Would you wife a girl who's a Nazi, given that she looked like pic related?

Would you wife a girl who's a Nazi, given that she looked like pic related?

Attached: 1527992493891.jpg (1080x1350, 1.26M)

No, but I imagine that's half of Jow Forums's dream girl right there.

no. she'd have to be at least a 4+ if she was a nazi.

probably not, nah

I fail to see the downside user

Attached: 1465361870128.png (200x211, 63K)

yes because being a nazi here is not a big deal

So herz jager? Yes.

What's her name? i need to orbit here oirigin

i dont understand how someone can be a nazi after 1945

Does she have other hobbies or is it just all nazi al the time?

Only if she has a tight cunny I can tongue bathe

Whoa! That girl looks like my Chad fren Buffy! Buffy sure is handsome, and cool! I hear Buffy deleted all his social media for his Stacy gf. What a guy!

Attached: BuffyNoose.png (747x1000, 875K)

She is a perfect 10, user.

Attached: 1532073611319.jpg (960x1280, 230K)

>user, let's repopulate the white race together!
>damn I died in my game, this must be the fault of the jews
>silly user, hitler did nothing wrong

A nigga can dream.

women hold no political opinions op. a nazi girl does not exist, women simply go along with whatever the men in their lives say

I'm proud to be "racist" so yes, yes I would

There's more wrong with not having an attractive women as your childrens' mother and some politcal differences.
As long as she's highly intelligent.

She's 15 you dumb nigger

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My fren Buffy is a guy....sorry.....he is also 17....sorry again. Here is another picture of Buffy, LOOK HOW COOL HE IS!

Attached: BuffyisChad.jpg (960x1280, 238K)

Where do I sign? I want to scream "Wir mussen die Juden ausrotten" while hitting her from the back

Awesome thank you very much

>gothic nazi loli
My fucking dick

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No, I would not let an average girl carry my aryan genes.

You are welcome

Is she still obsessed with her bf?
Are there any new pics?
I miss her boys

Ok now never again

She gone pal. Time to move on. After Agatha and her both leaving....no one else can compete.....we are free.

Fuck me herz jager

Of course, assuming she loved me for who I am, and our personalities are compatible.
The Only Ideology she could potentially have that I would say "no" to, assuming the above, is if she was a Communist/Marxist.

I would sooner die a KHV, be alone and devoid of Human contact, and love, than say "yes", even If she was madly in love with me.
If she was presenting herself to me on my bed after locking me in my room I would try to find a way out.
If she was the last woman on earth, and I the last man, I would sooner let our species go extinct than have sex with her.

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