Suicide is selfish

>Suicide is selfish
>Think of others
Why do normies always try to guilt people into not committing suicide?

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Because they like to guilt people into everything. It's just their modus operandi and they apply it to suicide without a second thought. I don't think there's some grand conspiracy behind it. People are just collectivist assholes a lot of the time.

Suicide is wrong, people will get hurt and have to go out of their way to deal with your dead ass

suicide is selfish. they all go out in a deliberate way and leave notes and shit. they want people to know.

a true selfless suicide would be an 'accident', and maybe even have life insurance to leave behind to true loved ones.

because they dun dunm

>maybe even have life insurance to leave behind to true loved ones
Yeah let's scam those insurance company to get money for my family. Sure gonna work out.

Because you're so shit that you'll probably fuck it up and then they need to deal with the messy aftermath of your shitty attempt at suicide

don't see why it wouldn't work out when done properly. the world revolves around money, might as well do the right thing for your family

Because you don't actually wanna kill yourself and you're just attention whoring. You've been making theses same fucking threads for years you hideous aspie.

Knew a lad that killed himself and my friend called him selfish, said we all struggle
I said how can you compare lives when you have a wife and 3 kids that love you, whenever you're down you think of them and you're happy. You have a shit day then go back to a happy loving home. We all don't live the exact same lives

How can you call someone like this a friend. Get this piece of shit out of your life.

They are truly unable to comprehend the suicidal mindset. They have no way to relate to it.

suicide is great, fuck normalfags

suicide = one less taxpayer

can confirm, I've killed myself numerous times and there's no experience that compares

>subhuman neets
>paying taxes

no one is a neet for life
they will all have to start wagecucking at some point

No one understands what it's like to have nothing
Not just possessions or people but no ambition

>suicide is selfish
Are you retarted?

>suicide is selfish
Unless you have a terminal illness or for some miraculous reason you had kids then it would be your own surviving parent(s) faults for raising you into such an ineffectual man unable to deal with the hardships of life or just reproducing in the first place if they were poor and not intelligent (not able to understand how to raise a man)

Ever see that clip from the show American Horror Story where that young dude talking to the therapist thinks that for him to murder people, especially the ones he likes, is almost like a blessing or an act of mercy, so to speak? I kind of think that could apply to telling people to kill themselves, but the person attempting could fuck up and end up only hurting themselves instead.