2D girls behaving like 3D "women"
2D girls behaving like 3D "women"
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you have to go back
Oh God how dare a woman have previous partners.
Purityfags aren't the target audience
He makes a good point though. The appeal of 2D is to get away from this kind of person.
Yeah they are. Japs always appeal to purityfags. It's in the culture. That's why idols aren't allowed to admit to having partners.
yeah, how dare they
They told me that Japanese women were different. How could she be anything but a whore with this many partners?
lmao it's so funny how this triggers incels and otakus everytime with no exception. stay mad
no hymen no diamond
And it's funny how buttmad 3D roasties get whenever guys reject used goods for what they are
Dumb worm slut
It's extremely rare to find 3D that's even half as bad as her tho.
How have the Californian fires not claimed your life already?
The other couple should have been the main couple and she should have been more of an outsider that the other three pitied.
It's funny when incels pretend that they're in the position to reject anyone. Someone would actually have to express interest first.
Come on user, it's all they got, don't rob them of their fantasies.
Hell I'm sure even incels would agree youtube.com
Shit that Never happened for 500, Alex.
I actually did reject one, thought that watching anime was preferable that evening.
Why would you go to the internet and tell lies?
you can choose to not believe me, but if there was the choice between some thot and Heartcatch Precure, most anons would do the same.
women in real life are a lost cause, movies and media really did brainwashed people, making them believe they are naturally pure and kind.
So, you didn't have the balls and just chicken out.
It seems credible.
> but if there was the choice between some thot and Heartcatch Precure
Please tell me you're real user. I want to believe there is an idiot out there who fell for the waifu meme so hard he's waiting for a Precure to sweep him off his feet.
Oh, he's serious. Take a look at the Weekend Waifu Drawthread, some of them have been posting for years. It's pretty sad.
I couldn't believe it at first either, but whores gonna whore.
Yeah those cool wine aunts totally choose that lifestyle amirite?
you get it
She had 3+ boyfriends because she is a boring person with shit hobbies and has a body of an asian boy. She should be glad that glasses boy has autism because he could be easily taken by any other girl.
This is the true Redpill. Women have always yearned to be sociopathic hypergamous sluts, it's just that society basically enslaved and brainwashed them into deviating from their natural programming and acting as demure, subservient housewives. Now that all the institutions that had been put in place to stop them from tearing society to pieces in their quest for attention and chad, they're just giving in to their base nature.
What we're witnessing isn't the corruption of the female, it's their restoration.
>Anime girl is cute with a friendly smile and an inviting pose.
>3DPD is literally giving the "ew fuck off nerd" bitch face
t. the guy who only talked with like three girls in his whole life
The fuck? What do you know exactly their social life? They could have a girlfriend who made them a keychain of their waifu for their birthday for all you know.
white knight like you are the worst virgin, i bet you are a good guy loved by all your bestfriend girl
you're under the virgin delusion that a woman must be, without exception, worth one's time
When you turn down some 30 year old they tell the entire office you're gay to protect their fragile egos. I can't remember ever being so fragile I had to lie about being turned down.
You sure you don't have the overcompensating gender's swapped?
But OP's pic is literally from an adaptation of a josei manga where women are the target audience.
How so, the topic is about the true nature of 3D women
I speak to women all the time and have quite a few female friends, I just know what they really are and wouldn't get romantically involved.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I hope that be the case, if not it would be very pathetic.
I'm not a virgin tho, and you?
We might not have waifu tier gfs but I can confidently state that all men over 25 have had at least one single mom with a nigglet in tow aggressively trying to get her meal ticket.
I can tell from the writing style that this is a woman.
Between a random woman and eternal solitude waiting for a precure to knock on my door, yeah, I choose the girl, whoever she is, any day.
You're under the virgin delusion you'll find a Precure tier girl. You're like those girls who believe in Prince Charming, you're the most hilarious kind of idiot there is.
At least most waifufags do realize they will never meet their waifu irl, that's why they buy the merch.
And I can tell by yours that you're an incel manchild who prefer to be alone to grow up.
>mfw some good-natured but stupid and naive girl I went to prom with who now has two kids and no father keeps talking to me over Facebook, clearly looking to get a beta provider.
I actually feel kind of bad for her since she was a decent person, she just happened to make the entirely wrong choice at every turn. She basically dropped out of school to marry some older chad named "Axel" who then, lo and behold, abandoned her for a newer model.
>A sexual active woman in his mid twenties with a beta virgin man with trouble socializing
This can become NTR in any second, that girl must be thirsty
Not an incel or a virgin, just a plain ol' misogynist.
Why do roasties and white knights default to alluding that their opponent is unsuccessful with women whenever cornered? The implication there is that women are perfect and can do no wrong. That's obviously untrue. It shows a clear lack of reasoning skills on their part.
>Between a random woman and eternal solitude waiting for a precure to knock on my door, yeah, I choose the girl, whoever she is, any day
If anything this only shows you're mentally unstable and have little will. Get therapy.
Looks contrived to me, especially throwing out contractions that are instantly jumped on by /a/.
>janitor deletes a post or two
Just delete the thread, it's obviously designed to do exactly one thing.
Dunno, maybe cause this thread is full of nerdos defending their waifuism>real life so hard it gets too cringy to believe they are normal.
Stupid Rinfag. We all know Rin is the most 3DPD of all Fate
I mostly just play the waifuism up. Obviously I know that no real person could ever be just a cardboard cutout of perfection from an anime or any kind of fiction.
I still hate women and their hypocritical, conceited, conniving bullshit, though.
>chases chad while drooling and makes a child that will have to grow up with no father because of her decision
Yeah user, she's so innocent and decent in all this. Drink some more soi
>The implication there is that women are perfect and can do no wrong
Obsessed, nobody was implying such a thing.
Did your mom hurt you? You can tell me user.
She's a decent enough person. Doesn't mean she isn't a stupid, short-sighted stacy.
You're stupidly generalizing and putting every girl in the same bad spot. Not everyone is the same, stupid. If all you can do is wait for the worst of someone then the good people will get away from you.
Never EVER getting that virginity back, roastie
If that's not the implication then you can start arguing against people's points instead of resorting to "virgin" or "incel," stupid cunt.
God I want Rin to cuck me
>wanting to stay virgin
When I meet a woman who isn't fundamentally the same as every other woman I've met, then I'll change my opinion of women in general. As it stands, however, I've had girlfriends, girl friends, female family members and even casual acquaintances and none of them have been able to prove to me that women are anything other than hypocritical, shallow, disloyal, image-obsessed, manipulative and hysterical children at their core.
Any shoujo.
3D is fucking disgusting
then again, she was < fukken reeeeetarrrrrded. >
Have you tried sucking a dick?
ahh yes, m'lady can do no wrong. It's just because she's dumb not because she made immoral decisions. She's a bad person user, unless she admits and owns that, she'll stay a bad person.
And you are resentful, stupid, immature, pitiful and closet minded. Maybe it's you the one who's wrong and not the others?
>he's waiting for a Precure to sweep him off his feet.
That's silly, user. 2D isn't real and we all now that
That's just bantz. With a side dish of 'keeping him keen'. Which is particularly stupid considering he's got a harem chomping at his dick
Narumi a cute. A CUTE!
based, although at lot of that applies to normalfags in general male and female still. based
>Everyone I meet is an asshole, I wonder why
Pretty much explains that dude. He's right about women though.
White knights are disgusting
Pfft, I wish I was gay.
Having a differing opinion isn't necessarily stupid, sweetheart.
Not really.
>Closet Minded
Well I do think about closets quite a lot.
>Maybe it's you the one who's wrong and not the others?
I'm not entirely sure how I would be responsible for the way women behave in general, but alright.
user, you can be both stupid and a good person at once
unironically this
Fair enough but don't cry when he dumps you when you're an old hag for snail (adult form)
Are you so blind to your own faults that you act like you're somehow superior to 3.8 billion people on the basis that their physiology is slightly different to yours?
I actually can't believe my eyes when i read something like "i hate women for x, y and z" have you EVER had a relationship with someone outside of your family? have you ever had friends?
All humans are flawed, it has nothing to do with sex, and if you're saying you hate women because of specific personality traits, you do realize that the vast majority of men share in these same traits, right?
You have to be so incredibly ignorant and close minded to say something so broad and demeaning without realizing how much it makes you look like a fool.
This so fucking much. You worded it far better than I ever could.
yes exactly, you can be both stupid and a bad person at once too which is what you don't want to see for whatever reason.
based, ghost loli waifu are the best
Oh yeah, I'll definitely agree that normalfag men can fall into the same traps, but I've also met enough men who break away from the mold to suggest that it's not just an inherent facet of male nature. On the other hand, even women who initially come across as intelligent, thoughtful and wise eventually end up proving that they're just better at keeping their instincts under wraps for longer.
You know what, fine. Think whatever, you homo. Maybe that's your big problem and you're just gay. Keep playing with your nerd friends and talk about waifus all the weekend.
>I have never seen a bell curve: The Post
And it's for the fact that white knights are all guilty of the above that they will never reach any real understanding.
>Rin is the most 3DPD
in contrast to Sakura, she still has her virginity though.
Forget it, if you don't put 3D women on a pedestal and believe that they can do no wrong and it's always the guy's fault when a relationship goes wrong, you're stupid in that roastie's eyes.
You're talking to a Jow Forumstard who probably believes he's uncovered sprawling conspiracies and thinks the news is fake.