for the "Slash taxes to the top 1%" party and die.

lefty pol cuck falseflag