Ok i know it's a bit of a meme but come on JUST imagine being a janitor on a fucking anime image board and doing it for FREE
Ok i know it's a bit of a meme but come on JUST imagine being a janitor on a fucking anime image board and doing it for...
Why not? There are so many shit threads that I would wipe from this board if I could. Normies like you aren't constantly on here for 5 hours a day minimum so those things don't bother you as much.
Fuck off.
>Only on here for 5 hours
I'm here from from the time i wake up to the time i go to sleep now get off my bord retarded janny loving normie
N*wfag go back to r*ddit please.
It wouldn't be for free. You get paid in satisfaction from deleting garbage rule-breaking threads and making the board better.
Discord shit especially would barely exist on Jow Forums if I am picked.
Holy cringe.
>Fuck off.
>doesn't hate jannies
redditor spotted, you need to go back
>deleting shitty threads that are wasting space
Idk sounds pretty nice to me. If I were a mod, about half of r9k would get a 2 day ban at least.
But you see the jannys are very biased and delete threads and posts they don't like
>You get paid in satisfaction
I said minimum. Read please.
Defend OP and his shitty thread harder faggot
I don't get whats wrong with not hating jannies. Maybe I'm not bitter because I don't create shit threads that get removed
If your minimum isn't at least 10 hours you are a normie newfag and you need to get off my board
Checks in.
>shitty threads
No, janitors just don't like fun. Anything that makes people laugh they delete. You wouldn't know because you probably frequently browse Jow Forums and not blue boards.
I have been only browsing r9k for the last 8 years, only other boards occasionally. So yes. No point in complaining about le animecringe because this is an anime image board
basic peepee poopoo blam image nice one
Yeah satisfaction won't keep hotpockets on his plate
Says the guy posting generic anime pics from a shit anime
Stop pretending to be an oldfag, and "XD THIS IS AN ANIME IMAGEBOARD" isn't an excuse for your garbage moeposting. I can tell you only browse this board because of how much of a faggot you are.
He's probably a janny himself
imagine insulting over anime image with poopee
Pretending to be an oldfag? Why do newfagus have such an ego problem and project their insecurity on others desu
>Imagine having such shit taste in anime
>shitting up boards with your epic smug anime girl maymays from reddit
Literally worse than frogposting.
i can play your game user..
Uhuh, because anime is reddit
I'd probably be a janny just to delete gay and normie threads from r9k
easy cringe. ty
You don't wanna play with me janny
>thinking youre superior because you don't use the term normie
>uses the word cringe xd
I'd love to be a janny please Jow Forums hire me
Your epic smug meme is, and not only is it not funny but pointless and overdone.
>Hey mom, I posted another anime picture of a girl making a funny face LOOK! XD
to hell with these narcissist zoomer newfucks
Waaah I hate things because pointless and overdone
do you really think I use these images because I think it's funny? I hope that 70iq didn't mess you up elsewhere
speak for yourself
>Imagine spending your time defending anime image borad janitors from a bunch of autistic virgin losers
Something being pointless and overdone is a completely valid reason to hate something, try again.
>dude anime image macros lmao
Just go back
> JUST imagine being a janitor on a fucking anime image board and doing it for FREE
Doing WHAT for free?
Currently collecting roastie scalps. Faggots are next on my list. God speed robots.
>What for free
It he does IT for FREE can you believe it
Do you think I have anything better to do?
go back where user
Do you think we have anything better to do?
to websites where your anime girl meems are posted, like r*ddit or even just go to Jow Forums or /a/ where your images are appropriate/tolerated
Now this, this! This is based. A fine day to you my fine sir.
Now this. This is cringe and yikespilled. It's a yikes from me doggo.
I would be a janitor on this board for free just to send most of you l003erz to Jow Forums jail
Clean it up, janny!
It's been a fun week. Can't wait to see what this place will look like after a few more periods of cleansing.
Bump to get these useless faggot off my board.
Jannies that are actually good do gods work
anons btfo by based jannie
Nowhere to be found on this board though. Only bluepilled tranny faggots.