PSA: Don't fall for social conventions

Believe it or not, until about 22 I was a complete beta in every way: shut-in skeleton, bad skin, 0 friends, no confidence, no social skills, the whole thing. I was desperate for sex, and for social connection. Or so I thought. Eventually I stopped whining about it, quit Jow Forums, started lifting, and over years, through work and various hard situations that I forced myself into, I gained confidence and social skills. My whole demeanor changed, actually, my personality changed. I lost virginity, found a girlfriend and now have more friends than I've ever had.

And I hate it

Being social is a fucking chore. Hanging out with friends I am at best content with. Intimacy. cuddling etc it very nice, but it's not worth the price, ultimately. Sex, however, definitely gets - not old - but no longer great. I actually prefer masturbating, and intentionally avoid sex sometimes. Also, girlfriend demands pretty much all of my attention whenever we're together, and believe me it gets old very quick.

I wish I could go back to playing Fallout: New Vegas in my room all day. But I've formed emotional attachment to these people, and I can't bring myself to disappear.

Point is, don't overestimate value of being social. It just might be that solitude is your natural state, and it's only the society that's forcing this "ideal" on you.

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yes goy, stay an antisocial whelp while Stacy fucks Jamal instead

Have you heard the grass is greener on the other side? you fantasize about those asocial days and just feel nostalgic about them, but you'd be depressed if you went back to that state. fallout new vegas and gaming all day wont be as good as it once was.

Stacy isn't worth it, that's the point. The fantasy of what a relationship and intimacy is that you've cooked up in your head does not equate reality. I used to have the exact same mentality as you. I was wrong. I kind of wish I never got to find out, because I had next to no suicidal thoughts back when I was anti-social, and now it's on my mind on a bi-daily basis.
It's sort of a dog chasing car situation - if he'd ever catch one, he'd realize there's nothing fun no it, he was way better off dreaming about catching that car.

see I was objectively more stable back then. It's just my experience, but it is definitely harder to fake happiness in front of your friends than suppressing sadness alone.

What about a girl that's into video games and anime like you?

She's also shooting for the 8/10. Some Bradley Chadson will nail her while pretending to know what the fuck she's talking about while we sit at home and rot. Us subhumans aren't allowed to even think about talking to a girl, interests shared or not.

Never could find one. There's a much harder stigma attached to hardcore gaming here than in America, and most "gamer-girls" are fuck-ugly and only do it for attention. Maybe I should've tried harder, but end result is I got what I got. We're not that different - we share interests in music and a lot of views on life. But it's not enough, and maybe nothing would be enough for me.
What the fuck are you on about?

Jow Forums has truly fucking died
Why is normie trash allowed to post here?
>Im too socially successful and that makes me sad: the post
fuck off

How did you meet your gf and friends if you don't mind my asking?

80/20 rule boyo. The way the world works.

The normalfag just bit off more than he could chew it sounds. Not very smart.

You don't have to trust me man, but I really was afraid to even talk to girls 5 years ago, I was afraid to leave the house unless it was night out. By your logic, if I'm the dastardly Chad Thundercock, why would I need to fool you? All the world's splendors are already at my feet, and you untermenchen don't have a chance anyway, or something of that sort?

I've got most of my friends after meeting my girlfriend - I met her friends, than friends of friends, co-workers, and then the growth was exponential. The girl I actually new from when we were in school together (we barely talked at all then). But when we bumped into each other in the street, I've been lifting for years, and my social skills were on another lever, so she fell for me.

Were are you from user? You shouldn't settle for being someone your not though, I love video games and anime but I know I can have these hobbies and also have a job and go to uni, and relate to " normies" I try to talk to all sorts of ppl. Guy that I'm in love with has anxiety/depression and likes anime and video games too, and he's pretty socially retarded but I love him I wanna make him happy

nice LARP. maybe you'll think of a more convincing one for next time

You seem very mad at jews, women, & blacks.
I'm sure you're not a hypocrite at all.

I used to be like you. I though I was cursed or something, that it would never be physically possible for me to be in a relationship, that everything was stacked against me.

Bump for interesting thread, hard to come across these days

OP the problem is lack of purpose. Life has to have an "objective" meaning for you to feel fulfilled. Thrills and admiration only go so far. You need purpose in life or you will never be truly happy.

Have you ever considered that if every single problem in your life can be explained away by crediting it to an all mighty boogeyman, you're probably just making shit up to rationalize the failures and shittyness of your life?

True. But I increasingly fail at the purpose thing. These days I just try to focus as much as I can on whatever work I have to complete and then drown my mind with whatever entertainment I can while trying to make my relationship work, when I should probably just end it, but I don't have the guts and I might actually kill myself if I do from all the combined stress.

I don't want a gf I want to slay random women like Chad and Tyrone.

Why don't you find a purpose then? Start looking for one at least. I mean if you have already decided life is not worth it you can basically throw caution to the wind and do whatever the fuck you want. The main thing holding people back in life is fear of consequences and the fact that they have things to lose. When you're suicidal, consequences don't matter and you have nothing to lose. So if you're gonna die anyways, at least make it count.

>i don't want a well paying job i want to be bill gates
>i don't want something attainable i want to be on top of the pyramid above everyone else
That's called being entitled boyo. You have no problems

Well, that's not that hard, if that is really your thing and not a fantasy. Just lift hard and stick to diet all the time, and force yourself into social situations. It will go really bad for a while, but eventually you'll get the jist of it, even if you started a complete sociopath with zero understanding of human nature. Literally fake what other people are doing in social situations - language and body language, all of it. It'll work if you work hard at it for years don't try to blame outside forces. But let me tell you, "slaying" get boring after a while. It won't feel any different after a while. But go ahead and try, no one'll stop you but yourself.

Well, I failed at it so far, but thanks anyway.
I don't think your metaphors are on point. It is way easier to fuck random people (at least in a big city it is) than to be in a relationship. But STDs are super common, and sex in condoms absolutely sucks ass, so that's another thing.

Only twice a day. Amateur.

Listen to this wise user, cause he can save you some time.
Some people were not meant to have these really busy social lives, that even when accomplished they might not feel fulfilled.

No, I actually wanted to say "every other day" quicker, but I fucked it up. I know people can have it way worse, but I used to not have suicidal thoughts at all. I actually felt the best in my life when I really started lifting, but didn't come out of social isolation yet. Maybe it was just an endorphin balance thing. Either way, lifting is something I recommend to everybody, regardless of who they are. Makes you feel better.

Based and most redpilled thread this week

Now get out OP. GET OUT!!!

I've always known all of this. I never cared about becoming social because unlike most fags here, I'm perfectly content when I'm alone.
There's nothing I like more than being by myself, doing things that I actually love.
For example, I've been playing Dishonored 2 for the last couple of days, I'm fully immersed in it, and I wouldn't want to go out or anything like that.
Every time I have to "be social" is a massive pain in the ass for me.

Well, stay true then. You are lucky to have found a place you want to be in. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. We're all just specs of dust in the void anyway, nothing matters. It's probably a computer simulation too. If you can make yourself happy somehow, that's all that is important.

This is an obscure feel user and I feel it 100%. Im 22 now, almost 23 and being a normalfag is bittersweet. Maintaining relationships, spending time with people, the constant socializing, the pressure to be smooth with girls because you have some type of image to uphold, the nonstop notifications from the 10+ person group text, it's fucking hard.
>user why don't you ever hit me up to hang out
>user come chill with us tomorrow
>Wya user come to ____
>you want to go to the bar tonight user?
>come to my house user I have these girls over here
I'll never act like being a NEET is better because it comes with its own difficulties but being a normie is fucking tiring. I'm actually avoiding getting a gf at this point because I know she'll suck up all my free time. Sometimes I just wanna sit around all weekend and jerk off but when I do, I feel guilty because I know I should be calling Rudy or Sebastian or Johnny is asking me to hang out or I just got this girl's number and I should text her before she forgets I exist. I don't want to sound unappreciative, this is the life I prayed for but fuck... what the fuck was I asking for here?

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>Also, girlfriend demands pretty much all of my attention whenever we're together, and believe me it gets old very quick
I enjoy it when a girl is that way though, as long as she is a loner and does not demand social activities.
It's like herding kittens and getting sex for it, comfy as fuck.

Man I wish I was single. Back when I was a NEET, I used to fantasize about every girl I saw on the street. Not anymore. If I get out of this relationship, I will never have another again, no matter what. Casual stuff maybe, but no live-in shit. The worst of it is that mine wants kids, and I absolutely do not. We'll probably break up over this if nothing else.

>stay true then
I will, user.
I hope you can find your peace again.
Even if I never got to your point, I probably understand what it feels like.
When I am around people, and I have obligations, I feel almost surrounded, trapped.
I can only be free when I'm alone.

Haha, it's kinda like how trannies must feel pretending to be women. To deny your own nature is an exercise in failure

Never thought Yerokha knows about r9k.

Well i mean why don't you actually try looking for it bro? Have you tried doing shrooms? A lot of people report having a "mystical" experience on shrooms that suddenly fills them with a sense of purpose, meaning and belonging in life. Like you have to actually look for a purpose, it doesn't just come walking to you.

You can't remain in a relationship where you disagree on that. One of you will have to lose, and the resentment will drive you apart.
If it comes to it, choose your principles. Don't bring more kids with no dads into the world.

Yeah, I know. If it comes down to it, I feel like I will make the right choice. I can't do it now though, don't have the guts. This is the first real relationship I've been in. I should've gone though the first breakup at school, not at 30 fucking years old.

The most retarded part is when I feel like the relationships I've built are starting to wither and I can feel myself regressing back to my old lifestyle, I start scrambling to remain a normie.

Pair bonding is real. Hormones and emotions do their thing, as does social brainwashing. I feel trapped in this social web, like a fucking fly.

>Being social is a fucking chore. Hanging out with friends I am at best content with. Intimacy. cuddling etc it very nice, but it's not worth the price & sex is overated.

No shit Sherlock, thanks for the PSA, going back to NEETing it up, smoking weed, playing vidya and enjoying myself.

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>What about a girl that's into video games and anime like you?

The only option to find those is going online and finding a girl across the country or Canada. I would do that over getting a Stacy I have nothing in common with.

If you're a true introvert you'll get tired of her quickly

I'll help you.
1. Drop all the friends that you don't love being around.
2. Try and get the remaining ones interested in stuff like fallout, and see if there's anything they like that you may be interested in.
3. Stop watching all kinds of porn, if you indeed watch it, it could be the cause for you lack of excitement with sex.
4. Finally, don't be afraid to leave your girl if she isn't satisfying you.

His issue isn't interests and friends that he likes/dislikes. It's the energy you have to expend to maintain relationships. It's the fact that people want to be around him when he just wants to be alone. But he can't bring himself to be alone because he's formed emotional bonds with these people and he would hate it if they weren't part of his life.