
no new op pic madness edition

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night brahs

Going to work tomorrow, work 6 days a week. Gotta waste my youth somehow ya know

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>tfw mayosaurus is almsot extinc feelsgoodman

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I feel miserable. Pic related.

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it looks a bit like a revolver being loaded

Bought a pomegranate, took forever to empty and then was sour

Night laddo and also doggo

>Anonymously enters thread

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How can people still be homophobic in 2018?

Seriously, what are the reasons for being homophobic? I can't find numbers on the global gay population, but lets be very conservative and estimate that 2% of the global human population is homosexual or bisexual. That means there are 160 MILLION people that are gay or bisexual in the world i.e. an LGBT population nearly three times the populations of the UK. And like I said, that's a very conservative estimate. I know there's retards that still argue that being gay is a "choice" but LITERALLY every gay person you ask will you tell they aren't choosing to be this way. Are you going to tell me that every single one of them is lying? (Not that homophobia would be any less abhorrent, if everyone was "choosing" to be gay regardless)

So homophobes, why do you chose to hate such a HUGE group of human beings? Why do you chose to hate their existence?

I deleted lad, it was hard because it was the better thread but I'll let you off.

didn't wipe my arse properly so it's a bit itchy, which one of you lads wants to lick it clean?

Fuck off faggot, Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve mate

i dislike gays and nonwhites
simple as

our stream honestly tbqh

cos they wanna touch our willys innit

night dub scot fren
>Rec any books la?
Commentarii de Bello Civili
Commentarii de Bello Gallico
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

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Hungry but not gonna eat til midnight because I'm a disgusting piece of shit



>I know there's retards that still argue that being gay is a "choice" but LITERALLY every gay person you ask will you tell they aren't choosing to be this way.
Oh yeah, 'I don't choose to put 12" neon dildos up my ass! I was born this way bigot!'
If we don't put an end to this scourge while we have the chance the degenerate homos will surely outbreed us normal folk with their perverted high gay sex drive

how do gays breed though?

Just got back from my parents lids. Gonna play vidya for a bit then have an early night and try to fix my sleep pattern.

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I dont ding dong diddly care about your stupid gay debate

Lid get RDR2

Just use wet wipes ya filthy bahstard

I have drinkid 17 uniits of rum this is big number

I'll do a big number on you if you're not careful SP

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Spiced rum with lemonade i hope

I ain't gay but I'd fuck brad pitt

i cant see homophobia vanishing any time soon. i think the obnoxious way gayness is being forced on people isnt helping their cause. but its always look at meee look att meeeee

You drinking it straight SP fren?

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I would do anything with any numbet
.tfw no tantan gd number
spiced rum wih ht 2litre bebsi
40 unit bottle of rum is good though, it is the big boi
I never do it straight squish fren

>I never do it straight

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Limmy bringing some light to this dark miserable Friday.

I just got Spyro and I'm grinding BO4 multiplayer so I don't really have the time for it now. Also, I never played the first one.

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Comfy camping videos? Yes please.

Sryro was fun when i was 8 and COD blows, btw it's a prequel to 1st one but you should play at too because its great too

no rush though mutiplayer isn't coming for a while

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>he's not streaming overwatch

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please stop orig

very nice good pleasant fun taste user

His Sims/Eurotruck Sim stuff is superior. The Simone arc was particularly brilliant.

forget my twitch password fren :^(
based, WATCH McQbushcraft

i'd love to do some proper camping tbqh

>dead game

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Don't know who to believe lads
but most of the music I listen to is depressing


Already subbed to the guy, love him
Me too lad, wish I could go camping in a nice tent in the rain

>have a massive game backlog
>buy three more games today

I need to stop and maybe get a new hobby

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Getting drunk alone, chainsmoking, eating pistachios and listening to sad music lads.

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shit is that a man
pls stop
ur an adict with dubs pls strop[
what games fen>???????????????

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beautiful song i mean

fuck me, lads

been playing Baldur's Gate on and off since 9 this morning

gonna watch an episode of Sopranos and grab a beer

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>cousin wants me to come back to America
feel bad telling her no because she's had some shitty luck but I just cant do it again

ummm she is beautiful what are u some kind of bigot

i want to lick pussy

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but it so close to poo

Could you spoiler this? Fucking rank.

Sunset Overdrive, Killer7 and this game where you make train tracks. No idea if I'll play any of them this weekend.

I'd lick that too

faggolt lol
even hjomosexks hate u
>his game where you make train track
fw no train track gf

really want to get into this series but got backlog oif games

>as brothers our troubles are
>locked in each other's arms..

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no you batty boy

Suck me off gayboy


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>Started fancying this lass at work
Im usually pretty good at talking and being around people but Im acting like a complete fucking sperg for fuck sake.

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I got spicy sips and beer

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youtube.com/watch?v=UwjtnP2lTGA not posting this better simpsons pilled one

Do any of you know somewhere to hang out online where people act nice and friendly? I've kind of gotten tired of the pointless negativity and vitriol on Jow Forums


aw shid Inow I hae to open it in a ew tab
this was suprisngly not depressing

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I go red every time I speak to mine. She's too cute

Shut the fuck up you stupid little shitstain. You will take my pointless negativity and vitriol and you will enjoy it. Faggot

>post about life
>no one cares

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>Do any of you know somewhere to hang out online where people act nice and friendly?

Do Brummies have the most horrific accent in the UK? It's unbearable

But Jesus had 2 dads and he turned out ok.

I dont care but I stlll lovwe tyu
link poar ddfrwn

surely you know your way back to red*dit you haven't long left it

Virgin fucking Mary mate

haha based fellow old fag praise kek

the pathetic, self loathing, woe is me drivel is what gets to me

Nothing more disgusting than attention whoring self-pity. I can understand self-loathing up to a point but keep that shit to yourself

was walking in town today and a shoplifter ran past me, a security guard was in pursuit
feel like I should have acted and tried to stop him as he came past me but I didn't

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Gonna splash out and spend like 50 quid on a bunch of CDs. I'm really not used to paying for music

Brummie is by far the worst

your post reminded me of this cute too

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Alright Spiderman lad

why? fuck big retail companies.

seee me getting by

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>yfw you find out he later killed your uncle in a carjacking

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pier ah

yee boi, self pity is exactly what i mean. britfeel has a lot less of it compared to outer r9k, cant stand it out there. plus the fucking porn ads. damn is r9k fucked

What CDs lad and where did you get them from? When I used to buy them, I remember HMV sold them for 10 - 20 quid but they were dirt cheap at Fopp and Amazon.

such middle class roadman tastes


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Happens to me nearly every time I post something legitimate about my awful life. People tend to be more sympathetic after 2am.

guilty ass chardgedf
IK am prety suire that the only dreason taht the new accomoataion ,managed trwams m e like I am oautistcic is that shethinks I am
gid this girl is so cutwe

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I've got a wish list growing on amazon, sometimes I'll also buy mp3 files off bandcamp or somewhere. I only do it when I can't find them to download for free. You can play them in the car too. About 10 quid most of them are