Hot off the presses...

Hot off the presses. Brand new study shows that the majority of men have no sexual partners while a few men have many sexual partners. Men are having less sex than 20 years ago while women are having the same amount of sex. What this means is that 20% of men are fucking most women and that women are sharing the same men. There is no question that this is a fact now.

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>tfw born too early for robot waifus

Can you fucking read the graph?
This only applies in the 18-24 demographic, all other groups have similar distributions of partners over the last year.
In that group:
>35% of women had 2+ partners last year
>roughly 20% of men had 2+ partners last year
The rest of women and men are either not having sex, or had one partner last year (I'd imagine it's a SO).

That 20% of men is fucking 35% of women at most, not most women. The rest of men and women are in a relationship, or not fucking anybody.

yeah bro just wait until you're 30 so you can Chad's leftovers

Or find a girlfriend and fuck her only, like probably most average men do.
Sure - in your early 20s, if you're below average, you're out of luck. Sucks.

I'd like to see the number of men not having any sex too.

Find it.
The number of virgins in the US in the same age group is 14% for women and 17% for men.
Then it evens out in the following age group.

So yeah - men in their early 20s are at their worst in the dating market. Women their age are at their peak, they're not - neither physically, or socially, or economically. So they'll fuck less.
But it's not something that drastic.

That's intresting. The narrative went from "most men are having sex and even loser ugly men can make it" to "yeah, most men aren't having sex, sucks man, just wait until you're 35 to pick up STD ridden roastie single mother ex-party girl sluts who need someone to pay for their lifestyle and kids." Let's you know how invested people are in keeping the lie going.

ok, shut your face fembot
first of all you will receive
ok, ekhm, ekhm...
older males tend to have more resources (more attractive) and tend to date women closer their age, who are more often resources orientated also older folks were brought up time in different times. most of very young girls dont give a fuck about bfs income until they ar elike 23-25. they just swipe the hottest guys on tinder and they will date him unless he is turbobroken, which is very unlikely
>rest of men and women are in a relationship
yeah i bet. you have no data to support this
you fucking roasties are reverting us to primeval ages
have fun being single mother with tyrones bastard
conservative women always win

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This, it sucks, end women

If you have nothing to offer, you don't look nice, you have a shit personality, no social status, no money, no anything, then okay - no pretty 20 year old girl who has every man she could want will want to suck your cock.
Most men can and will find a girlfriend at any age.

Can't expect a bunch of manipulative asshole normies trying to make themselves feel better here to actually be honest can you?

forgot to add:
"they just swipe the hottest guys on tinder and they will date him unless he is turbobroken, which is very unlikely or resort to sugar daddies"

Those numbers aren't very reliable though. Men say their number is higher and women say their number is lower.
>So yeah - men in their early 20s are at their worst in the dating market. Women their age are at their peak, they're not - neither physically, or socially, or economically. So they'll fuck less.
It didn't use to be this bad though. Ultimately we have to deal with it but it still sucks for men who aren't Chad.

And you have? What's expected of you

Daily reminder that women lowball their number of sexual partners. Because they don't want to be seen as "easy" or as a "slut".
So it's probably not 35% of all women, but rather 40%-60%.

It's literally always been like this though

Women don't see a decline in sex partners over age so men are really just getting the short stick. Seriously, why is this okay?

Hopefully all these sluts will end up lonely when they're older and society will learn a lesson

Things are only gonna get worse with more sexual liberation, when it reaches its peak most men won't get any sex without paying.
you obviously don't know how to read graphs

Keep dreaming brah, women are using us all and it will end happily for them

Nope, nothing will change. Men will still wife up older used up sluts because they don't have a choice.
Things will only change when advanced robot waifus become a thing in 150 years. This generation of men is cucked.

no it was not faggot

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>most of very young girls dont give a fuck about bfs income until they ar elike 23-25
It's not about income. Even a 18 year old girl will like the fact that her bf lives alone, and will pick a 23 year old who lives on his own over a 18 year old who lives with his parents (for example). Same for a car.
And older guys tend to be hotter, guys at 18 look like children. I didn't like teenagers even when I was a teenager myself.

>yeah i bet. you have no data to support this
I don't.
I just know that 65% of men and 80% of women had 0 or 1 partner.
I suppose some of them were in a relationship and fucked each other.
I suppose some of them got fucked by some of the people who had 2+ partners over the last year (I think that's the case for men more than for women, since having casual sex as a woman is easy and if you want to have it you probably can have more than 1 casual partner a year).
I suppose some of them didn't fuck at all.

>Things will only change when advanced robot waifus become a thing in 150 years
You do know were only 10 years away from robots with artificial wombs right? Less than 15 to have full conversations with robots as well. Only 25 years away until they have actual lab-grown skin.

It's different in Japan.

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>feminsism is more mainstream than ever
>women have more freedom to choose who is worthy of their bodies

It doesn't require incel hate stats to know misogynists can't find a sexual partner.

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Men are having just as much sex but its not with women

>guys at 18 look like children.
>I didn't like teenagers even when I was a teenager myse-

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Women do, men don't - the percentage of men with 2+ sexual partner increases over tiem.
Men: 15ish, Women:15ish
Men: 20ish, Women: 10ish
Men: 18ish. Women: 7ish
Men: 10ish. Women: 5ish.

What's not okay?

There really isn't any point of getting a girlfriend anymore. Women aren't worth getting with after they rode the cock carousel. You either get one while your both young and stick together very long term or don't even bother. Let them die without a family they certainly haven't earned one.

>statistics are reliable till they prove my point, they're not reliable when they disprove my point.

>It didn't use to be this bad though.
It was always like this.
Back when women didn't have a choice but get married at 18 and have a man pay for her, sure - they'd marry any other chump who made some money. After they could get a job and provide for themselves, why bother?

Pretty girls always married Chad, and Chad was always older than her. My granny was a model, she was stunning. My grandpa was rich and 8 years her senior. Got married when she was 18, pregnant at 19, had 4 kids before being 25.

Are you insane?
An artificial womb that can carry a child from inception to birth is several decades away. Same for AI that can pass as human.
The mechanics for a robot to move as human would be extremely expensive too.
Cucks will still marry them. There's nothing betas can do really.

Are you retarded? The men missing out early is not at all as proportionate as the decline in sexual partners over time.
>Women who thought their responses might be read said they had had an average of 2.6 sexual partners, compared with 3.4 partners for those who thought their answers were anonymous. But those who thought they would be caught out by the polygraph reported an average of 4.4 partners.
It's not about pretty girls getting Chad, it's about the average men getting less and less sex. By all age groups. The future is bleak for betas.

>There's nothing betas can do really.

We don't live in pussy communism, you're not entitled to getting a certain amount of state provided pussy before you turn 25.
Either be good enough to get fucked, or don't.
Dating market isn't supposed to be fair, if you aren't good enough I'm sorry for you but no amount of online whining will make women want to suck your dick.
Spend your time improving yourself, getting to know people and being the best person you can instead of screeching autistically at women who fuck whoever they want, and maybe they'll want to fuck you.

It's supposed to be fair towards women though? Why do you act like this isn't a big deal?

I don't think it is supposed to be fair towards anyone. It is supposed to be what it is.

if what it is changed why can't we change it again

Ugh. Just change yourself, you gross fucking virgin.

Bullshit, you think it should absolutely be fair to women. 100% chance this asshole has complained on the behalf of women before.

Kill yourself manipulative easy mode whore

This won't really amount to anything. We will only be free of women when we achieve technology that can replace them.
The relationship between women and men is one of conflict. Women will always do their best to prevent most men from reproducing. Sexual liberation is great to show that.

Then why should women get rights if they hate men?

Because it would require modifying the whole society to a place that most women don't deem acceptable anymore, and neither do most men.
The reason why the dating market used to be that almost every man could find a woman was that women needed to get married because they were financially dependent on men.
No we aren't necessarily dependent on anybody.
The reason why women didn't fuck around was because there were huge societal forces against promiscuity based on many things I can't be bothered to write about, but with feminism, birth control, decrease of importance of religion and such it doesn't matter anymore.
So. Women don't need to marry, they can fuck around, they'll fuck whoever they want, and they won't fuck someone they don't find attractive.

>you're not entitled to getting a certain amount of state provided pussy
>stop screeching autistically at women who fuck whoever they want
How about we:
- Introduce the murder charge for abortion
- Cut all welfare benefits for single mothers
- Make adultery, infidelity and fornication illegal
- make the families of women financially responsible for their daughters behaviour
- restrict access to sex ed. and dating services
That sounds fair to me.

No. I don't even see how I could argue for that.

Maybe it's kind of oppressive of men to let women work if they refuse to date lesser men

Yeah yeah pretend you never thought women were oppressed. Just. Don't. Stop. Lying.

Society didn't know (or maybe forgot) how bad things would get for men and the nuclear family. Women are having their peak though.

Women are still financially dependent on men. They've just changed the means by which women obtain that money from marriage to taxation.

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It's kind of oppressive to think that men should be the ones to decide whether women are allowed to work or not, or to decide who they're allowed to date or not.

I don't think women are oppressed in the west. I encountered sexism in specific situations, but as a whole I don't think there's any systemic sexism and never thought that.
Especially in the dating market, which is the topic we're discussing about.

>robots with artificial wombs
Robots won't need artificial wombs. It's much more efficient to grow babies in baby farms instead of each robot having a womb.

>if you don't have 2+ sexual partners, that means you have 0
>pussy gaymers in finland represent the world
the "fact" is that eastern europeans, black people, mexicans, and asians haven't become losers, and those guys still have plenty of sex to keep the world spinning. keep playing fortnite and forget about the presses

I agree, but you understood what I meant in my post, I suppose.

I agree on some points (cutting welfare benefits), some already are in place (families are already financially responsible for their minor children behaviour). You're limiting the freedom of a large group of people (men and women) just because you aren't getting laid, and making the society worse as a whole.

>Brand new study shows that the majority of men have no sexual partners while a few men have many sexual partners.
Lol that's not what it fucking says.
Your data shows that fewer people have 2+ partners in a single year. No shit. Most people are in committed relationships and thus have 1 sexual partner per year.

>preventing a big number of men from reproducing
>lol it's just about getting laid

>Most people are in committed relationships and thus have 1 sexual partner per year.

Imagine thinking this for one second.

It's true. The vast majority of people get married at some point in their lives. If they're currently single, they probably aren't having sex.
Not everyone is into casual sex.

You just dodged the point about women working being oppressive to men

by your logic, we should get all violent criminals out of prison and give them a good salary. that's too many people we are preventing from being part of society. they are victims, whatever they did doesn't matter.

Uhh that's absolutely what it fucking says brainlet

Very few people end up never getting married or not reproducing.
If you're not good enough to reproduce, you shouldn't. You're not entitled to reproduction.
If you're not good enough by modern standards, you shouldn't.

How are they oppressing them? By not having sex with them? Kek.

How could you extrapolate that, makes no sense

Well I guess yeah. Men have to work harder than women for the same rewards. Oppressed.

>work harder
lol. is this another way of saying that you wish you were a woman?

Just wanna make sure you understand that the graph you posted shows that 65% of women (most women) have fewer than 2 sex partners per year.

Oppression implies some kind of systematic effort that makes it harder or impossible for a certain category to achieve things.
You're not oppressed, you're just ugly.

Human civilization only flourished with monogamy and most men have a stake at society, their own families. Why do you think there has never been a matriarchal civilization? The female biology is inherently incompatible with civilization.
Disfranchised men will lash out, if you're lucky we will just replace women with better alternatives. Oh, and we won't be paying taxes to give women free stuff anymore though.

What like autogynephilia? No, do wish my life was as easy as women's, but really I just think it should be equal opportunity yknow.

How? It's not like " just ugly" if effecting girls on nearly the same level if at all. It's kind of a gender issue, like homelessness.

Very few men are incapable of finding a partner and build their own family. Most men have a girlfriend, most men manage to have a family, most men are good enough to do that even when their women don't have any financial incentive to settle with them.
Incels aren't a large movement.

Except the rate for men and women is different, and the only way that can be is if dozens of women are fucking the same men.

It's getting larger and larger, just look at the graph. The more sexually liberated we get the more incels we will have. Ultimately I think there won't be a large scale war against hypergamy or anything like that. We will just have to wait for replacements for women.

>flourished with monogamy
there has never been a time when people didn't largely seek out and have affairs with multiple partners though. i'd argue we flourished FAR more because we are flexible with sexuality.

>disenfranchised men will lash out
you can get into a chicken and egg debate, but modern men are playing minecraft and watching cartoons. they don't care about sex. how often do you think these guys meet single girls?

you fundamentally think the function of a woman is easier in a relationship. femininity appeals to your character more, right? there's a process to getting the right hormones in your system and becoming a woman over time.

Because men are desperate to fuck, women aren't - just biologically, they have lower libidos in general.
Even an ugly girl can find a man desperate enough to fuck her if no one knows about it, but a girl if she's looking for casual sex will go to an attractive guy who turns her on, and if she's looking for a relationship will go for a guy who has something to offer (personality, intelligence, status, looks, whatever).
If you fail at both, you'll end up alone.

Almost any girl can find a quick fuck, most girls and most men can find a SO. Just some guys can find a quick fuck.

If that's really your stance on incels, that we don't matter to anyone, can you leave us alone now?

this. when incels realize that they can just become gay, life will be better.

That 30% of people aren't necessarily incels, they probably have a girlfriend or fucked a girl here and there.

I don't know why you're trying to say I want to be a woman because I want to have an easy time with the opposite sex.

>born just right at the right time to have the internet and a harem of girls

fuck you incels I got two strung with me and they are ok with a third if I can find her. God it's a great time to be desirable.

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Nice, so we just have to be good boys and deal with it and maybe one day we get to marry a girl who's done fucking around. why was I ever concerned?

>there has never been a time when people didn't largely seek out and have affairs with multiple partners though. i'd argue we flourished FAR more because we are flexible with sexuality.
No, the even if cheating happened. The nuclear family was still the pillar of society.
>you can get into a chicken and egg debate, but modern men are playing minecraft and watching cartoons. they don't care about sex. how often do you think these guys meet single girls?
This is bullshit, just the rise of something like incels show that men aren't happy with the current state of affairs.
It will only get worse.

15 years ago, 50% of men had 2+ partners a year and 35% of women did.
Now, 20% of men have 2+ partners a year and 35% of men did.
Difference is always 15%.
It's fine when women have to sit around and wait till men are done fucking every random slut, but it's not fine when men have to do the same? Kek.

>just the rise of something like incels show that men aren't happy with the current state of affairs.
It's the rise of clickbait data is what it is.

>men aren't happy
then take a shower and go meet single girls, "man"
or is Jow Forums more important?
do you value nuclear family structures? how close are you with your parents? do they respect your lifestyle?

>Difference is always 15%.
Unbelievably brainlet conclusion.

False. Rome and Greece had public orgies and polygamous marriage and they had the grandest civilizations of all time while promoting non-monogamous relationships. In fact, 40% of men in Rome were sexless plebs who could only hope to pay a prostitute while Chads had women lining up for him even willing to pay him for sex and rich men had dozens of wives and slave women for him. Even slave men if he was gay. Monogamous marriage only come about because of capitalism. It's an anamoly to human life. Nature intends for Chad to have a harem and for ugly loser social outcasts to be fodder for Chads protection or to die alone.

Women are happier with promiscuous men.

What woman ever had to sit around to 30 to get married? Do you even hear yourself

even with monogamy, Chad was the only one allowed to marry. Charlie went to war or the mines.

No, we aren't. No one but mentally ill women want to date a manwhore who cheats on her.

Yes, the new generation of men have to be punished because of the old generation of men. Just like how white men need to be punished for slavery, even though they weren't even alive.

>The average age of women entering into their first marriage was 31.4 years and 33.7 years for men.

Finnish ones, apparently.

It's not cheating if you join in :3

The romans of latter day rome complained that rome ruled the world but women ruled rome

Probably why they fell. Not too late to turn back for us though

Yes you are lol
Just because it makes you uncomfortable it doesn't mean it's not true

Monogamy predates capitalism you cunt, capitalism is what wants sexual liberating and women in the workforce because it devalues work and makes us all worth less.