Here's exactly why incels shouldn't be taken seriously (its not me in the pic)

Here's exactly why incels shouldn't be taken seriously (its not me in the pic)

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>Here's exactly why incels shouldn't be taken seriously
I didn't think anyone did.

What the fuck does pic related prove

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why dont you bend over so im not an incel anymore OP
seems like youd like that

>What the fuck does pic related prove
That the whole 'hurr durr looks are the only thing that matters if you're a sub-8 you have no chance' thing is just a bunch of brownpill loser cope.

this dude has a decent profile view. because of this, I assume his frontal view shot in the picture is ugly because of lens distortion. thus, your thread is... INVALID. LOOKSMATCHED COUPLE.

i want reddit to leave

Yeah but he's not that ugly just a average looking bean boy but say "looks don't matter" to this guy

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I bet you want a lot of things that you don't get.

don't play that game you wont last

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Oh, I absolutely believe that they do matter; just that they're not everything.

dude's a literal indian filipino vietnamese brazilian favelado ass nigga.

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that looks like a fucking tranny

the guy is still a solid 6 and he definitely looks less deformed than me

>tranny gf
checks out to me, boss

she isn't trans. stop making excuses out your ass.

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she ain't no trans man honest to god.

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>stop making excuses out your ass.
They HAVE to; their cope dial has been cranked up to Full Retard.

Yes looks aren't very thing but tell that to women
the girl isn't exactly a looker either

i dont give a shit if it isnt a trans, she is ugly as fuck
i suppose your point was making me feel bad for not having a disgusting tranny as a girlfriend?

Once you're above 25 everything matters 10 times as much as they do when you're a teenager. That guy's young, probably 20 at the oldest, he's still set and when his turn with this girl is over reality will hit him just as it hits all sub-8s. Him being a Mexican and thus probably a catholic who will prioritize having kids early is his only hope.

the opposite, actually. i want this to serve as inspiration for all those who believe to be "helpless deformed incels" as much as it helped me get out of this illusion of helplessness. if this bitch ass nigga did it... cmon. you ARE better than that. saying shit like "she must be trans" "she doesn't look good" like that ain't help ya man. And even if she's ugly, thats even more of a reason for you to not believe incelism (don't think i need to explain it).

nappy hair/curls = big cawk

find a pic of a girl like that w a pajeet its not happening unless he also has a big cawk

HOLY shit this looks exactly similar my crush except hes mulatto and a bit lighter

>hey guys, looks at this looksmatched couple, this proves that looks don't matter

The absolute state of this faggot's IQ

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Sorry Stacy wont settle for your ugly ass and instead goes for her looksmatch (Chad)

ok, i'm done with this shit. you have to be out of your mind to call them looksmatched, have you even seen the first picture? have you seen her body? she's not even a 30yo landwhale man.

i've never seen so much COPE and self-blindness in my life.

on top of that, if they're only together because they're looksmatched, then there is your answer, just find a girl that looksmatch you.

see how contradictory you are?

This is the only honest picture of these two. The others are taken at an angle (by her) or have flattering lighting (for her). And yes, they're looksmatched.

then there's your answer, you contradictory spook. find one that looksmatch you, just like the dude (according to you) did.

or are you gonna tell me "you cant settle" for someone as ugly as you? bitch.

I'm not contradicting myself at all. Looks matter. You're ugly, you get an ugly partner. OP started the thread arguing with himself, not with me.

i was arguing with incels who claim they are hopeless in getting a chick.

OP HERE and btw: just found out this nigga's 5'4. I can't believe you guys still finding excuses to call yourselves incel. edward elric ass motherfucker

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forgot to mention she's 4'9 though.

> posts picture of snow


you must have really high standards. the guy doesn't look that bad

>women always date up
>th...they're looks matched!
>I would date any girl who was interested in me
>she's not even good looking she looks like a tranny

Incels are a joke

whoa whoa whoa i didn't read this part
are you serious. 5'4?

holy shit that girl has a good personality

If he cleaned up the acne and got rid of the glasses he would be pretty good with that chad chin.

Can OP get an American or just a first world example? Women in third world countries have much lower standards.

And u forgot the whole face.

they're both ugly you fucking retard lmfao

>brown ugly manlet
>her eyes, fat bulbous nose, fat cheeks (looks like a mongoloid btw) shit hair, shit facial structure and eye liner are supposed to be more attractive than him
they're looksmatched. He's a point or half a point under lmfao. They look just as ugly

OP, you're a couple years late. The incels all fucked off from this site long ago. It's full of volcels now.

The issue is no longer about women not wanting ugly men. It's that men no longer desire women to want them, because it's plain not worth it no matter how attractive she is. have BTFO yourself OP that chick is like a 3 and she was able to score an average 5/10 guy...what does this tell you?

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Redoot banned them. They need a new home.

i'm an incel and it's because of my horrible personality rather than looks(even though they do matter a bit).
nice try tho

stop cherry picking genetic lottery losers who got girls

Congratulations retard. You found the exception. This is not the norm

you guys seem to not see her bikini pic i posted

>Here's exactly why incels shouldn-

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Trying to look tough and relevant by posting angry cartoon frogs just makes me take you even less seriously

They're both fuck ugly and I'm almost positive they are from brazil where it's common for girls to have nice bodies like that


These two mutts are so mixed not even I can figure out what they are, made for each other really.

These are what average brazilians look like. Every time I visit my grandma there I see mutts like that even in the "whitest" parts of the country