Is it weird to go to a bar alone?
Is it weird to go to a bar alone?
Its the best way to meet new people.
It is but it's not like anyone can tell or will care. If you talk to a girl just say your friends are nearby or that you're making a social experience and think it's weird as well, which should actually be close to the truth
It's a pretty demoralising experience.
And get complaints for harassing the customers.
I regular a couple of bars. It's nice to get greetings from strangers just because you're a regular.
So long as you don't make an ass of yourself on booze.
Not if you're an alcoholic
There's a guy that only drinks mountain dew at the bar. He's super friendly and shit so no one harps on him for it.
Depends when and where. I went go at night on the weekends when normies are out having fun and partying. But going for an hour on a weeknight is perfectly acceptable to sit at the bar and drink a beer or two and look at your phone. I've seen people read at bars even. They bring Hemingway novels.
lmao why dont you just stay in and drink
why do you have to go out and do that
Also really depends on the atmosphere of the bar and what types of people regular it and at what time.
Kinda but you could always make some excuse as to why you're there alone if someone starts talking to you. Also it depends on the type of bar, there are some depressing bars out there where it wouldn't be weird to just go by yourself and drink while there are other bars where you'll stick out.
"Therapy" is usually my response if they ask. Will get you a nod and usually not anymore questions.
Holy hell, user. you should instead just say you were bored and you were trying to get out and meet some new people. Remember that it's not only what you say but how you say it. But if your response is anything having to do with therapy then the content is going to overwhelm any applied tact in expressing it.
no one gets harped on for drinking soda at a bar, 90% chance they're a recovering alcoholic
Is it possible to meet grils at a bar alone?
Yes but you have to be a normalfag
Only normalfags go to bars.
Robots get drunk alone at home.
I dont want to be a robot anymore you fuck
only if you're 50+
I used to do this all the time. I enjoyed keeping to myself and occasionally having a brief conversation with a stranger. It starts to make you feel truly anonymous and under the radar but still able to see normies' lives.
Drinking soda at a bar is the best. I hardly ever get charged for it since they assume I'm my friends' DD but in reality we walked there and I just don't drink alcohol due to stomach issues.
It shouldn't. One should be able to get pissed drunk without social anxiety
no but you're better off drinking at home
It is considered weird if you aren't very sociable. The only acceptable time to go would be mid day on a weekday between lunch and dinner breaks because there's no one ever there. During busy hours though you're taking up a seat for some one potentially entertaining.
If you're the type who can go and get people talking then they'll usually like it, but you need to be attractive and actually interesting/not creepy for this to work.
Not as long as you are there to meet people. I go to social meet up at bars sometime by myself, since I can reliably assume someone I know is there, or that I can make a new friend.