Be traditionalist guy that hates immigration

>be traditionalist guy that hates immigration
>tfw also be a beta and have a gay crossdressing fetish
What do I do to be accepted politically guys? Right wingers don't accept my degeneracy, but left wingers are disgusting and traitors. What do I do?

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>What do I do?

Go to Jow Forums to your fellow alt right sissies

don't offend Jow Forums like that

do you want to be the crossdresser or the other way around?

Be the crossdresser.

Based. remember to take HRT so you won't look like a fuck doing this when you're 30 :)

You are ok as long as you only let white men fuck you

>don't offend Jow Forums like that

The truth hurts

Start with no fap, whole 90 days deal to restart your fetishes. Be especially careful to NOT see/search/check any form of porn. No matter if video or text or hentai or whatever. If you fail, try again until you won't.

I'll still have kids in the future, i'm not a tranny

White, virgin and isn't an effeminate faggot with a lisp.

You can call me a sissy, I deserve it, but leave Jow Forums out of it

I'd do that, but the truth is I'm a loser fuck right now, so it wouldn't improve my situation or make me find a wife

>but left wingers are disgusting and traitors.
Nah, we just have different goals. I don't think there's anything wrong with immigrants, and they provide a net economic benefit to the US.

>loves getting fucked in the ass while wearing a dress

>be traditionalist guy that hates immigration
>What do I do to be accepted politically guys?
Most people already hate what you are politically. Why would you even want to be accepted by others politically? Your views are your own.

ur a cuck alright, don't talk to me

I know that wouldn't happen in a better time, like in the 18th century, but it is what it is.

its very obvious that this is the next generation of trap posting *BANG* *BANG* *POW*
dont fall for it and get blackmailed into a fucked up degenerate body

I was pretty much in the same situation as you. Not exactly crossdressing part, but femdom and general anal play was there. When you think about root of this kind of fetishes, sooner or later you'll find out it stems from two things:
>Testosterone deficiency

T deficiency is rather easily solvable. Either chemically (there are injections, pills and plenty of other ways) or naturally - you start lifting weights, train fighting sports, work outside and generally force yourself to develop strong will - cold showers are great intro into it. And of course, you work on your diet (google it). In a month or two, you'll see results. Here comes no fap into play, because it not only helps to sever your addiction to porn, but also rewires and heals your brain reward centers and resets your fetishes back to good old vanilla fucking.

Self-hate is whole another can of worms and is largely individual. There are however books and philosophies which help.

No one is forcing you to wear dress or get fucked in the ass. You're just a faggot 18th century has nothing to do with it.

I'm not OP, but truth be told, if you compare results of nowadays lifestyle of most of the population and lifestyle back then, then yeah it would be extremely fucking rare to happen.

Because it's nice to be part of a group

I won't. I know how to separate fetishes from reality.

Thanks, that's really helpful. But like I said, I don't feel the motivation to change right now. Even if I change, society will stay the same, so it feels kinda pointless.

I wouldn't be a faggot if I was born there. Both my natural weakness and addiction to porn only happened because of modern society

Well said

>But like I said, I don't feel the motivation to change right now.
>Both my natural weakness and addiction to porn only happened because of modern society
Not gonna be hypocrite and hate on you, but you should fix this asap, user. This crap only gets worse, it's slippery slope, trust me on this. Longer you stay in it, worse it gets and harder is to fix it. Also note that if you suffer from something, yet do not feel any motivation to change it, that's pretty much sure sign of addiction. Drug addicts literally show same symptoms. You can start working on it today if you wish. From my own experience, it will be hard, it will suck, you will fail many times before you finally succeed, but it is worthy of try. Good luck user.

You'd be surprised. Eton buggery is a pretty well documented thing. Homosexuality in upper class youth was a surprisingly common thing that was kept under wraps and it was generally assumed that boys would grow out of as they got older. It makes sense that now in the 21st century where the working class can live like the upper class of yesteryear that homosexuality among youth would be increasingly common
>Because it's nice to be part of a group
Fuck being part of a group. You'll constantly be adhering to their implicit rules, even subconsciously. Do what you want to do regardless of whatever some larping faggot on Jow Forums wants you to do. They are shitty company anyway, you're better off alone than with that sort of person

I wouldn't user, read about it a lot too. Regarding homosexuality, it was usually not as widespread as new-wave historians would like to. There are many historical anecdotes of people in 18. and even 19. century literally not understanding of what one meant when talking about homosexuals - so rare it was. Also I'm not sure about OP, but crossdressing itself is not usually purely homosexual venture - plenty of examples from degenerate communities around belle epoque which crossdressed, but purely with women company. But yes, you are correct that in upper classes it was more spread than in lower ones - which also non-directly confirms what I wrote before and implies what today sedentary feminized lifestyle of abundance produces.

>Fuck being part of a group
You may not like it, but group tribal thinking is in our nature and thinking you are above it is either a sign of defect or delusion.

>ur a cuck alright, don't talk to me
How does not minding immigrants make me a cuck? What's the thought process behind it?
I like ethnic food and I like meeting people from all over the world. Immigrants usually work jobs that natives wouldn't, either because of their unique qualifications or because they're willing to be paid under the table, below minimum wage.
The entire US agricultural industry is supported by low-wage illegal immigrants. Would you rather we import all our food at a much higher price?

Unironically stop watching porn, going on nofap for 6 months cured my trap fetish, also start working out anytime your horny it worked for me.

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>I wouldn't be a faggot if I was born there. Both my natural weakness and addiction to porn only happened because of modern society
Modern society has just made it acceptable for faggots to come out and be comfortable. I have no desire to suck cocks or wear dresses wtf. How can you blame modern society when you go out, buy a dress, and stick a dildo up your ass. How does any of that make sense if your not a faggot to begin with.

Modern society made it acceptable, yeah, but that is only half of it. Modern society also produces it. Look at it:
>Sedentary lifestyle killing your T and effectively neutering you
>(xeno)estrogens literally everywhere and in everything killing your T
>unhealthy mass produced food full of micro-plastic
>feminized society abolishing traditional manly virtues and punishing ways of resolving issued tied with way of men
>Porn as effective way of controlling populations and creating docile drones with brains rotted from fetishes, which hurt themselves and their partners
Look at third-worlders coming to the first world. First generations are usually fine, in second and third degeneracy spreads.

You can work against it, you can largely fix it. But it takes lot of effort and time, which most of the population is not even able to deliver.

>There are many historical anecdotes of people in 18. and even 19. century literally not understanding of what one meant when talking about homosexuals - so rare it was.
I'm not sure it was that rare to be honest. There are plenty of references to homosexuality in the bible and it was incredibly common in greek and roman culture. Crossdressing was also a large aspect of pagan ritual. Domination based rape (like in prisons) was also pretty common. I'm sure new-age revisionism exaggerates these things to a degree and maybe homosexuality wasn't really referred to as such but no matter what way you want to look at it men have been buggering other men for as long as men have existed. The concept that a couple in a loving long term relationship can be of the same sex is a bit more of a modern construct but the idea that homosexuality came with the advent of the sexual revolution simply isn't accurate, homosexuality is simply a product of a society of abundance.
>sign of defect or delusion
It's a defect, I just don't like groups. I'm fairly certain I'm schizo but that doesn't change the way I feel about them. I find right wing groups to be particularly shitty to be honest though not as bad as left wing ones.

All I'm hearing is that I'm a bitch ass faggot who dresses like a girl and gets fucked in the ass. Just the thought of it makes me shudder with disgust (yuck). How do do spend your own money on girl clothes and dildos if you're not a flaming homo. Just stop being a faggot.

I don't like groups either, but really can't work against it or even tell someone else to be angsty bitter loner himself because it suits me.

>incredibly common in greek and roman culture
Actually not as much, especially not in a way we understand it today. Romans didn't even had a word for homosexuality as they discerned only between manly and unmanly. Manly was one doing penetrating, unmanly one who received. Put it bluntly, in principle it didn't mattered who you banged as long it was you doing the banging. But generally speaking, pure "homosexuality" was of course shunned upon - especially because it went against all that both republican and imperial Romans believed. There are many cases from courts and anecdotes which speak about it. We should also differentiate republic and imperial era, as during the republic this whole topic was much more liberal than later, during the empire (starting with Augustus and his hardcore moral reforms). Greeks too are not a monolithic thing - in Athens it was very different than say in Sparta. But supposedly we could say that Greeks were more open to it, than Romans later. Rest of pagan world (Slavic, Germanic etc.) were strictly "vanilla" in all aspects, through and through. No need to talk about middle ages I think.

I'm not even OP you dumb roastflap.

You don't have to abide to the right/left template. Have your own ideas.

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Show boipussy dammit

Right, so why does it not happen to 99% of the rest of the population? You're a massive flaming faggot dude. Mahdern suhsyutee has nothing to do with it. YOU are the problen

>what is increasing amount
>what is absolute and relative numbers
I can't debate with double-digit debils.

Just for reference. Do you have any suggestions on a diet? What meals you could easily prepare, etc.

Mainly my diet just consists of cheap foods, would like to improve on it, but not break the bank.


For testosterone itself? Onions (red ones are best, one onion a day can actually do miracles on it's own), eggs, tuna, red meats (beef especially), milk with low fat and other milk products like Greek yogurt and such. In general also fish, legumes, nuts and fruit. Best thing about eating healthy and with respect to male body is that you can don't have to spend money, it is actually cheap. Would also recommend supplements like vitamin D, iron and lecithin.

If you are looking for easy, cheap as you can go and quick, then pretty much everything this guy does:

Haha what the fuck are you talking about retard? 99% of the population is still not gay, even if the known numbers of homos increased. This is a statistical fact, less than 1% of the population is gay. You're the problem, not everyone else.

>he is russian
Now it makes sense lol. Take care to not get lynched

>debil is exclusively russian
Yes, you are an utter brainded moron.

>even if the known numbers of homos increased.
And thanks for proving my point.

What point did i prove?

National Bolshevism.
Many gay people dislike towelheads due to the fact that those reactionarys throw them off roofs.