Rawr! Hahahahahiho, hello uncle user!! What are we going to do together this week?

>Rawr! Hahahahahiho, hello uncle user!! What are we going to do together this week?

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*bows and tips fedora*

we are gonna drain the swamp. then we are going to flood israel with immigrants

whenever i see these posts it gives me weird ptsd of things i'm sure didn't happen and i do not like it

Absolutely based and redpilled post.

checked, mein brother

We're going out to get a meal. You look like a spooky scary skeleton.

I activate my trap card
Its time to d-d-d-d-duel

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Wanna play some xbox?


Okay, you win OP. I'm saving the picture for when I'm really bored.

>you will never play Halo 3 custom games online spitscreen with your niece

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>Umm do I know you?
>Hear a rumble around the corner
>Out comes two built guys who shove me to the floor and announce they are putting me under citizens arrest
>Get a camera shoved in my face by a fat landwhale

Find you a shrink young lady

>tfw no one ever posts honestly how some lonely ethically skewed male would behave
I'll be honest OP...
>be general approximation of a robot
>brother is normalfaggot
>has you baby sit
>you sit at home on the bux anyway
>you have video games and hate going outide
>can't drive
>keep her playing video games all day
>you sit there unable to shitpost and play vidya due to being distracted by her shenanigans
>you inevitably due to having a penis have random boners due to years of sexual repression plus animu worship
>to the pessimistic mind details are flaws
>as people age they only get more flawed
>both mentally and physically
>you think this justifies fantasies
>you eventually fap to her after giving her the sheep's eye ten percent of the time
>as the months progress you start to wonder if grooming is really all that unethical
>you start testing her with very subtle hints
>you're autistic though and fail
>your brother kills you
I suck at making erotic fiction OP. Sorry.
>But unrealistically:
>>I"m bored what else can we do
>she says
>you notice she's been hugging you too often
>you eventually have the lights off and you fondle her and have your dick out
>she sucks it
>grows up and marries you
Even further though...
>your brother won't allow it
>you go together as abnormalfaggots to get a high score at your local school or hospital

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You again? Stop spiking your mitts toward me, and why do you call me uncle?

What an autistic poster lmao

Blow Blow Blow Blow Blow!

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>tfw your sister said she doesn't want to have kids
>tfw you will never have a niece

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>What are we going to do together this week?
Fuck you 4 times a day till the cops arrest me for abusing a minor.
Im just going to keep my lawyer in speed dial.


Fuck off back to you sleazy piece of dogshit.

Nothing until you take that makeup off. People are going to think I'm buying your time otherwise.

>b-but user-san you're being paid to have time with me
>doesn't that mean I get my way?

HH nice digits.
Go back to r eddit cum slurping commie faggot.

i hid a bunch of candy in my pockets and underwear
you need to use your feet to get it all ahahah

How about stop derailing the thread?

>impregnate sister
>now have niece and daughter


>have no sister
>have to use skin cells to make into ova
>impregnate with own seed
>get... sister..... daughter thing
>wait till old
>have niece daughter
Such a bright future.