is being killed

Nov 14 death notice day of execution: November 30. Over six thousand articles about anime waifus taking baths about to be annihilated...

I'm getting very stuck on the process and was wondering if anyone here might be able to help walk me through it.

Attached: clawfoot.png (513x345, 186K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Just find some open source code on github that does this

If only the same were true for their creators

Weird that they'd purge fetish things.

Get it on

The Pantsu Wiki got taken down a while ago as well. What's going on in Japan?

Attached: 1537747932571.jpg (278x292, 15K)

I only know how to put individual pages on that, and my hands will break if I try that 6200 times, and the idea it to save the source code to rebuild it elsewhere.

I don't think Wikia is hosted in Japan.

Not really, SJWs everwhere.

This is a little vague, could you be more speciifc? I saved an xml.7z data dump from for "current pages and history" but I know this doesn't include the files.

I need to mass download the files as well.

I only vaguely knew of this wiki's existence, but I'm really upset by normalfags freaking out over it.

I'm just so angry at the retarded normalniggers all the goddamn time.

prior to the pantsu, they also killed the "slapping" wiki, the "fanservice" wiki, the KNJ wiki... I wish there was an equivalent "make your own free wiki" site to flee to. Could 8ch fill that kind of role?

crashed half way through, had to change some code, we're really at around 1500 images, how many are there?

Attached: Capture.png (953x476, 25K) says:
>Content pages 6,233
>Pages (All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.) 64,082
>Uploaded files 51,359

No wonder you crashed, was only about 1/34 of way through. What are you running?

It's possible Wikia might throttle this as perceiving as DDOS, not sure.

nah, it was b/c of some weird filename of one of the images, i just had it print the url and skip over it
fuck me, 50,000 fuckin pictures of anime baths, im in for it now

Attached: Capture.png (1013x537, 31K)

damnnnn, are they migrating anywhere?

a small minority of the data was manually put on the founder is apparently paying out of pocket to run it on their own.

I don't know if they understand tools enough to migrate everything in time (I certainly don't) so I'd like to at least download/archive as much as possible personally, either to add to or if some other provider can be found

I don't like the idea of this project relying on one person's income (not sure of their situation) and I don't think a Patreon could be relied on.

Apparently they tried "Wikii" and "ShoutWiki" as free providers but got booted off. Anyone able to shop for other free hosts who would be tolerant?

alrighty, 10% done
im just gonna have to leave this going overnight and hope it doesnt crash

Attached: Capture.png (994x533, 31K)

yeah, this thing up here
i had to download python 2 in order to run it, which was kinda a hassle

aight, cool. Gonna go download me some sinks

shit man, there's an anime sink wiki?

there was actually a discussion back in March about sinks but a scenario page hadn't been created for it yet

Attached: Sin - Nanatsu no Taizai Zangeroku episode 4.png (1088x1048, 788K)

>a scenario page hadn't been created for it yet
and to think, there may never be one...

Use HTTrack?

im gonna use this enormous anime bath archive for my shitposting discord bot

Attached: Capture.png (486x343, 239K)

th...that's cool bro but like... if you are and have actually downloaded all 51,359 files is there any chance you could tell me the total size of the FILE folder and whether or not it wuold be feasible to upload them to Mega or another filesharing site?

I was hoping to download a backup myself. I'm willing to dedicate resource/time I just haven't grasped the software aspect....

Trying this out now, installed it on lubuntu but I'm stuck on the options after I designate name/directory/URL

>1 Mirror Web Site(s)
>2 Mirror Web Site(s) with Wizard
>3 Just Get Files Indicated
>4 Mirror ALL links in URLs (Multiple Mirror)
>5 Test Links In URLs (Bookmark Test)

What do?

Its still gonna take some time, but Id estimate it to be around 15-18 gigabytes
If youre having trouble downloading it, I can walk you through how to do it if youre willing

Im turning in, now. If bread is still alive in the morning Ill let you guys know how the download went