When did you realize that the more so᠌y in your diet, the smaller the penis?
Big penis means big vaginas.
What about for women? Does onions effect them at all?
Potential slide thread, but I'll bite. 6" with a shit ton of girth. Avoid onions, don't eat yogurt, hit your body weight at least in grams of protein a day, and take D, E, zinc+copper.
yeah lets trust congo niggers in anything medical. they definitely have 7.1 avarage
>avoid onions
I fucking hate the new filter, avoid estro-beans, EAT ONIONS
according to this pc, i got the biggest white dick, im pretty ok with this
I don't get it. I see these charts everywhere, yet every time I measure my dick, it's 7". Do guys around me actually have less? Maybe I'm measuring it wrong?
how are Asian females compared to nonso᠌y eating women?
>tfw 6"
I'm bigger than Congo and eat some onions, also eat loads of microprotein. I feel like I'm small, don't know how you guys cope
Enjoy your 400+ posts. One day we'll get a moderator who actually deletes threads that need to be deleted.
>tfw 7.5" and USA
tfw 7inches
why ?
is onions ok again?
apparently no... the mods are still s-o-y-bent
The word filters are the mod's way of saying everyone thinks you guys are the unfunny cancer of Jow Forums.
Just putting that out there, because you're obviously not smart enough to get it.
Bullshit 5.2 is Australian average. I'm a pissy little faggot nu-male and mine's 5.7
>Global Average
>Both the USA, China and the rest of Asia are below it