Do women honestly, truly, care about height?

Do women honestly, truly, care about height?
It just seems like they only do online.
Do you care about how others perceive you?

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they don't tobehonest, they care more about personality, and stuff you both have in common.
least the ones that aren't shallow don't.

t. a good friend of mine is dating a manlet :-)

T-They have to care, right? Otherwise I've just been deluding myself all this time

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>only do online.
Why is online not real life, it is absolutely real life

I hope there's enough of those not shallow girls to go around.

No, they definitely care, just not nearly as much as they think.

Charming manlet here...

I've heard a handful of women say they hate short guys(in very brutal ways even more so in real life) and would never do anything with them and a week later try to get with me. It was almost like they were saying it to try to neg me so I'd be willing to date them? Idk

Though it's not like people who are in general so vain make ideal partners. In all honesty I don't blame them it has to do with genetics and nutrient absortion so I'm sure a lot of their attraction is basic biological level shit in the same way as symmetry and a nice chest are.

In my irl experience, not at all. I'm a complete fuckup in dating and I've had several girls taller than me who seemed interested. [I'm 5'9-10" for reference - pretty average]. It's just another thing people on here try to use as an excuse for things they can't explain.

It must be true because you said so on a Tanizian Paddleboarding enthusiasts forum

>anecdotes count as statistics

all women care about height, some of them are just taking what they can get before the hit the wall

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They do care.
Women do actually appraise a man's value based on the whole. The problem is they are quite likely to reject you based on physical appearances before ever bothering to see the rest of what makes you, and that problem is only getting worse. That's why when chad comes along she drops her pants only to get dumped after she got pumped. She assigned a high value to him based on appearance and jumped into it before realizing his actual value wasn't very high, and very often won't admit the mistake after.

they don't. If they did, I'd be drowning in pussy instead of depression. looks are the only thing that matter.

I'm 190cm / 6'3"

>These freakish giantesses settled for my average ass so that means short guys actually have no problem
You stoopid koont m8

>Do you care about how others perceive you?
Yes. You do too, more than you know.

No, I personally care about a good face
t. Crushing on a 5ft4 guy with a handsome face

1. Face
2. Height
3. Figure
4. Dick
5. Money
9999. Personality

going on date no.2 with a 22 y/o qt that is just shorter than me, and like me for who I am
t. 27 5"7

They care about it but dont have any real way to determine height, as they are shit at sizing things up. I knew a chick that claimed she would never date below 6 foot but had only ever dated guys that where 5'10 or shorter. It probably was due to her being like 5'3 though.

Woman here

My ranking of requirements:

Good hygiene
Decent face
Not obese
Full enough hair (no man bun)
No beard
Taller than 170cm
Decent clothes (no holes and clean)

I am single.
Maybe it's me.

exactly 170 cm did I make it?

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Barely, but yes.
Put this on your resume.

>tfw looks like I made it once again

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Some women really care about height, to the point they'll exclude you if you're too short, some don't care about height at all, and some care a bit.

t. clueless incel

You have low standards. I wonder what you look like.

Probably a land whale with overly high expectations without anything to give in return

>those expectations
>overly high
Pick one. They're low as fuck. Don't look or dress like shit and don't be a fucking goblin and you're in.

The duality of man

its now original

I wouldn't doubt that they do. Being tall is definitely a plus but if you are 5'8 but are one of attractive/rich/athletic you can get some hot girls.I remember a ton of good looking dudes who were short in highschool and they never had problem with women. Whenever you ask this question ask yourself would you date a girl who is taller than you if you wanted to feel manly and not intimidated. If you're looking for an explanation as to why you're alone height is more than likely not the reason, at least its not for me.

Eharmony got so many complaints from women who were matched with shorter men they stopped matching guys who were shorter than the women. Remember that this is the marriage minded site that focuses on compatibility and takes 14+ hours to make a profile on.

Take it from me, women on dating sites are EXTREMELY picky. Way more picky than they should be. Don't let what women do on Tinder/eharmony/POF/any other site make you feel a certain way, they aren't like that IRL.
>i'm 6'0
>met a fat chick (my self-esteem was low at the time and I needed a pick-me-up) from a website
>walking side by side to get money out so I can pay for my ticket
>no way am I paying for her though
>she keeps looking at me
>"what's up?"
>"hmm.. nothing I just thought you'd be taller"
I don't height fraud and am a legit 6'0 and she was a latina midget.
>tfw I started taking bigger strides and when she couldn't keep up I made fun of her little legs
She didn't say shit after that

That's kinda funny, but does anyone even know why Davidson and Grande broke the engagement?

And yeah, of course I care. That's what you incels will never learn and why you'll remain virgins forever.

Back to re*dit retard. Spread your pro women lies elsewhere

Women care about height as much as guys care about if a girl is a virgin or not.
Some people are shallow and pathetic.

Don't bullshit yourself. All women care about height. 10% of men care for virginity (in the west) at most

>the incel decries the truth for if he doesn't he will be faced with the realisation that the hate he feels for women is hatred for himself at not being able to interact with people and the sadness and loneliness he feels as a result of that short-coming

Caring about height is not the same as height being a deal breaker.

5' woman here. I only date above 6'1 because men under that look dumb and have short little legs and tiny shoulders usually. No vendetta against short guys though, my dad is 4'10 and he impregnated my 5'8 mother.

OMEGALUL look at this ugly Anglo cunt. Only desperate losers would fuck her.

If all other things are constant they'd pick the taller guy, but it's not hopeless or anything if you're average height or shorter. Granted some girls like that Josh Homme looking broad in your photo clearly give way more of a shit about it than others. Either way, I've never truly cared about my height. I can't change it anyways, so why be insecure.

>Do women honestly, truly, care about height?
Yes, it's literally the first thing they see and judge in men.

The problem is Chad is usually high value. It's just that he doesn't have to settle for her because the tables are turned. The myth that most good looking guys are shitty is just female lies, same way men see attractive women and think they are all bitches. It's because everybody pushes them into a romantic sphere in their delusion of getting with them, so every tiny slight is magnified. The myth is more true about women because their self-worth is contained within physical attractiveness, but it's true for both.

If you're somehow shorter than 5'3" I wouldn't hypothetically exclude someone, but it would take a hell of a personality to inspire attraction.

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I don't care as long as they're as tall or taller than me (1.60 cm) but being bellow 2 m is good too
It could be because I'm latina and this is manletland tho

I think height is to women as age is to man in many ways:

1. When you talk to your grandmother's friends do you even consider them potential sexual partners? It's not even something that you take into consideration. Women don't even look at short males as sexual partners in this same way.
2. If a man was to even consider a much older woman as a sexual partner, it wouldn't be something serious he would commit his life to. She's just a temporary partner to kill time. Women may date short males but they're not going to seriously expect that you're their soul mate
3. No guy lists his ideal woman as a 60-year old grandma just as no woman has an ideal picture of her husband as some manlet. Yes, property will inevitably settle but that doesn't mean they will be satisfied. And just as a man will feel out of place dating a much older woman, a woman will feel unnatural dating a smaller man.
4. Finding anecdotes of wealthy grandmother's dating younger, attractive guys does not prove anything except your own insecurity. No, fat single mother, you are not attractive and neither are you, manlet.

The fact that this passed for a coherent thought in your mind signals to me that the best thing you can hope to do with your life is become dog food.

I'm 5'6 and a virgin. It's simply because I am white, short, and only have a 5 inch dick. There's no other possible reason. Women want tall and dark big dicked men.

Shut up, manlet.


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you replied to most obvious bait on the planet.
user please stop being silly

197cm guy here (european so normal height) 6"4

its not that special and being a robot is being a robto

No woman says "I love this guy, he's short and handsome. Wow, he's so short!" Women will squeal with happiness about a tall guy though. They do the same with penis size. No woman is happy with a small dicked guy but they will sing songs of praise if he is big dicked. That's all you need to know. Women will literally get in a group and shit talk small dicked and short men but then will form a congregation to worship and celebrate a tall man.

a lot do but its not always a dealbreaker. sure there are girls that only go after height and disregard anything else but being tall is usually a plus rather than the only thing girls look at. that being said its definitely easier to attract girls if you are taller

Women care quite a bit about height desu it helps a lot. If you're a robot and taller than 6'2 its purely because of autism and you should kys. Personality also only matters as long as you aren't a huge piece of shit, if you are a mild asshole or better than that's all the personality you should need

yeah it def helps if it makes you stand out. i'm 193cm but asian so its a big help for me. also im 6'4" so im pressure youre youd be taller than that

Women only care about height because a lot of them are naturally pretty short (< 5'6'' or so), just like most men are naturally above that height. It's generally undesirable to deviate from physical norms. That's why guys are weirded out by girls that are extremely tall.

I only have experience with Mexican girls and they usually don't get tall so maybe my view is skewed, but in my experience, they don't care much. They don't want a guy to be shorter than them but you don't need to be 6'2". It's a status thing for women, like an 8 inch dick. They can't fit the whole thing inside but they just like saying their man has a huge penis.

Women are also bad at judging things like height and length. They think 5'10 is 6 ft and they think 6 inches is 8.

>That's why guys are weirded out by girls that are extremely tall.
Speak for yourself.

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>pretty accurate post
most woman just want a guy taller then them by a few inches- 4+ inches seems preferable among them
woman also want to be able to were heels and not be taller then the man

They don't really care, it's a matter of fitting in. They do "care" but only because other women tell them they should. That's how women are.

not him but in my experience most taller girls are gawky and broad. not all of them are models. i was always tall even as a kid and all the taller girls would crush on me despite me being an ugly fat fuck

Research shows that women prefer men that are taller than themselves but not excessively so. The reverse has also been shown to be true for males meaning on average males prefer women who are shorter than themselves.

Do women honestly care? Yes: They want a partner who is taller than themselves but beyond height doesn't benefit you when it comes to dating.

Here's a link to a pretty good article on the subject:

>meh hygiene, mostly not showering often because i never do anything to get dirty
>meh face, mostly the big nose
>nob obese, sort of skinny-fat, but look fit in clothes
>full hair, brown-blondish
>hobo beard and stache, like pubic hair for my face and neck
>173 cm, confirmed by my oculus rift when testing, no shoes included
>clothes have holes and i don't mind
>kissless hugless handholdness nevereventriedtogetadateless virgin
>my main is on Emeris.

pls marry me, vaginal human

You are fucking deluded if you believe otherwise. Its like saying "women don't care bout face" or "women don't care about money". Buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night. Sure , there can be exceptions, but in those cases there is something else that the manlet is compensating for. And that something is sure as hell not "personality".
That being said, people on here have misconception on what is considered manlet. For starters, most men are always taller than most women, even if they are manlets. Women are terrible judge of measurements since they are not human, so they can be fooled easily. They hear "OMG when his height starts with 6'" and they parrot it, and a 5'8" manlet in shoes can convince her he's 6 foot since she is a fucking womanlette.
Instead of getting angry at non-human behaviour, how about you stop trying to be a normalfaggot and set a goal and do something with your life ? How about that ?

lol look at this guy he's so mad!

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Fuck you're naive. Looks are most important by far. And by that I mean face

Yes, they care. No, it's virtually never a deal breaker. No one will ever be perfect. There will always be someone smarter, taller, more handsome, stronger, funnier. Women care about all of that stuff to different degrees.

You can always be more attractive to women. Don't worry about the shit you can't change. It's pointless to obsess over. Just try to improve the stuff you can, because that's literally all you can do.

>t. successful manlet

I am 5'5" but Indian and born and raised in the US. Here I am a 4/10 but I went to India and I was like a 9/10. Western people have too high standards.

I know a 6'4" girl who doesn't care about height. She is desperate for men. The ones that actually like her just use her as fetish fodder. She is prepared to be lonely for life.

I'm 5'4", have a 2.5 inch dick, and am Mexican. Kill me.

A huge amount to women aren't using the internet to set minimums on trivial things like height though.

There are three possible reasons:
>you're avoidant and you don't receive interest due to extreme isolation and your "bitch wall"
>you're fat and/or hideous (50+ lbs overweight or below 4/10)
>you're lying about your requirements


Why is that wrong? That list looks pretty accurate to me? Women care about "personality" far less than anyone thinks. "Personality" is a meme.

>Personality is not the ability to create/hold a conversation
>Personality is not an individuals intelligence
>Personality is not the ability to flirt/identify and be receptive to flirting
>Personality is not confidence
>Personality is not high social ability
Most of those things are what people think of and blanket when they say "personality" when in fact most of those are either something else entirely, or more of charisma. "Personality" isn't even really about a persons interests. A little bit, yeah, but the majority of a persons personality can be summed up in a couple things. Are they: Quiet/reclusive, Energetic/extroverted, Cringey/wierd, Chill/cool, Goofy/silly, or Nerdy/shut-in. 99% of people will fit one of those categories and that is a general way to determine and sum up the personality of a person. Girls will always prefer Energetic/extroverted, or Chill/cool. Usually because the energetic and extroverted guys are usually the athletic and fit guys who are great at parties and have a lot of friends with a big social life, and the Chill/cool guys are the "bad boys" or the popular guys. Usually come from wealth, and usually have model-esque qualities.

Most guys on this board will fit in either Goofy/silly, Quiet/reclusive, Cringey/weird, or Nerdy/shut-in. All of which are composed of the guys who are not ideal sexual or romantic partners or even people you'd want to be seen with/hang out with. They are the categories that make the best orbiters and "guy friends".

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if one girl doesnt like you for your height find a new girl dont complain you cant stretch yourself
stoopid heightfag

I have all that I just have the personality of sandpaper so whenever we talk basically you have to do the talking

Had to take a 100-level psychology course in school and what you're describing sounds like what they called the "big 5" personality traits
>extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism
I guess you could include interests as a part of personality, but only if it's based on what you actually do since part of it is behavioral

Yes, that's is exactly what I'm talking about.
>I guess you could include interests as a part of personality, but only if it's based on what you actually do since part of it is behavioral
This guy gets it.

Everybody just seems to throw the "personality" meme around as a catch all for all this shit, when really it's more in depth than they apply to it. People think playing video games or liking a show or playing an instrument is equivalent to someone's personality, but interests don't define a personality nor do they automatically affect it.

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I think physical attractiveness is the "most important" in the sense that people have standards that cannot be broken, and it's not really like you can immediately reject/ignore someone based on personality, because you can't just see that like you can physical looks
It was smart to bring up charisma, though
What's funny is that physical attractiveness can help increase that naturally. What works on some people may not work on others, but we can make fairly accurate generalizations in what's typically attractive (physically and behaviorally).
Gotta go, user
Hopefully this thread's up when I get back in a few hours

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>tfw i had to take a personality test with those five as results
>can't remember any of those except extraversion with 3%
how fucked am i?

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there, found a test like that
but i remember openness to be a little lower and agreeableness to be a little higher

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I just got back into dating after leaving a 13 year relationship. I'm not a particularly good looking guy, but I've managed to date some incredibly attractive women. I'm probably a 5 or 6, but I've scored mostly 8's and 9's.

However, all of them have been shorter than me. It seems like height is a hard line for most females. All women who are taller or of equal height, regardless of their looks, reject me out-of-hand. Many of them explicitly list height requirements or have given this as a reason why they will not date me.

Women never date men who are shorter than them. It is a status thing.

197cm is 6'5 and thats not normal anywhere and you know it lol

Sounds like confirmation bias. I have dated plenty of girls taller than me. I have never been rejected because of height.

Just one example would prove you wrong you know. What a stupid thing to say when you are so easily proven completely wrong.

it's almost definitely you, even though your standards are low you probably don't allow conversations or people to engage with you.

ya, but they all taken already sadly :/
just anecdotal friend, not saying it's the norm, but there are girls out there that don't care that much about height.
my friend hasn't hit the wall yet.
w/e helps you cope
the guy is is average at best, and about an inch or so taller than her, there is obviously more than his appearance as to why she is dating him.

This dude is woke

I'm not particularly short. I'm 5'9". Women just seem to have a strong preference for men who are much taller than them, even if those men aren't necessarily better looking.

No, we care about personality more than height and looks.
Height is just a plus.

if a dude is ugly and with a boring autistic personality women will still swoon over him if he is 6'4" or taller it's just the way it is, if you don't want to black pill your into oblivion don't ever spend a night hanging out with a dude who is 6'4" or above the amount of women you see throwing themselves at him will really fuck you up

t. knower

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>it's another 4/10 (and probably fat) whore has height requirements episode
These cunts are way worse than the incels with the hypocrisy.
I'm 6'2" and these cunts make me laugh with their faggotry. If a chick puts height requirements on her profile I literally won't respond, or sometimes I'll fuck with them and make them feel bad about themselves by picking something out about them I don't like and saying they don't meet my requirements, then blocking them.

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literally lmao @ dudes who think personality doesnt matter.

its not that personality matters, its that having a GOOD, FUN, CHARMING, NON NEEDY personality matters. people can literally smell neediness and desperateness off of people. i know I can.

you guys can keep thinking only looks matter tho, lmao

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Then it's yes, don't contradict yourself.

Not if you're ugly. I'm a 6'3 soon to be wizard.

This desu. I'm 6'2 and have nice cheekbones but there is fuck all to my personality. And that is why I'm forever alone

Most based robot ever. You are doing gods work.

This is complete bullshit and everyone knows it.

>Charming manlet here...
I bet my ass that you are 5'6ft tall at the very LEAST.
Also, gotta say i agree with more or less what you say though, in the end in simple biological selection that is hardwired, both men and women have this. It futile to work agaisnt it that much.

You misspelled "retard".

some girls care and some girls don't give a shit
most girls are into dom guys so when they're taller it gives them dominance brownie points and it makes them more desirable
t. im a legit roastie

It depends. The trend I see is that the shorter a girl is, the more she cares about height.
I'm 5'6" and I like guys who are 5'9" or so.