do you think you'd be a good partner if you hypothetically got into a real relationship? do you think the majority of people who post here would be good partners?
Do you think you'd be a good partner if you hypothetically got into a real relationship...
Nope, I have totally fucked up boundaries because I never got to have any growing up. Any relationship I got into would be a disaster.
>do you think you'd be a good partner if you hypothetically got into a real relationship?
If that happened, I'd do anything for them; as cliched as it sounds
>do you think the majority of people who post here would be good partners?
Not really. Their insecurities, trauma, and past experiences will eventually set in and fuck things over.
>fucked up boundaries
how so?
Fucking absolutely not. I can not live with other people. Working all day in an office is bad enough.
I imagine I'd never tell said hypothetical girl anything and I'd just ignore her 100% of the time. Caring for another person would just be a hassle, and I just want to be left alone by the world. I'm fully aware I don't have much of a place in this society and I'm at peace with it; the last thing I need is a decomposing relationship to force this into my face over and over.
No, unless I lived with them. I'm terrible at keeping in communication with people because phone messages make me anxious.
no i'm seriously meant to be alone, i'm not interesting or passionate at all.
I just smoke weed and masturbate.
I'm a good friend, yet I don't have many friends. I'm a bad partner, yet I'm in a relationship that will probably last a lifetime.
>I'm a good friend
why do you say that?
I'd be a boring and immature partner probably but not abusive or disloyal like you want to meme about.
I guess maybe I'm more of a good listener? I try to put myself in someone else's shoes before giving them advice and I make sure the advice is solicited first. I'm not a babysitter, or a parent, and if I respect someone I care about their agency as well, even if it conflicts with my own.
>do you think you'd be a good partner if you hypothetically got into a real relationship?
>do you think the majority of people who post here would be good partners?
probably not, i'm guessing
Like I either shut people out completely or let people in completely, and it's impossible to function either way.
nice captcha image
thanks user. i just think it's comfy
>do you think you'd be a good partner if you hypothetically got into a real relationship?
Yes, but that's just because I know how to run a good relationship (it's work, but it's not that hard desu), actually falling in love is the hard part.
>do you think the majority of people who post here would be good partners?
I don't know, I honestly would believe that a good chunk of them wouldn't be good partners, not because they actually act out the "I'm tough dominant male, women are parasites" meme mentality, but because they'd become whipped by their partner.
I love my girlfriend, she's the cutest girl ever. But the best two things about her
1) she uses pads
2) she makes threads on r9k like this
OP here i have no idea what you're talking about
tfw my own gf pretends she doesn't know me on r9k
gf? what's that? girls don't come on this board right haha
my gf uses pads because she's tight
No, you're all awful and wouldn't make good partners.
what about me, i'm charming and romantic wink
Yes, been told that I am and I suppose I could be again. But only for a very messed up and kinky girl imo.
Imo most of the people here would grow into persons they would never believe themself to possibly be, if someone was really holding tight to them and not prepared to let go, no matter what. But face it, girls got easier and more "social approved" options.