Have you converted to Catholicism yet?

Have you converted to Catholicism yet?

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no , you worship saints and put man made tradition on the level of scripture, and call priests father which is forbidden in the gospels

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Not interested in committing philosophical suicide, so no.


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>no , you worship saints and put man made tradition on the level of scripture, and call priests father which is forbidden in the gospels
Still better than Protestantism

>He thinks he knows more philosophy than me

you sound like a larper who became a catholic because "fuck niggers"

>you sound like a larper who became a catholic because "fuck niggers"
I'm not racist.

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no its gay and fake

No, because there is no God but The God!

Why would I. Catholicism is nothing but a stingy corporation

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Religion is a way to make people obey you

lol priest rape

>no its gay and fake
You are gay and fake. Fuck you.

>Why would I. Catholicism is nothing but a stingy corporation
Catholicism is truth and Martin Luther was a monster. His intentions were good but Protestantism was a complete disaster that led to the destruction and death of millions of people and disintegration of the Church.

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I didnt even had a choice so I was raised catholic and then stayed catholic cuz I like how quiet and peaceful churchs can be plus I like believing in different saints even if its proven that this entire religion its fake I feel like i would still practice it just because i enjoy it

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>even if its proven that this entire religion its fake I feel like i would still practice it just because i enjoy it
Based and Redpilled.

>not converting into californism
Enjoy your prudent lifestyle

No, I'm not a pedophile or spic and I don't worship idols.

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I think that priests raping children had a lot more to do with disintegration of the church but hey that's just like my opinion.

>Catholicux still SEETHING 500 years later
Can anyone be more based than Luther?

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Does anyone else think Novatian should have been Pope? He seemed to have some ideas that would have helped out right about now.

I just wish that Lutherans would cut the Jew-hating crap. It really makes funerals awkward.

What exactly does this religion to the one who obeys it? What will the human gain from it?Was atheist for the whole life, now thinking about turning myself into follower.

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>Martin Luther led to the ... disintegration of the Church.
i'm sure this is the only thing that REALLY concerns.

If you're depressed and desperate it can make you feel better with false hope that injustices against you will be rectified after death, and that you have someone who cares about you (Jesus/God), that's about it.

Lol fapping is a sin

Fapping is a sin though, even from a non-religious standpoint, it's a waste of time and lowers your energy. You should find a wife and ejaculate into her instead and make kids. If men couldn't fap there would be a lot less 30-something video game addicted virgins.

Are you converted into the religion yourself?

Because spending 20 years of your life raising kids isn't a waste of time and energy

No I was just raised in it. I haven't practiced since I became independent.

Raising kids is one of the most fulfilling things a human being can do. Certainly beats being an incel sitting in your room jacking off to anime and crying yourself to sleep all alone every night.

For you, maybe. I like being alone

How old are you? You won't like being alone forever I guarantee you that. Especially when everyone you grew up with is moving on, getting married, having kids, while you're all alone in your apartment still doing the same old shit you did in your teens well into your 30s.

Of course! Catholicism is the only way.

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Based and Redpilled. Let's convert these pitiful heretics

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>with buttsex

Buddhism & Hinduism > Catholicism

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Go back to worshiping cows and 7 headed elephants, pajeet.

I'm Anabaptist

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I've been looking into joining the Catholic church on my university's campus but I honestly have no idea I'd go about doing that. I sit behind a guy in one of my classes who is Catholic, so maybe I'll ask him. On the other hand, perhaps it would simply be best to walk into the cathedral.

My reasons for wanting to join are more cultural than anything else. I used to be a southern baptist but - literally - holy fuck is that stuff weird. I found little vitality in the sermons, even less in the congregation. Catholicism is much more atmospheric and socially organized - just the sort of things I'm looking for. Furthermore, it has a sense of rootedness which I think modern protestantism lacks. The church history, the sacraments: all of it is so alluring. My belief in God is, at best, inconsistent. I'd even convince myself for a short while just to have a truly religious experience.

Let me know what you think.

Give this article a read, live past the age of 23, and then get back to me.

Catholicism is the real redpill. Try it. You will love it.

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It's very tempting - ironically. So beautiful, every aspect of it. I feel, however, that I wouldn't really experience anything since I would just be there for the surface level stuff.