Alt right white nationalist here

Alt right white nationalist here.

Why the fuck are we being lumped in with you faggot incels? I have an appreciation for Hitler and a love of the white race, and yet (((news articles))) seem to be linking us with you adult virgin faggots. Its alway INCEL AND ALT RIGHT, etc

Can you fucking weirdos stop associating with us? Youre making us look bad.

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>Alt right white nationalist here

back to

inbred trash

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Because you are just the same loser as them

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You losers all look the same to me

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Cause you're even more retarded than us

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board. The garbage board is two blocks down

Gee willikers I wonder why

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I'm afraid not, good sir. I believe a pillar of national socialism is redistribution of pussy. It's what the fuhrer would have wanted.

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>white nationalist
>Post anime picture
>Anime is Japanese.

Nobody actually lumps alt right and incels together on their own. This is all being done by the (((mainstream media))) to promote globohomo and boundless degeneracy.

Lol, no one is making you look bad you fucking idiot. You just look bad.

Don't you have a synagogue to shoot up you retard?

That's because many alt right people ARE incels. You chose the most unfuckable personality and belief system.

Sage thread and move on. This is pleb tier bait. Take back Jow Forums!

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>Alt right white nationalist here
Nazis are literally just fags

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>the Jow Forums meetup actually happened

Maybe you fucking white males should stop shooting people because you can't get your peepees wet.

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>I have an appreciation for Hitler and a love of the white race

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Hitler hated America tho.

Which makes neo-Nazism and muh Aryan race in America seem even more nonsensical.

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shut the fuck up nazism is alt right and far left you fucking idiot

You're probably a homosexual so you're just as bad

Because you're the exact same type of person as an incel (just look at pictures of your average Jow Forums meetup), and neither of them are welcome here. If you actually lived in nazi germany you'd probably be purged as well since you're such a fucking faggot.

>posts anime
>unironically labels himself 'alt-right'
>uses Jow Forums
>frequents Jow Forums
>tries to virtue signal on Jow Forums out of all places that he's not an incel himself
user... you're amongst friends here. There's no need to hide anything from us.

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Because sexual frustration is the primary reason most men become white nationalists. Notice how much overlap there is between virgin spergs with yellow fever and white nationalism?

>he's WN
>he still associates with Hitler/neo-nazis
Just as cringy as incels to be honest. Hitler wasn't a WN he was a German supremacist and tons of white people died because of him. In fact he is probably the single most influential person responsible for the fall of European hegemony and empire. Not to mention making antisemitism, which was a cultural universal at the time even in America, a taboo due to association.
And he also ruined the Charlie Chaplin mustache forever.

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>every single post ITT is a cringe fest of virtue signaling white knights trying to prove their loyalty to the media moguls they eat ass from every morning when they wake up and every night before they go to bed
shoo! shoo! Jow Forums is not for you! out!

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>uses meaningless buzzwords to try to obfuscate how unpopular and hated him and every subhuman like him are even amongst the biggest losers online

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Yep, sexual frustration leads to all forms of extremism, from extreme left wing to extreme right wing to Islamic extremist groups.

I think we can all agree that this isn't fair.
Inferior brain dead faggots like you are far worse than any incel could ever be.

>is a r*ddit migrant subhuman because r/incels got banned, hasn't even been here a year
>claims to speak on behalf of Jow Forums
>copies Jow Forums memes trying to shit on Jow Forums

Maybe if you alt-right faggots didn't go around avatarfagging with anime pictures you'd be taken more seriously as a legitimate movement

You are very obviously a dumb redditard

>tfw incel
>have to associated with alt-right retards
I wish we could be disassociated, its already enough being a loser but having to be paired with another set of racist losers is even worse

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>he thinks he's better than us
lmao have you better taken a look at Jow Forums? "hurr I'm saving my self for marriage", "I could totally get laid but I refuse to date inferior races", "I wish I could get an azn gf because white girls have been brainwashed by the juice", "muh if I were alive in the 50's I would have had a beautiful wife" you literally have brought this upon yourselves by acting like cringy edgelords.

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>Why am I being lumped in with Incels
Nigger you posted anime you're an Incel whether you like it or not

I know, right. Reddit transplants destroyed this board.

>Admitting that you are alt right
>obsession with Hitler
Stop posting things and just stay low until it's your turn. Haven't you learned you fucking retard

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>tfw no alt right white nationalist dominant/switch trap bf
I have blue eyes, please love me and be a degenerate with me!

>Alt right white nationalist here.

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>calls the website of Jow Forums a board

Because it's a narrative that works. Everyones afraid of the "cant get sex meme" so they do what they can to link you too it.

Screencapped this epic cringe, kind sir

I can't believe you misread that! Har har! Lmao

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>if you're a white nationalist you can't like anything from any other country
It's not fucking veganism

He says he loves Hitler and Hitler allied with Japan.

Ngl man hatefucking Aqua would be the most satisfying shit

Blasting your hot load in her bitchy whiny cunt while she complains and moans

Shit would be fire

Why the fuck are we being lumped in with you faggot incels?

Because white nationalists are the basedboy incel trash of conservatives. You'll probably grow out of your edgy phase though, so I can't be too hard on you.