Make a post about black bots uplifting each other

>make a post about black bots uplifting each other
>a bunch of nationalist whites come and shitpost the thread to death with awful, forced ebonics
Are there any nigga equivalents of this site?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You were saying, partner?

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There is only suffering no matter how far you search.

>a bunch of nationalist whites come and shitpost the thread to death
Now this is epic!

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Here's a little Jow Forums etiquette my fellow blackbot
1. Blacks are the most hated, disliked and despised people on this site
2. Never self identify. Unless you make a thread about race or those dating stat threads. You'll only be like those femobts, trannies if you do
3. Black girls might be tolerated on some boards
4. Half of the posters are ironically racists the other half are actually KKK
that's the 4-4-4 on these crazy cats

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As a 2d loving nigga, how do I cope with this?

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For all intents and purposes, we are all bots are grey.

I'd also be harassed if i went around saying i'm Brazilian (even though niggers and heavily mixed people are also despised on Brazilian imageboards).

You might even be a decent black fella, but niggers shit everywhere they go. You carry the stigma of your people. Just like most kikes are not very well liked.

Ignore it I guess
It hasn't bothered me that a lot of robots or posters here in general relate to me without knowing Im black
"like really nigga? We have a lot in common but just because of that idea you have inside your brain shits different now"
I try to be among those with less wisdom to remind myself I don't know everything there is to know

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>move to white man's country just to later complain about it
>post on white man's website just to later complain about it

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Sadly there isnt. Every blackcel place has been taken over by larping angsty white teens. Even if we made our own eventually they would find it and shit it up.

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i like how no one else, asians, hispanics or indians need to mention their races on this white majority website but blacks always feel a need to tell everyone that theyre black and then whine about how there are people that are mean to them on an anonymous website
truly 100000 iq
anyway, you can make your subreddit and move there if you want a safespace. You can simply ban all the "white nazis" that come there. Good luck

f169bbs is close too

I just wanted to have e a place like thecoli, but they shut off registration.

>Can you hep a nigga out
>We finna chillin and sheet
>Wypipo frontin'

If they wanted a "blackcel place" they would've made it long time ago. They make threads here because they want to be noticed by whites. Fucking pathetic

a wild NPC, fascinating

>Still believing this is a "white" man's country or website"

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Get out of my continent nigger, im tired of your kind

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Make me, NPC

this is pretty spot on, blacks are as bad as the homos and roasties when it comes to attention whoring

>oh noooo nazis called me a nigger on Jow Forums

Pic related belongs to the negroid peoples.

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Nigganon here...

Eurasians have more genetic and cultural similarities and history. For over 4,000 Europeans and Asians have interacted, and the Far East and the Far West developed advanced and civilized cultures. As a result, Honkies and Chonkies can manage to have mutual respect.

But there is no Far South equivalent to the civilizations of the West and East. There just ain't.
I wish Egypt counted, and I do think they were mulattos, who would definitely be considered niggers in the antebellum and Jim Crow South. But because they're Egyptian suddenly whites want to reverse the 1 drop rule and claim them.

I really love history, yet I can't help but realize.

Life is fucking hard on people of all races. Asians and Whites realized this sooner than other races and so built modern civilization. But I look at my people and all I can think is, damn. We wasted a fuck ton of time, effort, and money, even WITH everything that we have access to today.

If we were like any other race we would prioritize Industrialism, collectivism, multi-generational financial networks, efficiency, racial cohesiveness, and education.

Maybe it's time we stop whining and bitching about being victims and learn how to validate ourselves instead of seeking validation from whites and asians.

So what, they don't like us. Bro, I know this is hard, but they are right to dislike us. We are a very different kind of human being.

And trying to like honkey music or chonkey cartoons only makes us look like bigger self-loathing 'groids.

It's not all bad, and I know a lot of good white and black people I am friends with, but we tend to be whiny about shit instead, and caught up in the feels of our past, then trying to work hard each day to build a better tomorrow.

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Getting called nigger every moment and getting shat on in random threads more than anyone else make should question if there are any other blackbots, that's literally all I want a reminder because I sure know these other robots don't like me. Plus how comes no one ever says this shit in pajeet general threads or those (certain country folks) only threads?

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Fucking shitty downloaded autocorrect.

If there werent any liberal whites to protect you id skin you alive you filthy nigger
Go back to africa negro parasite

Lmao exactly what I thought you won't do shit, pussy ass npc

Why is it wrong to enjoy some things created by asians/whites while improving my own race?

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Just don't mention your skin color on here man, it only brings out the shitposters that scream "jews" or "nigger". It's gotten to the point where I'll tell someone I'm black within the first few messages on discord, I don't want to waste time on someone so immature and retarded.

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You dont personally own this site. Stop trying to steal other peoples property, nigger

Unironic racist reporting in. Never self identify nigger

Literally all those groups mention their race. Did you forget about whites? All you do is talk about being white because you are a talentless, unremarkable, friendless, worthless loser piece of shit and all you have left to cling to is illusion that being white changes anything about that.

Fuck you pigskin.

Reminder fellow blackbots pic related are the lames you're responding to.

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You should instead befriend some of them for months and then when they really like you, reveal that you're black. That will literally SHATTER their worldview and delusions. Im not kidding, these guys have an actual mental breakdown when they meet a nonwhite person who doesnt fit their delusions (read:every nonwhite person they meet). If they ask just lie about it.

>suburban pro black kids

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Why is identifying with your own kind suddenly a problem if blacks do it? The reason really shouldn't matter.

These people pretty much disprove the genetics theories on behaviour. If you talked to these kids without knowing they're black, you wouldn't even be able tell they're not white. They're like a fish out of water around other black people.

Aside from the racemixing, what's actually wrong with this?

its ingenuine a lot of the time and they only do it for the sake of feeling a sense of belonging to a group after realizing that white people will never truly accept them

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>These people pretty much disprove the genetics theories on behaviour. If you talked to these kids without knowing they're black, you wouldn't even be able tell they're not white.

Pretty much, amusing they had good parents. It as if how your raised and the amount of money your parent have has large impact on who you become.

I can do whatever the fuck i want you fucking cave dwelling monkey.

you realize like 12% of the people that browse this website are white, right?

>1. Blacks are the most hated, disliked and despised people on this site
I thought it was the jews?

>implying white people don't constantly fucking talk about race on this site

American black people are the literal most subjugated group by the jews

>i like how no one else, asians, hispanics or indians need to mention their races
Pretending to be retarded or just new?

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>move to white man's country just to later complain about it
Um, you fucking BOUGHT us and took us here, faggot. What do you mean "move to" like we had a choice?

no, that was your ancestors.

They didn't force your ancestors to take them.



You guys legitimately have to try harder to insult white people, not with the shitty "can't cook" or "cumskin" "sissy" lame ass toddler tier shit. Just please, please insult white people in a way that actually hurts their feelings and they will fuck off out of your threads. At this point it's a shit test.

There actually used to be good black threads, before Jow Forums took over the site. Now nobody can talk about anything because they need to "monitor" the views of every board and thread to make sure there is nothing "Anti-Right".

The first slave ships were Jewish and so were 78% of slave owners at the height of slavery, you retarded nigger

Isn't this site owned by an Asian guy now?

Why do whites anons have to be insulted in the first place?
>do I make a thread where I can be happy or racebait
All will choose racebait

Your ancestors sold you to Jews, not whites

Just tell them "white genocide" isn't real and that they need to take full credit for all the fucked up stuff their ancestors did just like their achievements.

Then why do you whitefags take credit for it?

Can we talk about how much asians hate us desu, I've had only a few conversations that didn't end in someone asian girl being unreasonably racist

Every square inch of the Western hemisphere is the rightful clay of White Americans.

Alt-righters are basically the niggers of Jow Forums. Everyone hates them and thinks they're stupid and annoying, but there's nothing we can do.

Who gives a fuck about asians?

i had a bunch of asian friends in high school. i went over their houses all the time. their parents didnt seem to hate me and would drive me home sometimes. this is anecdotal but I'm just saying

>and so were 78% of slave owners at the height of slavery
[citation needed]

That doesn't apply, because almost everybody had or sold slaves in the past, you need to use actual facts that only apply to white people.

If you can't, then you just can't ... but you have to try harder

The "alt-righter"s and "natsoc"s are all 2016 newfag normalniggers

No white person takes credit for the slave trade unless they are a self hating faggot or misinformed from Jewish indoctrination. You still need to go back to Africa though you worthless nigger

Cumskins logic 101.
>its da joos

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Still no citation on 78% of slave owners being kikes

>niggers asking for reparations yet again


>swine namefag

Okay, you know what? Let's mix things up. Blackbots, what races do you hate that aren't white people?

I'll start, I don't like Mexicans. Out of every race I have ever encountered, they are the most unpleasant group of people I have ever met.

>storm faggot enters thread
I don't hate any race

>be nigger
>needs coddling or else its oppression


>He's a namefag.
Jesus Christ.

The fact that they sold them doesnt mean you didnt buy them. If you go to a store and buy something, the seller didnt force you to buy it, you bought it by your own choice. Its called personal responsibility for your actions, something you should be aware of as a right winger.

>be swine
>namefag on Jow Forums

>da joos
Nevermind guys the schizophrenics have arrived

You hate us, porque?

>niggers pulling this "responsibility" card but wont take responsibility for nigger behavior


Let's just be honest here.
>Asian thread.
>Gets bombarded with white guys going "Muh BWC! You mad chinkboy?!"
>Mexican thread.
>Soon warps into an average Black vs. White thread somehow.
>Indian thread.
>Dies after 10-20 posts.
>Jewish thread.

pigskin swine

one mistake of bringing niggers over 400 hundred years ago and you still dont hear the end of it from niggers.
nevermind that niggers now are willingly coming over in droves. niggers should be a lot nicer to White people desu.

The eye threads says otherwise

>white thread
>warps into news and antifa arguing with neo nazis

So do you guys have bbcs or is it true that the big spread of the data also goes small?

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>say nigger
>niggers still mad


I never had a good experience with you guys. And it'd not just something surface level like "Oh, Mexicans are racist too!", all of you just act unpleasant and confrontational and loud, and then there is that annoying language barrier with some of you.

>swine, why do you eat your kind

niggers are eating niggers in nigger africa

Same one of my good friends is asian, but as I get older I'm noticing they are hating me a bit more

Don''t you

Allow me to apologize on behalf of the Jow Forums community. I propose a toast lads, here here, to all black bots! Fuck white people, and fuck Trump am I right?

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>That one namefag who thinks Jews control whites but that whites are the REAL master race

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when I try to talk to blacks they
>smack lips and looks around in confusion
>smiles at you but you know he didn't understand a single thing
>walks around the store aimlessly
I have better conversations with NPCs
blacks are unironically creepy

It's hypothesized that certain groups of humans have some level of pig dna in them

>be nigger
>eat other niggers
>walk into a nigger police station and tell them youre tired of niggers

Storm Druid, by my Nazi husbando! And if you're a girl, let me impregnate so we can have mulatto babies where you'll act tsunadere and claim you claim you hate them, but soon will risk your life for them!

The truth is that the white "robot" is actually a normie in disguise who only comes to drag others into vitriol.

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>jews control Whites

lmao jews are just rent collectors that love creating strife to profit from. niggers are their favorite instrument to accomplish that. note how niggers are forbidden to live in israel

niggers should be NICE to White people.