How many of you sad fucks did she scam so far?When will you learn that no fucking e-girl wants anything from you,besides your fucking money?
What's the context of this? Most findoms are upfront in saying that they just what your money
Brooke nudes when? All other e-whores hat them leaked eventually so far
She wasn't a findom when she started this whole thing.She larped as this really nice girl who is friendly to everyone and just wants to make friends,showed her true colors though.
those fucking thighs tho
my bank account is big, i can take some losses
when did you realise nice girls dont exist?
I think she gave some to higgus but idk if he leaked them yet.
Off yourself fucking disgusting roastie enabler.
I still don't know for sure if they really don't exist,maybe there are some really nice 0/10 uggos out there,don't know why I thought brooke was one though.
How did she scam people though? If anyone sent her money just because she was "nice" it's your own fault
> that time a mob of ugly ass niggas tried to fight over a 15 year old girl (!) over the fucking internet
the pussy drought is real
they exist. nice people in general are hard to find but theyre out there. currently with one and while i hate giving numbers to peoples looks i wouldnt say shes a 0
She never scammed anyone.People willingly gave her money and thought they would get something in return,even if she didnt ask for any money.She was actually nice until creeps like pic related took advantage of that.
She's a 19yo highschool senior.No 15yo would be able to manipulate everyone as easy as she did and also get money from them.
Cut the shit guys, does anyone have pictures of her feet?
It's funny what fucking hypocrites dudes are here. There's no chance in hell thats what she wanted, but over the years there's been far more credible girls (not thots) and they've been mocked and ridiculed and chased out.purely for not being hot.
And you all say girls only want Chad lmao. Yeah maybe girls like this. The only ones that register as human to you
>Cut the shit guys, does anyone have pictures of her feet?
Fucking footage I swear
Footfag holocaust when
suck a dick my friend
>pictures of her thighs and torso in all kinds of angles
>b-b-but muh feet
Footfags should hang,but I bet she has hideous feet since she never really shows them.
Then I don't see what the fuss is about homo, she better have nice feet
Can all of you e orbiters just fuck right off. Thanks.
I'm sick of seeing these stupid whores plastered all over the board, and I'm sick of hearing you complain.
>largest catalog of pornography in history available online at your fingertips for free
>pays for some roastie's nudes
This is not a fucking orbiter thread,I'm just exposing her.
anyone have a compilation of her pics?
Did you even bother to read opie's comment? He basically denounced egirls and the people that orbit them
So no one is gonna point out the obvious photoshop?
>It's funny what fucking hypocrites dudes are here.
I couldn't agree more with this statement but for different reasons than you.They are hypocrites because all they do is complain daily about how lonely they are,how everyone treats them bad simply based on their looks,and when brooke showed up they did that exact thing they 'hate' to her.She just wanted friends,but all she got was insults and people being rude just because she looks good,and nobody actually tried to hear her out and think for a second that she's really going through some shit like everyone else in here.
>obvious photoshop
Her body literally looks like that,weird but in a really hot way.
who the fuck cares, she is so fucking hot
I literally start salivating every time I see her.
She can gets as much money as she wants for that body. Nothing out of my wallet I get everything for free
She only had boring bikini pics floating around,unless higgus decides to reveal her nudes.
This.Nothing gets me hard as fast as her pics,are there more though?
Honestly basically my thoughts but there's basically no chance her only chance of friends was this cesspit. She knew what she was doing, she had every offer of friends from don't be so naive. For every negative comments there's about 50 orbiters defending her and people dropping money on her. , all I ever got was ridicule here so now I don't seek it.
No hate to the girl. I'm just astounded by how transparent dudes are here
it's more satisfying when it's personal/private, and only 0.01% of the female population looks as good as brooke (she's 10/10 imo)
Does it though? Takes about 2 seconds to pull in a waist with the editing apps all thots use these days
Hasn't scammed me. All I do is collect and print her pictures for my room
Funny enough,people didnt really try to protect her like they did with the others.The orbiters made things even worse by posting daily threads about her,instead of actually talking to her.They were literally afraid to talk to her,it's funny what looking good does to you.
Orbiters are worse than the cunts that give "Youtubers" views.
Muffy has not had her nudes leaked. If there even are any of her.
>those fucking milkers
Jesus christ did she get a boobjob with those 48k she received?She was flatter than a board.Literal 10/10 as of now.
There's no chance there wasn't at least one dude who would've been her friend, or girl for that matter. Why target this board specifically. Why a place known to be populated by lonely incels. Why post many revealing pictures of yourself and lie about your age. She can't be that stupid and there's very little chance she had no irl support network of some kind
Looks edited to be honest but you can see in the others they are spread out and flattened by her crop tops. Bras are mounded and will give shape
>Muffy has not had her nudes leaked
She was pretty stupid about this one,joined a girl only discord server,someone encouraged her to post that stuff,then spread it all over r9k to slut shame her and make sure nobody wants anything to do with her.
She doesnt wear a bra in that one though.
>type brooke in archives
>100+ pages
Quick rundown on her?Greentext?Any discords she's in?
My point is people clearly wanted to do with her. If she knows anything about this board, spends more than ten minutes then it's not hard to work out what sort of reaction she'd get.
You say no one wanted anything to do with her as if it's even a fact. She's a hot girl there's always someone no matter what. If she doesn't realise this then she must be developmentally delayed in some way
Someone please post some brooke vocaroos
>higgus has some colombian model tier looking roastie's nudes
Kek why didnt he share them yet?
You know how sad that sounds right?
>Hasn't scammed me. All I do is collect and print her pictures for my room
You need to cum in the pics and show her i heard she loves that
Am I wrong. She doesnt seem like the type to even take nudes.
>She doesnt seem like the type to even take nude
Yeah just the type to take pics in sexy underwear
>not on /agatha2/
>not on Jow Forums
Bad bait is bad
she might as well go nude
I love brooke. Shes a based and redpilled thotie who actually knows how to capitilize on the neet. She needs to come back
She's been gone for so long that if she had something like that it would have come out by now.
I have a few rares but what do you have to offer
Hot as fuck no doubt
>She needs to come back
If you recognize Brooke's writing, which I do, then you'll realize she's in this thread rn, replying to your comments.
nothing faggot, just share the feet pics. im sure as hell not gonna pay you. take this quality foot pic though
>If you recognize Brooke's writing, which I do, then you'll realize she's in this thread rn, replying to your comments.
What the fuck is up about feet? Is it just a meme? Honestly curious
>torso length
Is her dad a centipede?
I unironically send her 2k every other month to make sure she's not struggling. Too bad you brokies can't relate
Hes right though originally ))this is original((
Well I send her 100-200/mo, depending on my allowance. I'm willing to bet she gives me just as much attention as you, if not more.
>I unironically send her 2k every other month
i unironically seriously hope this is a joke man please dont be serious
I send 400 a month depending on my WIC
Long torso means she can take a longer dick.
please b joking dear god why
Nah I'll have to pass on this one chief
Pretty sure I paid for that phone service a few times.
Well she does like BBC
faggot. I bet you havent even played fortnite with her
Post more Brooke pics
>t. jealous poorfag that gets no attention from Brooke
>born a girl
>have your orbiters send you thousands monthly for doing nothing
fuck women tbhdesu
not jealous at all im just embarrassed for you
that's just her gay black friend.
>he pays to get attention from brooke
>he doesnt get good morning dms and voice messages for free
what a beta
woah hang on just cause guys say they sent me money doesnt make it true. i never took money from Jow Forums guys and i wont. also i dont edit my body at all (used to face tune my face a bit but stopped)
my boobs grew a bit, not surgery lmao.
anyways ya i just joined to make friends but 99 percent of ppl were evil.
also i never took nudes or sent higgus nudes, ever.
>he is just my gay BIG BLACK friend
You guys are cucks
I'd pay here $1,000 plus a month if she farted in an empty jar and sent it to me.
Dropped a mixed black queen because she wasn't a vegan.
Now, I'm wondering if Brooke's a vegan...
>t. Rich Asian
>I know you're here, Brooke. I'm the only one here who recognizes your writing
Are you vegan?
stop larping as brooke faggot. she is banned
no timestamp = larp
i was 12 there and we never fucked. im a child of god believe it or not.
anony kun pls stop obsessing over me
i only pretended to like asians but really like black and white boys henty
>I was 12 there
jesus. how old are you now
>t. Jealous poe boy sandwiches
We all can't afford to spend thousands on internet friends
>he doesn't have her private snapchat
>also i never took nudes or sent higgus nudes, ever.
This line proves it's not Brooke. A few of us pay for her nudes.
I'd pay to put 2 straws in my nose and catch bath tub farts from her.
ye ok buddy porinb
Yep, sure. If you only knew...
>tempted to post a pic of my house...
she really believes in equal rights for african american youth
>A few of us pay for her nudes.
please post one as proof please
no thanks guy bro
ur an actual idiot if u think i would ever have to resort to selling/taking nudes to make money.
cmon man im not asking for much I need this
>I have many gay friends guys
they cant cause there isnt any, they will post sleepy/egglins nudes or that one random photo of the topless girl in a bath.
you wanna get us banned and arrested?