Do girls have souls?

Do girls have souls?

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there's empty space between her eyes

that's so strange

Dunno, but I enjoy checking vigorously within any girl that allows me to.
For that matter, can YOU prove you have one? See, I can't either.

No. But you can still fuck them if you want, user.

They have soul when they are young, and they lose if it when they take their first cock

There's no evidence to support that claim.
Have you ever witnessed a w*man act outside of her immediate interest? Have you ever seen a w*mane express a genuine selfless interest in the world around her?

Who cares. They are designed to be fucked, not to write poetry and philosophy.

have you ever witnessed a w*man

That's religious bullshit. Nobody has a soul. Stop believing in fictional nonsense.

hope you are the only person to have a soul to epicly own you

>That's religious bullshit. Nobody has a soul. Stop believing in fictional nonsense.

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Owning a soul = epic
Girls = cooties
Cooties = no epic
Girls = no epic

Where is the soul? For all of human history nobody can locate the soul, describe it, or anything. Stop believing in some mythical sky Dad that somehow loves everyone, but allows for babies to get raped.

no, they just do whatever feels right/good in that particular moment, there is no thought.

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Not an argument, peasant

user, being a reductionist faggot does not make you cool. No girl is ever going to like you for being grumpy and closed-minded about simple concepts.

>speaking in facts
>wanting to be cool
I don't give two shits how people see me. I live my life the way I want to. Some whores don't like it, not my problem.

>user DESTROYS silly, dumb user with FACTS and LOGIC
Based, redpilled even!

>Don't say those ebil things or you won't get puss puss!
The height of being out of arguments.

"ur a virgin lololol u wont get my hole HAHA"
Peak argumentation.

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Thanks for posting in the thread and projecting about "sky dad". So glad you came in here and proclaimed how much you don't give a shit.

Ah yes the atheist reveals himself

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No, all of them pretend to have souls but don't really. None of them know what true feelings are like.

the asian ones don't