I'm about to run a lair full of Kobolds for my players, how should I make things more dangerous?

I'm about to run a lair full of Kobolds for my players, how should I make things more dangerous?

Attached: kobold-dragonshield.jpg (1000x945, 167K)

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Make them smarter. Design the lair with traps and dead ends and have the kobolds spread out so that atleast one would know where the players are.

That and make sure that the kobolds are fighting for their life and are not just meatbags for your players to bash on.

I'm planning on each group of kobolds to have at least a scale sorc with them, considering the party is 3rd level. theres 3 players, and 2 hirelings right now, how many kobolds do you think should be engaging them? I actually want the lair to be dangerous

challenge their belief in reality itself

If I want to challenge my players, I normally add 2-3 (+ another 2-3 reinforcements if I feel that they're confident that they're going to win) enemies more than they are but it depends really, danger just doesn't come from sheer monster alone.

You could do it in tactics, (i.e: wear the players out by have the kobolds elusive only to lead them to a trap) or just sheer environment.

I had a plan for them to just go through multiple encounters without rest before they face the boss at the end of the lair, but they're new players, and usually just blow their big spells early on

Just remember to distinguish what you as a GM knows and what the Kobolds or enemies know, especially when the kobolds are supposedly doing their tactics.

are we talking about patrician 3.5 or a gay version?

Yeah, I usually do that
I used to play only pathfinder, but everyone has switched to 5e

You should add me to the group so I can mess up and cause everything to come crashing down around us.

If you live in florida, sure


I'm in Tamarac.

put a cursed weapon in the first room that says it is +1(or whichever would be appropriate), but is actually a -2 weapon for non-kobolds and don't reveal this to them unless they wonder why it's whiffing/the dogs aren't going down

pls respond floridanon

>nobody to play D&D with irl or otherwise
Feels bad and I've had this feeling for awhile.

we're in Pensacola

Play D&D online using Discord or something less faggy and some table software

Hey, OP here, look into adventurers league, I think they're kinda shitty, but they let you meet new people who share your hobby, or go into a dice store/local game shop, and see if the people there playing are looking for a new guy

I have looked actually and there isn't one. I live in ghetto part of tenneessee you see. Black ghetto. Shit sucks.

Shit, I went to Pace High. That's pretty cool.

Do you know any good D&D dedicated serves by chance?

That sucks man, I don't like playing online, but look into roll20 if you really wanna play it shouldnt be too hard to find a book there.
I don't use discord, but most big dnd youtubers have their own servers.

party* not book fuck me haha

Kobolds have a pet Tarrasque.

Genius idea for a 3rd level party lmao