Why are breeders so fucking entitled?
Why are breeders so fucking entitled?
but dem titties tho
Im a lonely miserable fuck sitting here eating cheetos on a friday night. I could not give a fuck about what she does.
why is op such a fucking faggot?
unironically and originally based and redpilled
The manager shoulda asked for a suck. TbqhImho
>liking saggy, veiny tits
Kill yourselves
Why are breeders the only ones allowed to flop their tits out?
>it is against the law for him to ask me to cover up
It against the law to say shit nowadays? Shouldve thrown the bitch out for acting like she owned the place
We should be happy to see any baby getting a leg up in life through breastfeeding. Studies have suggested it may raise a child's IQ by 4-9 points on average, and has long lasting psychological benefits for both the mother and the child.
Women are so happy to wap their tits out in public if it seems socially empowering. If we could just teach them that rape is empowering we'd solve all this world's troubles.
Thats great, but Texas Roadhouse doesnt owe her anything. Its a private establishment.
This kind of shit accerlerates the decaying of my will to live
can we just fucking force texas and florida to secede already
Honestly I wouldnt be as triggered about public breastfeeding if childless Stacey was allowed to be topless for no good reason besides that her tits rock.
Well not Florida because I live there
I think we can all come to a compromise if we agree that women who breastfeed in public must provide 5 second "turns" to up to 5 different men present for every "breast feeding session".
Breeders should be gassed
>judging others for liking normal normal tits
And customers can bully or boycott them for treating mothers poorly until they get with the times and straighten up their act.
>complaining a woman has her nice tits out
I hope that wasn't a guy that complained cause that's really gay.
Its more likely people would stop going to Texas Roadhouse because entitled roastie breeders feel they can just flop their tits out when they want.
Why arent childless Staceys allowed to flop their tits out for attention?
Do you really want women to be more open with their sexuality in public? The sexual revolution is the entire reason 90% of real robots are here (the other 10% being the hideous and deformed). Yeah you'd get to see tits in public, but Stacy would just look at you disgustedly and walk away since she is putting herself on display for Chad, not you.
>mfw roasties actually think anyone cares they are feeding their baby
its because your baby is slurping milk bubbles all over the fucking place you degenerate take your shit out of here
>caring this much about a stranger you will never meet doing something that has no bearing on your life