Standards thread

What are your minimum requirements for a gf? Here are mine:

Biological female

Christian (Baptist)



Healthy/not disabled

Wants to be a mother

IQ 110+

At least 4/10 looks

Can take banter

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So what does the unphotoshopped version of her shirt say?

You're aiming a bit high for a Jow Forumstard.
3/10 non-white single moms are probably more your league.

>biologically female
>older than whatever the age of consent is
>younger than 30

I don't think my standards are too ridiculous. A couple times I tried to flirt with chubby or even fat girls, but they always have a bf.

I know I'm aiming high but I'm not desperate enough to lower my standards yet. They will probably go down at some point tho

But user I'm a 30 year old Jow Forums tard and I've only dated white women aged 19-25.

>IQ 110+
>Wants to be a mother, Christian (Baptist)

pick one

1. Biological female
2. Not deformed in some way
3. Not obese
4. Preferably not mentally ill, but tbqh I'm not that picky

well there goes 95% of the female dating pool. Your expectations are unrealistic user.

Cute, likes to have fun and go do things once in a while, chill, smart, not too sensetive, and nice to others.

At least 5 years older
Kind but strong personality
No whiny cheating bitches
Has very similar tastes in music/books/shows
Looks don't count much unless she's fat or autistic

Quit lying faggot, we know you haven't left your mommies trailer in years let alone talked to the opposite sex where money and a drug addiction wasn't involved.

Biological female (sad I need to specify this)
Extroverted/ outgoing to make up for me being a shy awkward faggot
Not stupid

Biological female
Not fat
Maximum of 2 guys before me
At least as attractive as I am (I consider myself a 6)
Not really that high a bar, especially compared to what the average woman wants

I have an IQ over 130 (tested by a professional, not online), and want to be a mother.
I'm also reading the Bible because I want to go back to Church, at some point next year. Not Baptist tho.

Just saying that it is not impossible.

Are you implying that as a woman you're in the position to define what's intelligence?

originaIo commento

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i bet you do sweety

Why did you add non-whites to "3/10" and "single mom", as if non-whites are less desirable? You're not racist, are you?

Holy shit you're basically wishing to die alone

If the requirement OP has is being able to score well on a quiz, I pass it.
Then I am not interested in getting into an argument about REEEEE WYMEN STYUPID before I even had breakfast.

Non-whites are, in fact, undesirable for some. It's not a matter of racism
t. Latino

How about you move one more chair next to your door, just in case chad and tyrone break into your house while you're on breakfast?

Young 16 to 24 top

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Not older than 25 when we start dating
Healthy BMI
Is ok with me liking anime and other weeb shit
Wants to have kids
Does not currently have any kids
Has no debt
Has a not completely disfigured face
Not a commie or socialist
White or Asian

This ended up being way longer than I expected. No wonder I am going to die a virgin

>Implying I don't live with my husband
>Implying I don't have guns
>Implying I live in a shithole
People are weird.

>implying you aren't cheating on your husband
>Implying you aren't craving alimony
>implying you'll ever amount to something

>Healthy BMI
All BMIs are healthy.

Not cheating. We have a prenup and unless we decide I stop working to take care of the children and am not working at the time of the divorce, I get no alimony.
And I do pretty well.

>looks somewhat female
>If I want to get serious with her, she should be reasonably intelligent so that talking to her for a long time can be fun
>not fat

I just want someone who's nice to me desu

>getting this worked up in an attempt to make her claims believable

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Back to >>>pol my friend

I'm extremely calm, I'm not worked up in the slightest.
Just correcting you when you call me out on things I've never done.

1. Biologically female
2. Crippled by fatigue related illness
3. Decent personality
4. 4/10 - 6/10
5. Ok with both of us being quiet
6. Sex and cuddling occasionally

Number 2 isn't a controlling thing I just can't handle anyone with more energy than me at the moment.

Attached: alright.jpg (625x469, 37K)

Sure as shit you must be all calm and collected while you're planning to fuck your husband over

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>IQ >110
choose one

Biological female obviously.

White (Though my country is 99,9% white so that's basically not important).

Not taller than me (might be equal tho, with an inch of marign to pass as one, I'm 5,8 manlet btw).

7/10 in my subjective scale, in favourable configurations that might drop her by a point or two on more. objective scale.


Non-overly political. Either centrist or slightly left of centre, or keeping her mouth shut about politics at all.

Has nothing against soft drugs and alcohol.

Higher education.

Sharing at least SOME interests with me.

Not falling for the consumerism of modern era.

Older than 21 since below that people are mentally stil kids, and kids are annoyingly dumb. Not much older than me (27) but I can't think where to place hard limit

Biological Female

White, Asian, preferably Asian but only because i am.

She has to be as physically attractive as me, which may be common i guess.

She should like Art, Anime, Video Games all that generic shit but if she only likes post modern Art i will fucking blow my brains out.

Honestly if we understand each other who cares?

Don't really care if she is slight chubby because i will make her exercise.

Honestly i don't think my minimum is even that hard to achieve for a decent anime degenerate but i would prefer not to date Chinese and Indians and that wiped out a lot of my opportunities.

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>i would prefer not to date Chinese and Indians
White Briton here, Indian girls have a bad rep but in my experience they're generally really kind, most of them were really attractive, want to start a family, and make really good food.
I just wish I could find a white girl like that.

IDK how it is with Chinese girls though.

Cute face


lol South Indians are atleast in my opinion one of the most mild people out there. Northern ones are arrogant cunts though. I just don't likedating Chinese and Indians because there are too many of them. Its stupid I know. They do make decent friends though.

I imagine being a Briton you have some heartaches dealing with modern woman in your country.

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Rate how likely I'm going to die alone.

>18-35 (I'm 27)
>No kids
>Wants kids
>Doesn't do drugs
>Isn't a drunk
>Has some goal or interests in life
>Has a job
>Is attracted to me (hahahaha...)
>Am attracted to her

>Ioves me
ExtremeIy high standards, I know

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