I wish I had thick thighs and a big butt without working for it. I hate being a stick with no curves...

I wish I had thick thighs and a big butt without working for it. I hate being a stick with no curves. I look like I have a body of a 13 year old boy. I keep comparing my body to this gigastacies and I get so depressed because I will never be able to amount perfection. She can just walk into class strutting her hips and butt along with her beautiful, Harmonious face like she is the queen of the universe. Fml!!! Argghhhhhhhh

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what are you some 5/10 korean that just got unlucky

Then work out to get better ass than her

im white
I get tired after walking a couple steps to the kitchen

How do you know that she doesn't work hard to make her ass look good? While having a naturally chubby butt does work in her favour, anyone with taste can agree that the best butts have both effort AND genetics working in their favour.

Seriously though, if you want to change something, you have to at least try. I've been a skinny fuck for nearly my whole life, but I've been consistently lifting weights and I'm starting to see results. I'm a guy and I think I have a better ass than a lot of women at this point, so I think you'd be able to pull it off too.

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>i wish...
Another bites the dust

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That's because you don't eat enough.. chances are that if you would eat correctly you would have curves like every woman

Unfortunate desu

What's worse is all the thicc girls that delude themselves into thinking sticc is attractive and then ruining their bodies.

user if there's one thing that the porn boards have taught me, it's that every body type gets someone off. Play to your niche.

be my gf pls
original coment

Just eat lol

I love skinny girls. Kik?

fucking baitposting cunts I swear to god there is no way you're actually a girl

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maybe they are maybe they arent whats the harm in pretending and following along

>larping as a girl
>associating big butts and thighs with this degeneracy

You fucked up now hombre

*inserts shells*

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Here's the autist brigade, right on schedule. Having fun playing pretend, are we?

Will you be my girlfriend?
Oh, right, that was unoriginal.

>Either tranny or femoid

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>weirdos detected

Post a picture of your bod, and we will tell you what you should do. You don't have to show your face.

Most of the time it boils down to "eat more". If you are a sticc as you say, you should look up a calorie counter and eat 500 calories over your daily limit every day. Do this until you fill out, then eat maintenance level calories.

That was so dumb it made me laugh

what's your discord, sticc qt?