Heres the problem with you and every other cunt on this board

Heres the problem with you and every other cunt on this board,
You're all fucking pussies.
You think there is something inherently wrong with you when there isnt.
You might be mentally ill, so am I, you can seek out therapy like a normal person would and take medication as well, trust me it fucking helps big time and its better than suffering.
You might be a beta but there is steps you can take to reverse that such as becoming more physically attractive if you are fat and working on cultivating assertiveness and displaying a sense of self esteem/worth around females.
No matter what traumatic high school experiences you faggots have had you can overcome them. Im sure some of your ancestors fought and survived in world wars and still managed to have families, and yet you spend your time feeling sorry for yourself posting on this board. Think about that for a second.
This is my last post on this board, take my advice and make the CHOICE to change or fuck off and spend the rest of your days on here.
You can change you just dont have the will

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Don't ever post my waifu again!

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yeah yeah alright

Sommer ray, instagram model

too long did not read

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suit yourself incel

>blah blah blah you choose to be this way
why would anyone choose to be unhappy?
it makes no sense

I put my peepee into a girl in kindergarten

you might not, but ive noticed there are many on this board who think they have absolutely no influence over their lives

You are right, but I know I won't change. I am never going to realistically speaking, so why bother? I have tried everything you have mentioned but it didn't work out. I am not violent, my state of mind doesn't affect or harm anyone physically, so its not like I need to change. I have accepted myself for the way I am, and its starting to be very normal (never getting laid, never having good connections with people, people hating me in general for how I look/act.)

if you are satisfied with that lifestyle, then so be it, doesnt make you any less of a man, my post is more directed at people whinge on this board all day feeling sorry for themselves and blaming others.

you may not like it guys but he's right. i've had a hard fucking life, still isn't easy, but i don't feel bad for myself fuck sakes. you just need to persevere and make an effort, things can and do get better if you make positive changes. the first step is to change your mindset from the self-pity and narcissism that plagues so many of this board's residents.

Why are you not going to "realistically speaking", the only thing preventing you from changing is yourself, there are more people like you who succeed than you think

Change is scary. For a lot of people, so scary that it's easier to remain unhappy than to take a risk on being happier.

for me the only thing scarier than change was spending the rest of my life being miserable forever

>Im sure some of your ancestors fought and survived in world wars and still managed to have families, and yet you spend your time feeling sorry for yourself posting on this board. Think about that for a second.
I think about this every day and it makes me feel worse. They went through so much shit and still kept fighting. I give up at the slightest inconvenience. If they could see me now, they'd all be disgusted.

You might've done the same, you just werent forced into it like they were, try not to give up at the slightest inconvenience next time

Change being scary also isn't the only limiter. It's also a lot of work. Hard work. Evidently, you're too lazy and scared to change, and so you're content to remain unhappy. If you wanted change badly enough, you'd change. But being unhappy is easier - depression is addictive, like a drug.

I was deeply depressed, had a plan for suicide and everything, medication and therapy helped me fight my way out of that hole and im planning on tapering off the medication now, I just made this post to try and help people who think they cant help themselves

Because I am comfortable with the situation that currently in, I have been like this since I was born pretty much (pathetic loser who looks fucking disgusting and shouldnt talk to anyone at all), and sure, I have moments when I want to change myself but I've failed so many times or didn't have the confidence to try that I have found comfort within my own misery

It indeed makes no sense. Why do incels choose to be incels when it makes them unhappy? I don't understand incels.

Your own perceptions of yourself are not necessarily other peoples perceptions. You probably see yourself as fucking disgusting but unless you are obese (which is reversible) or disabled then how ugly can you really be. Changing yourself, if thats what you wish to do works like a snowball effect, start by grooming properly, then fix your diet, then start working out, then push yourself to socialize and so on. Small successes lead to bigger ones

>you don't have the will to change yourself
>all you need to do to fix your life is change yourself
your entire post is an oxymoron. those who lack the will to change will suffer, those who have the will won't need your advice. who are you even talking to?

Dont fall for the online Pickup artist type bullshit though, make your own plan and stick to it and learn from real life experience and not what you read online

I guess im just trying to wake someone up in a sense

I am not obese, I am actually pretty average looking all around, I don't have any disabilites that I know of. When I was younger I had an illness which made me very ugly, and people laughed at me all the time, and I think that was the point when my own perception changed of myself.

I actually worked out a lot a year ago, I just stopped going to the gym because I didnt want to be muscular, I wanted to be lean and I knew that I just needed the right diet for that.

But no matter how much I exercised or improved myself I could never change my own perception despite people encouraging me to be more social

She was 5 and you 34

>why would anyone choose to seek long term happiness when you can have short term pleasure!? It makes no sense

This is you

The thing is mate, you can change your own perception, whether you believe you can or not

My grandfather had a physical disability, he got beat up everyday and learned to fight as a result.
Your childhood experiences can strengthen you if you let them

It's easier than trying. It's easier being unhappy if it involves doing nothing, especially if you haven't ever been happy enough to find the effort of being happy worth it

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i feel like u besides the never getting laid and people hating me part.

apparently im pretty attractive and people do want to connect with me but i just block it all out and im not sure why but i can only open up if im on molly or xanax. i have no interest in anything or anyone when sober and im fine being alone ig, i think i just dont like the people im around right now

i don't know why i'm on this board, i'm not even a robot. its just fascinating to see this pool of unfiltered shit, it's like i'm staring into the abyss. why can't i stop staring Jow Forums?

when you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss also unfolds in you

say your prayers nigger



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>You can change you just dont have the will
how do i grow taller and cure my "schizoid personality disorder" exactly?

BTW i do go to gym =^)

You don't grow taller because it's irrelevant and you go to therapy for your mental issues.

stop acting like a fucking victim and fight the shit

>go to therapy for your mental issues
it's just my personality though, it's not an "issue"

>fight the shit
what does that even mean? i can't really make myself enjoy something i don't like, i can only put myself in unenjoyable situations

It means fight the fucking illness and be concious of your disorder and try your best to fight it when you recognize it sets it or its your disorder talking.
I dont give a fuck Im sick of this board
Wish you all the best.

You have to be mentality and physically 18 years old or older to use this site.

> i can't really make myself enjoy something i don't like

And therein lies the problem, and is the problem with most fags in here, do you think NPCfags enjoy work? Hell no, nobody "enjoys" work, and unlike you they are so unselfaware they think they do, act like you enjoy things then because that appears to be the key, fake it till you make it and get shit done.

Manning up just means being slave to state and women these days. Not becoming a bitch for shit that is not worth it. Normalfags can figure it out themselves and feed me.

I never get why people on this board think being a fatass is soms kind of death sentence for happiness or some shit. I was almost 350lbs. at my heaviest, still close to 300 and I have a nice comfy normie life with a qt wife I met in uni. I mean I still want to lose weight so I can be around a long time for my wife and kids and shit but it hasn't really hurt my happiness so far other than some self esteem issues and that hasn't been a prob for years now. Shit when I think about it a good half of the people I work with are chubs or just straight fat. It is the US after all.

Tl;dr If you're a fatass go for what you wanna go for now, you don't need to wait until you get fit to be happy Just don't take yourself too seriously and get your feelings hurt all day.

Keep telling yourself that pal, real healthy attitude

Any other oldfag remember Keyra Agustina?
When being young and posting your perfect ass on hte internet made her someone special, and now there's a million "instagram model" doing the frontbutt pose and they all look the same?
Man, modernity has us spoiled *sips*