
posting stats
post your stats
post your feels
post your stats mostly

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dont feel like doing diaries man

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think about the free diary lamps you can use on herblore

Do you feel proud of these stats?

let me get on my main

Yea it was a pretty fun 2-3 weeks. Its nice playing some rs after i finish homework and stuff

I've been playing on and off since I was 13. Used to get so desperate to play that I've used floor vents, a block of cheese, and a big fan to cool down my laptop just to play.

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what did the cheese do?

cop these bot stats boys

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1 hunter pure?

Hello fellow OSRS Anons. I remember back in Feb/March we had a couple OSRS threads a week.

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the user Short Hop is a geek

is that your rs gf or something?
fucking normie

Runescape, without doubt one of the best MMORPG's out their

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I hated hunter when I played before osrs, I'm not going to level it until I absolutely have to

Getting kinda bored with osrs lately. Not sure what I should do on here next.

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tfw hate skilling but gotta max

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Aiming for 99 prayer and farming at the same time. Feels pretty good

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Those are the shittiest skills left to max too, other than Smithing which can be good money and really afk. Really nice account though. We're all proud of you!

th-thanks, y-you too...
can't stand smithing even though i have all the gold ore banked

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Why do people hate questing? It's by far the most part of the game. I've been a bit bored since getting quest cape.

Why do you retards pour your time into this pointless shit? Learn a language, take up a sport, do anything but this shit you fucking mongoloids. Even getting on drugs would at least get you out of the house, learning how to hustle.

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>implying I don't play rs on drugs

thanks m80 i just got 94 wc too

We kept it in the fridge or freezer and it we would put under the computer to cool it down for an hour at a time. We also got an hour a day of computer time for free from the library using a walmart modem. It was poor times.

Why do you pour your time into these sub par posts? Learn a language, take up a sport, do anything but this shit you fucking mongoloid. Even getting on drugs would at least get you out of the house, learning how to hustle.

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t.salty lad
You know it's fucking shit. You can't compare chatting on Jow Forums to hours dedicated to that insanity.

Ultimate ironman btw

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whew lad. you just got ass blasted by

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Guarantee the amount of time you pour into browsing the web wouldn't compare to the amount of time i spend playing a video game

Refer to my rebuttal here
Just admit you're all fucking shit and I'll leave you alone. It's not hard to face reality.

You've got 3 people telling you that you're a retard, and now you're wasting time arguing with us instead of taking your own advice.

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You know you're wasting your life, but you refuse to admit it. Just admit what you're doing is pissing away your youth. Don't bother with the no you's, the ad hominems, I'm not interested. I want to hear you admit that what you are doing is fucking insane and terribly sad.

>post your feels
Dunno. Ive been feeling kinda shit and boredom is killing me. The sort of melancholy that just leaves me thinking about old stuff.

But on a brighter note I was able to buy the Golden Premiere membership last night. I used Bluestack to get a 7 day trial on my old account which turned out to have 25m~ in items. The other 40m came from barrows and clue items from my ironman.

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Know when to quit user

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Holy fucking shit man why are you so mad/why do you care so much? Did you throw away your youth playing some game? It sounds like you're the miserable one who wants others to feel worse than him.

Haven't played since april. It's nice coming back to this account

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The chad 1 def pure vs the virgin base 40 stat skiller

>absolutely refuse to admit you fucking suck
Just be honest and the hurt feelings can end

>Just be honest and the hurt feelings can end
Haha ok brother. Clearly you're the one with hurt feelings, but I will humor you because I don't want you to kill yourself tonight over something so meaningless. I fucking suck for playing a videogame :( maybe now I too will become enraged at the thought of online posters playing videogames.

Similar stats, working on Morytania Elites right now.
My dad kicked me out of the house and it hurts me that my mom calls me everyday and wants to spend more time with me. Other than that just playing runescape in my flat and working at subway. Some black guy came in the other night and asked me to pray with him, it felt pretty reassuring.

forgot meh stats

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That's sarcasm, and I'm afraid that won't cut it. Admit you're wasting your life now. And fucking mean it. I'm not even kidding.

It's a nice break from creating music and gives me something to do on the train to work. How many languages do you know, what instrument can you play and how much can you bench?

heres my weird stats. im just working on 20 mil fishing right now. Thieving and farming are mega aids

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i was thieving some fruit and a racoon just started following me

congrats on rare pet, faggot

i play rs3

I didn't train farming for years and only got it up through Tears of Guthix and genie lamps. Very nice Fishing lvl!

I'm 2good4u

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>not even maxed melee
>when nmz exists
yeah real good m80

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It was a maxed med level, I just started training attack.

Don't be a sperg and talk shit.

Did you hit 99 str or hp first?

>tfw finally got 99 smithing

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I'm trying to do all the quests, currently at 207 quest points and stuck on a bunch of quests because my combat stats are too low. I have to go back and finish Contact!, Desert Treasure, and Haunted Mine feels bad man.

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Congratulations! How'd you train it. Smithings my favorite skill so I got 99 as well. I wish I played in the classic days so I could rip people off making Rune platebodies.

Range first, then strength followed by HP.

First time I played I was scammee by a "doubler", then learned doubping and made my first milpion that way lol

What do you even do with these stats?

sup fags orig good pk man here

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i haven't played this game in years

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>tfw playing game with a bunch of drugged-out memeing teenagers

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I was one of the first few that got 99 fletching and made addy arrows. then addy plates