Evolution is a lie

I always thought denying evolution was as ridiculous as saying the Moon is a projection and the Earth is flat.
But then I stopped to think about it.

We surely didn't pop here 6,000 years ago. But I've also thought many unquestionable truths about evolution to be weird. For example, the "survival of the fittest". It's believed the principle of evolution is that the individual who randomly gets a helpful mutation in its DNA reproduces the most because its now more adapted to its environment.
But who says having a slightly better ankle joint than the rest gives you such a huge advantage that it directly correlates to the amount of offspring you have? And that this mutation is hereditary?
Humanity in 2018 is actually a very good example: it's quite clear the worst trash reproduces the most. I've never in my life known an ugly and dumb person who didn't have at least 2 kids. Natural selection sure has nothing to do with us.

Attached: richard dawkins.jpg (450x337, 112K)

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If evolution was true, why's Dawkins so angry?

It's not like you get triggered over people who don't believe in gravity or mathematics.

>ice bears came to be when one brown bear was born white and he had a distinctive advantage over others and repopulated the earth

This makes no fucking sense. You don't become the ultimate alpha bear and start a new bloodline just because you have different color fur. Sure it might give you an advantage in hunting if you know how to use it, but there still might be alpha bears who are stronger and faster yet.

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Dawkins literally said
>humans walk upright on two legs because males wanted to show off their genitals

Holy shit I thought religion was whack but I should take this as science?

Its not random mutations. It's not really about mutations at all.

Evolution is based on the idea that members of a species that survive long enough to breed will be carrying genes that helped them to survive. If a male had a slightly better ankle joint, and he survives long enough to reproduce, it makes sense to pass that on. It's why genetic defects also get passed on. We no longer weed out the weak and deformed, so they get to pass on their genes.

Quite a lot of people will get triggered when you deny basic fact

What I don't get is how life went from singular cells to multi-cellular organisms. How does that even happen? Was early multi cellular life just big lumps of flesh as cells learned to stick together? How did sexual reproduction occur over asexual reproduction?
I just don't understand. Feel free to explain, but I just don't get it.

>I don't understand evolution, therefore it's wrong!

Attached: brainlet caveman.jpg (800x450, 38K)

You have a brick. This brick is very nice, and can do a lot of things, but can not provide much shelter. Other bricks are nearby, and can provide the same utility as the brick you have.

You decide to group some of these bricks together, and form a shelter. Each brick is as it was, but is now serving its purpose as a group rather than an individual.

Single-celled organisms eventually gained enough energy that the cells themselves formed together, and did as they always were, but now they did such as a group.

Different types of organisms existed, and formed together to provide their specific utility, so in the end you have one single organism that is made of all these other single-celled organisms.

>people get butthurt if you don't believe that dinosaurs became birds for no reason

Top kek, why do you defend Darwin so much? He was wrong on so many things.
Darwin himself said, literally, that evolution is a path towards perfection.
We all know that's not how it works. Our genes are already shittier than 100 years ago.

Why aren't humans working this way? We're just fighting and ridiculing people for being virgins and other pointless shit. Are you saying cells were smarter than us?

>population of 100 animals
>30% has a mutation that cause the ankle to be more robust
>all 100 animals get 3 kids
>of the 400 animals in the populace, 40% gets eaten by predators after being crippled from ankle related injuries
>the animals with the stronger ankle slowly become a majority as those with the weaker ankles are not fit for survival in an environment where stronger ankles are important for survival
Not sure if this is a b8 thread but im saging anyway

>We no longer weed out the weak and deformed, so they get to pass on their genes.

I'm studying to be a doctor, I'm quite handsome, tall and my IQ is in the over 135 area.
Probably never getting to reproduce because women don't relate to my mindset or to the things I like to talk about, such as abstract science. I also have standards, which most men these days don't. It's amazing to realize that most guys in western countries were forced to pick whoever girl would accept them and call this a conquest.
According to any logic I should be in the top 1% of the fittest males by any standards, and then I see horse-faced fat brainlets making babby's.
This tells me that if evolution is true, it's just a process to extinction, not nature trying to hone itself to perfection.

>population of 100 animals
>30% has a mutation that cause the ankle to be more robust

This precondition is ridiculous. A population of a few individuals and almost all of them simultaneously get a huge advantage? Fuck you.

Not that guy, but humans already do this. It's just that humans don't work as efficient as cells because we don't really have as much of a one track mind like they do. We "decide" what we want to do and let our actions be influenced by our emotions. Cells just generally do what they can do.

Yes, but I don't understand how they achieved this, or how sexual reproduction even became a thing. How does some dumbfuck cell with no brain or thought process to think of learn to do this out of the blue?
And how did they think to do shit with eggs or penis and vagina, i don't understand where that even came from.

I had someone with a newborn baby harass me even though I left them alone
And someone posted my contact maliciously and they have a normal life and got no backlash from it, but Anons defended me and rushed to my aid

You think that is bad? Take a look at the probability of one FUCKING protein being formed in optimal conditions:


If Evolution is fake why am I so fucking ugly?

You just sound like a deluded loser my friend. Before anyone is going to bother analysing your positive mental and physical attributes or your potential trajectory within society, they first figure out whether you're a decent person and enjoyable to spend time with.

>This tells me that if evolution is true, it's just a process to extinction, not nature trying to hone itself to perfection.

That's exactly what it is you dumbass, there is no guiding force behind evolution, just things that die before they get to reproduce and things that die after they get to reproduce.

>But who says having a slightly better ankle joint than the rest gives you such a huge advantage that it directly correlates to the amount of offspring you have?
The predators that caught you for having an inferior ankle joint that popped while you were trying to run away before you were able to produce offspring, you absolute muppet.

Evolution and intelligent design can occur simultaneously
Also there could be a hidden element to evolution that we are biased against seeing that isn't natural selection

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