Mom stops cooking altogether

>mom stops cooking altogether
>can't flip an egg without breaking it, can't flip anything in a pan without using too much force and sliding it out
>can't tell when anything is done
>have been eating pic related and microwave meals for dinner for 6 months now
How the FUCK do I stop this shit? I feel like I'm fucking dying every damn day now.

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I think you know the answer to this problem
learn to cook or get a wife to do it for you and we both know which option you're left with

I'm convinced these kinds of threads are made by LARPing normalfags to make actual robots look bad

Lad if you can't watch a YouTube video or read a guide on how to cook some meals you're genuinely retarded.

Basic cooking is such low tier intelligence. Follow basic instructions, easy results. Stuns me why so many women find it cute when they say "hahaha I burn everything xddd"

there's literally a board for cooking on the very goddamn North Korean tissue-towel folding website you're posting on right now, you fucking retard

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same with people who cant do basic car or handywork. its literally basic instructions

As a retard, how do I eat healthy without cooking?

Just learn to cook it's something every functioning human being has been able to figure out for at least the last 10'000 years. Your food probably won't be great at first but it will be edible and better than eating chocolate sandwiches all day

Just learn to use a slow cooker so the whole house smells like delicious food all day and don't let anyone else have any

Why can't you eat a broken egg dummy

if you can't bake chicken and boil rice just kys

microwaved frozen vegetables

You don't. Shit food is cheap and readily available. Healthy food is only cheap if you put more than 10 minutes into it.

just ask mom how to cook

if you're too retarded to tell when something is cooked or not, use a slow cooker or sous vide

>can't flip an egg without breaking it, can't flip anything in a pan without using too much force and sliding it out
Me neither, that shit is difficult and I don't want to ruin countless eggs or stirfries or whatever just to get the knack for it. You just need to look up easy beginner recipes and give them a try. You'll get the hang of it eventually.

Have you thought about.. you know... Scrambled eggs?

Can't go wrong with taters
Boil em, mash em, stick 'em in a stew

>jerked off with two pieces of leftover bread

>ate it

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did you ged pregnate

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this board is so retarded and the community is so eager to give condescending advice. Fuck you fucking people

You don't need to flip an egg to cook it. Just put a lid over the pan if you want to cook the yolk (but why would you want to when runny yolk is god tier).

Raw vegetals
No stupid shit, produce is cheap as fuck and you dont even have to cook it at all. Just eat the fucking plants and somy Tyson chicken nuggets if you really want.

You and OP are retarded pussy degenerates. "Oh I dont want to RUIN COUNTLESS EGGS"

Fuckstain, theres so many eggs and also you'll only ruin one or two. It's not actually that hard to not tard rage out on a pan and throw the egg.

>mom stops cooking as well
>full-time student without a job
>parents insist on working only on college
>she only buys canned raviolis, ramen, other microwave meals none of which contain any vegetables
>eat around only 400 calories a day because the meals constipate me and hurt my stomach
>have to sleep away some of the day to stop hunger pains
>complains that I don't eat much or the right foods
>still doesn't buy anything besides quick meals despite requests
I guess I have to finally take the hint and move out.

Is there any way out of this? Am I damned to love off of junk food forever?

did kay finally snap, lee?

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