The growing in incel issue in the west

We have two generations who are absolutely fucked when it comes to women gen y and the gen z. Only 20 percent of men regularly have sex and the rest of men get hardly anything or nothing. Do women honestly think western society will continue to crawl along ok if the men who keep it going have no reason to contribute to it?

>Hurr Chad has a better personality and doesn't view them as objects.

Implying the frat boys who get laid every night don't view women as anything other then fuck holes. Most incels honestly want a girl to love and have been starved of female affection.

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(non violently, of course...)

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China, India and the Middle East all have this same problem, albeit for different reasons.

>FBI has credible tip it's actually Chad planning something evil
>Clearly must be a mistake, it's obviously his quiet, withdrawn neighbor, user

Maybe because people realize it's not that big a deal. That's the irony of liberalizing it, people stop caring as much about it.

This, the willingness of sandniggers to up and fight or just uproot and wander into Europe is the direct result of harems being allowed under Islam, west is much the same except without even legal recourse for infidelity
Surplus men are not being disposed of through war or disease or enough abortions and have nowhere to go but down the spiral of madness

good idea.. let 2 generations of men never get sex, blame them for every problem that they are not responsible of, make them feel worst than rapists and pedos, always mock them.. very good idea this will end really well I'm sure

Interesting idea, my money is still on incels being right

Literally because people like me get 80percent of women in bed lmao.
There is no sex recession, women are just banging worthy men, apps and sexual liberation just helps them find good ones rather than settling for a NEET poorfag with a 4 inch cock L M A O

yeah except for the fact that reproduction is the basis of our civilization and fertility rates are plummeting in every developed country. The internet is mostly to blame, porn is part of that problem but not the whole problem, digital entertainment is just more easily engaged than women are, and women haven't really adjusted to the promise of social equality by accepting a share of the pursuit. They largely continue to let themselves be chased and suffer for it.

I know so many women who got great grades, have nice jobs, ect who are with absolute deadbeat men. My high school friend who is a morbidly obese drug dealer has more luck with women than I do.

A good amount of incels fucking hate women and only wanting to fuck as well, there's no place to win anymore
Everyones fucking cheating and only views each other as sexual objects and platonic love isnt a thing anymore

I hate how people drop porn like it's the enemy as if women having streamlined access to sex through dating apps is irrelevant. We've only had one of them for the whole time that things have been going to shit.

Women don't give a fuck. They'd gladly let civilization collapse as long as they can fuck Chad. They have no loyalty to any country or group or any foresight/long-term planning, they just follow what their pussies and feelings tell them.

This is obvious, whenever women share their views it's always about having something done for them, they see only a vehicle for their needs.

>20 percent of men regularly have sex
Exactly how many girls would one of these 20% guy fuck per month?

I'm a fat weeaboo neckbeard and I regularly fuck fat women and trans women and also men. Am I a twentypercenter? Most incels say they'd rather be virgins than fuck a fat girl cuz muh standards.

>The growing in incel issu-


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Your days are numbered Chad
INCELS will shape the world according to their will, and men like you will have no place in the new society
Enjoy it while it lasts

im kind of ugly and socially awkward. only desperate girls would want to fuck and im unironically afraid of getting #metoo'd

I would rather die alone than fuck a blob or another man. I don't even like turbostacies, I just want a girl who is presentable.I'm not particularly attractive but I'm in reasonable shape and well groomed, and I expect the same from anyone I'm going to spend my life with. I have no interest in dating a girl who isn't wife material or having sex with a woman that I'm not going to marry.

Incels who just want to walk around in Chad's shoes and fuck tons of women are pathetic and deserve to be alone.

>That isn't a very forward thinking progressive position to hold, Ano-


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I'm on the verge of cracking so I can only imagine how my celibate peers are coping.

This, even if we suffer heavy casualties we're still the 80%.

>Incels who just want to walk around in Chad's shoes and fuck tons of women are pathetic and deserve to be alone.
I agree, however it's not like they have a choice, hence involuntary.

2-3 I'd imagine, although it could be more. I hear stories from chad acquaintances that would depress you. One guy was offered a threesome by two coworkers of his. Easy fuckin mode.

Incels need to form a Super PAC and a legal fund. If a politician gets called misogynistic, give him $1000. If a politician gets accused of rape $10,000. If anyone gets accused of creating "the handmaid's tale" $100,000.

The legal fund will defend any incel from rape charges, and sue colleges that expel or hurt people for rape accusations. Sure, they might not always win. However, the people who have to deal with well funded lawyers will drop loads of money defending themselves. Also, I think having lawyers to browbeat female divorcees in court could stop divorce rape when they can be outspent by a legal fund.

>He wouldn't take the chad pill and accept all the free meaningless sex
m-m-m-m-monster tip

>yeah except for the fact that reproduction is the basis of our civilization and fertility rates are plummeting in every developed country.
Sex != reproduction. People can have shitloads of sex and not reproduce. Thanks to contraceptives and all other shit. And shove your blame game up your ass, maybe you and the fucks always complaining about this shit need to realize you can't have cake and eat it. If you want to match babymaking rates of the third world to propel the economy or whatever, you need to make some sacrifices.

I'm 24 and a virgin. I have female friends online who I make laugh with my autism but I don't want to fuck them. Every girl I talk to online is boring as hell or doesn't respond. I'm ugly and can't get even a 5/10 girl so why bother? I'm lonely but I'd rather fantasize about a (nonanime) waifu than settle for a disappointing girl who will just remind me of my disappointing self. And I'm not worthy of anything more.

I'm not ugly, tall, fit, and have a big dick. I haven't gotten laid in four years.

Pretty sure most women just want attention on datings apps, or a sugar daddy. So many girls plug their private snapchats or instagrams on there.

>Only 20 percent of men regularly have sex
prrety sure at least 40% of men in America are married so you're retarded. The problem is you, youre not getting laid because your too busy on Jow Forums and playing video games.

I think there is something to a lack of motivation when it's described as "something adults do for fun" rather than anything spiritual, and it's also just straight up true that it isn't special anymore because it's not gated behind anything meaningful.

I bet you don't even know what you're talking about. Robots have zero power in the game, what the fuck would we be "sacrificing" to receive the benefit of a healthier society? We're not eating OR having cake, we're starving. We have nothing to give up.

>implying married people have sex regularly past the age of 30.

Also implying married people don't cheat. You can be a married incel while your wife isn't.
And anyway, 40% is a weak number. It should be 80 or whatever it used to be.

>Do women honestly think western society will continue to crawl along ok if the men who keep it going have no reason to contribute to it?
That's why women are trying to force feminism and political correctness everywhere. They don't want to lose these men's contributions and labor, but at the same time they won't date them and stop being hypergamous, so their solution is to try to brainwash men into being docile and obedient so they won't have the balls to stand up for themselves. You see it all the time in movies, tv, and games now, always pushing female leads and diversity casting. Then there's of course the general anti-male sentiment echoed across the left, shaming any masculine behavior and silencing any dissenting opinions. You see the result of that now, with soiboys becoming so prevalent and this generation's young men being so pathetic and sympathetic towards gender equality/women's rights. It's a travesty that it's gotten this bad.

This is why contraception was a mistake. Completely took away the meaning and purpose of sex and bastardized it into a recreational activity. Degeneracy of the highest order.

>youre not getting laid because your too busy on Jow Forums and playing video games.
>implying I play video games, and am not just a socially and emotionally stunted retard

Married men don't have sex regularly. You also have to realize that the majority of men who get married are likely beta bux providers getting cheated on. Women only truly want Chad, the men they marry are just tools and providers to take care of their material needs.

That isn't involuntary celibacy, that's just having a laundry list of prerequisites that are very specific.

>43 percent of single people in Japan ages 18-35 are virgins


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yep, that much closer to 2d becoming real

>people are unironcally buying into the 3DPD meme

our species is going to die out because of fucking anime.

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Just let it die, why maintain this charade?

Meant to post this image. Hentai and anime is causing romantic decline


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>average guy has a 1 in 300 chance to get a response on Tinder


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>baww there's too much teen pregnancy
>baww why aren't teenagers having sex any more
what exactly do boomers want?

Teen pussy without repercussions

>have been starved of female affection.
Literally mommy issues.

And how will incels shape the world?
By raging alone or among themselves, committing suicide and sperging about politics but never actually doing anything?
How about you fags start lifting, eating right and having a productive activity?
But oh no that would take you dangerously closer to 'chad' territory or at least 'beta' one, i.e. the guys who reproduce.

Efucks are somewhat platonic
Same with wankers. They spill their seed to the pornjew daily, that's fairly platonic i.e. they'll never get pussy hahaha losers

This is growing a bit worrying....
Some guy predicted that in the future polygamy would be the norm.
Are we seeing the first stages of this?

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I literally gave up on women and relationships. Every once in a while I think about getting a gf but it seems the average girls standards are way to fucking high

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What you gunna do, go out elliot style? Yeah right.
Imagine hundreds of elliots ? You'd just give birth to anti incel laws.
No reproduction? No balls anymore, eunuchs!
Cant figure out how to get a mate? Say goodbye to your balls, that'll make you peaceful again, genetic trash. Or maybe chads and Stacies will just castrate you chemically.
You dont matter.

saved this Apu, very kawaii desu ne

Cracking to what, omegaloser?

I'm sure incel neetbux will change the world

See that, incels and robots? That's you.
Your fucking EGO is your sole enemy.

Can you ask papa rebbit to reinstate all the angry virgin subs so you fags can go back THERE and do this peptalk shit?

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>average guy has a 1 in 300 chance to get a response on Tinder

You're forgetting the ones who died. They're not counted in the celibate crowd anymore.
You're also including the mystery meats. Latinos marry more.

>anime avatarfagging
You're the cancer

What's the sauce of these caps?

The normie circle jerk echo chambers (ie.: basically everywhere but Jow Forums) will never admit it, but the answer is obvious: Internet dating and hookup apps have optimized hypergamy and women are inherently hypergamous.

Ive been in a polyamorous relationship in my fucked up romantic exploits, and it is TORTURE for guys like me. Spending time in a room with the 3 other guys and a girl this girl is fucking.

I'm 22, graduating from a top 100 university in the world with a CS degree, work out 3 times a week, do all the other basic meme shit like showering, and I am still a virgin. Should I just rope bros?

Incels by and large have terrible personalitites though. Whether or not you just want a girl to love is irrelevant when you act so bizarrely women are creeped out by you. Frat boys don't act creepy or weird and have a social community, that's why they get laid.

No, enjoy what you're doing for yourself.
There's no shame in becoming a wizard, you have much more freedom, too.

There's a lot of freedom, but there's also a certain emptiness when you realize you're going to be alone for the rest of your life

t. wizard

what if you really want to be alone for the rest of your life?

Probably going to get hate for posting this, but I'm one of the 20%. I was a virgin until age 26. I'm 30 now, have had sex with dozens of women (pretty much any brand you can imagine at this point, besides over 45). I've had about two serious girlfriends since then as well, including two at the same time who knew about each other.

So it is possible to become the 20% who fucks the 80%. but it does take a willingness to change and see things differently.

You know, sometimes I feel that way for a few moments, but then I realize that I'm just not built to be a normie, and I'm sure I would hate the normie life much more than I hate my actual life.
t. almost wizard

Then it's fine, but most people don't want to be alone all the time

Okay, now outline the path of how that's possible for a 32 khhv.

incels could easily get sex if they tried, first you have to get fit then if you have an ugly face you must grow long hair and have a big beard to hide your ugliness, women don't care about your personality if you look good

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the path for me looked like this

>get Jow Forums (follow the sticky to a tee, no excuses) if you're like me you start seeing solid results in six months and in one year you'll be completely transformed. also requires eating a near-perfect diet (easy to do as a single male with no one influencing you) and not missing a gym day (also easy to do).
>make more money. the ideal solution is to cultivate whatever talent or dreams you have into cash but that'll look different for everyone. failing that, do research on higher payer jobs that take little education and throw everything into it. for me that was writing, ended up writing some novels that don't sell like crazy, but i wrote a lot of them from ages 24-30 because I kept at it and make approximately $1500 a month extra from it. Not easy, but similarly most people can find some other side hustle.
>with that extra money, i use it to travel. Stay in hostels...don't expect anything from it, just try to find yourself and meet people along the way, and let whatever be will be. Plus, tinder bitches love the travel pics.
>i had bad anxiety issues when i first started getting out there dating. I used kratom to calm my nerves. allowed me to act more natural, and i credit being fit and using kratom as me losing my v card for the first time. For me at least, it gives me super powers in social situations. Met most girls through Tinder and Bumble (got matches just because I was fit and had nice travel pictures). Fucked up with most of my early dates, but then I got better with practice and started knowing how to get laid on the regular.

Hope this helps. I could say more (about my experiences and such) but am running out of space.

>also, for me no fap helped along with quitting video games. as far as tv, pick one or two shows you like and scrap the rest. use the rest of the time to build a money making enterprise of some sort, or getting an education for a higher paying job.

>Men suffering from lack of relationships, basic personal fulfillment, family
>Lol just pull yourself up by your bootstraps
>Women suffering from having to work to advance professionally
>Clearly society is at fault, better introduce special programs and quotas

Incels will never receive societys support or even just empathy because they are the lowest of the low, they are competing for a finite ressource (women), nobody has to gain anything from it... and worst of all, because all of this most people will live a life of misery rather than so much as admit they are incels.

The way incels are treated or described as (misogynist neckbeards with no personal hygiene) proves this. If you wish to deny a group empathy and support, the best way to do so is find a narrative that makes their problem all their own fault. One can easily see parallels in how poor people or those suffering from starvation used to be described a couple centuries ago. The poor are lazy, the poor are dumb, the poor are intrinsically barbaric... clearly it is both immoral and pointless to help them. And yes, these stereotypes were usually partly true (just like the neckbeard stereotype has people it fits to), but just like the development of society since then proves that the poor can advance with education and opportunities, a reasonable man will not think that all incels are incurable neckbeards.

>caring this much about sex
There are far more interesting things in the world. If your only focus in life is sex, then thats probably why you don't get laid. You're an uninteresting, unremarkable piece of shit

No. Women love smart dudes

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Absolutely not. I'm this poster and you are way ahead of me than I was at your age. All I had at that point was a kiss with an ugly girl (who broke up with me, kek), and never got laid once in all of college. 22 is a lot of time to turn it around. Use that extra money to invest in the market while you're young, live frugally, keep lifting, nice hair cut, all that jazz. Comp. sci majors are notorious for being shit at socializing with girls but it is possible to learn, even at 22. Travel solo for social gains, you'll meet a lot of other young people and your life will absolutely change when you come home. Learn to open yourself up and say yes to people and opportunities - this is a big one. A lot of guys who think they legit have autism are really just out of practice. Even the ass burgers isn't a turn off, I don't have assburgers but sometimes I act like I do. There's nothing wrong with being weird or introverted, as long as you own it and don't apologize for who you are.

These things don't change overnight, but they can change if you believe in it. Inside every person is a better version of yourself, and if you envision that person and ask yourself what that person would do, and do it, your life will improve in every way. That's absolutely all there is to it. It's just learning to trust that inner light that is the hard part.

They don't really care. There are a small amount of women who chase after smart dudes, but to the majority, it's not that important. Most women want in a man strength, success (they dont care how you get it), good physical traits (like looks, height, big dick), and emotionally healthy, stable and mature. They dont care about anything else. If you also have something else on top of that its a plus but they dont care if you dont.

>Why are young men having so little sex?
Fixed, they'll never write the proper way.

This is why I gave up on Tinder. Im not particularly bad looking but am too short and fat to be a chad. Tinder turned into a useless time hole. It made me feel like a piece of meat, like an ebay item with 0 bids.

Women expect you to
>message them first
>say something witty and original
>be charismatic in a text-only medium

I should have known that pictures make all the difference, as revealed in the atomic blackpill. Does anyone else remember hearing that female attraction is less visual than ours? What a crock of shit.

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All that fucking shit, yet all a roastie has to do is exist.
>chronically fatigued due to childhood illness and past cancer, lifting would consume 100% of my energy, leaving nothing for anything else, like earning a living
>not a degenerate drug or alcohol user
>"looool travel" is for normalfaggots
>already socially retarded in my own native language and would end up dead in a foreign country

Have you considered writing? Some of the most esteemed authors in western history were complete social retards. Even if you assume you have nothing interesting to say, this may not be the case.

Maybe the reason young adults have so little sex is the fact that once you turn 18 you're viewed as a literal rapist for going after your expected age range (mid-teens)

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I'm pretty much the same as you except I don't have chronic fatigue. Though I do have rheumatoid arthritis since like 18 which prevents me to work out my upper body

Sex as already seen as a recreational activity long before contraception was a thing user.

Day 17 of nofap going strong.

I actually started fapping but never came. I haven't came in 17 days and it is pretty cool. I can last longer the longer I wait, and I use a on-a-hole xzy.

I really want a nerdy gf that is intp-t/a.

There should be a intp dating site.

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This. I'm 31 khhv, I'm afraid I'll be lumped in with these militant incels someday. I'm clean shaven, shower regularly, wear simple clothes with no weeb shit, polite and respectful irl.
>4/10 on a good day
>only moderate income
>non-prestigious job that bores normies
>not your personal jester
Nobody gives a shit about me.

This is exactly why I almost didn't post anything. even if doing some of the things on the list is physically impossible or morally objectionable to you, the point is there are always things you can do to improve yourself. I know that's probably not what you want to hear.
There are people in a much worse spot than you that still manage to find love. It's hard to pull yourself out of a hole when you're down in it. After a while, the darkness becomes almost comfortable and we're afraid to try for something better because you don't want to get disappointed.
Yeah, people who post here have it harder than other places. It's that hardness that drives us here in the first place. It's something others just won't understand because they've had life easier.
But you have what you have, and wishing it had been different is ultimately futile. I don't post on here often, but when I do, it's because I relate to being that autistic virgin who thought he would never get laid. But it changed for me when I decided to not make excuses and put myself out there. I wasn't brave enough to try that until I was 26.
I doesn't matter your age. It's never too late to try, to fight, to start living perhaps for the first time in your life.

Maybe one of you guys will actually read what I wrote and not write everything off. That's the only reason I ever post in these types of threads. Not to brag, but genuinely try to help someone who's struggling just as I was just a few years ago.

Also "Travel is for normal fags" is a complete meme. Any young man with the means should do it. It's not about bragging to people that you're sophisticated or normal or whatever. It literally changes your perspective because you expose yourself to things you would never see from your typical life. It's not a cure all, but it can be part of the cure.
Don't even know why I'm typing this. It's all I have to say.

Honestly i think this is the best course of action.
Becoming completly caste and pudic, giving up your thoughts on sex and women and being happy by yourself is much more healthier and humane than playing the "game" and competing with other males just to get a bit of attention from a woman. Going around in circles worrying about your apperance, what you show and what other people think about you is being a complete slave and key to unhappiness. Becoming a "monk" and focusing on something else in live than sex and women simply saves you to many braincells.

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Not previous user.
But thats the kind of shit that i hate with passion. I can never be myself in order to find a partner while other people can. Telling people these steps they NEED to take in order to get a female is pure torture agaisnt my personality.
Why should i bother to forcely "put myself out there" when i hate most parties, bars, crowds of people and dont drink or smoke? Forcing myself to do those things just to get a girl that likes those things is never going to make me happy, because i would have to wear a mask all the time infront of her to be appealling.
I normally dont like to travel to other countries unless its to see a diferent climate and rural place, im sick of going to other countries and seeing copies of the same cities but with people talking a diferent language.
Telling people you need to do X and become Y to "start living life" is plain stupid and simply wrong, you are just painting your morals and values on other people. Doing all those things that you say you need to do is wearing a mask and brute force changing myself just for the appeal of others. Im calm, introverted, reserved, like reading, history, playing strategy games, seeing nature, listening to new types of music and programming robots. I much prefer to stay alone rather than following your "guide" to get a woman that is the complete oposite of me. Doing that is being a complete moral slave of what othe people think of you and is never going to make you happy imo.

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You made two assumptions you shouldn't have.

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I've never had a problem with getting some slut to fuck. Keeping her around as a partner is a whole different story tho

>So many girls plug their private snapchats or instagrams on there

This. I'll automatically swipe left on any girl that does this. Not just for the obvious competition among that app and instawhatever, but it also says a lot about them as a person.

Whats your deadlift you faggot

when are you going to forget about women and just date men? do you want to be retarded all your life?

im doing yoga to help move all that extra nut energy around, so I'm not tempted to bust, men have the power to constantly regenerate

Other Millennials should have done online dating before Tinder came around. Now it's full of idiots. I'm 32 and am with the same person I got with in the 00s online.

To be fair though I was raised by Christian conservative parents that didn't encourage hookup culture and was exposed to a lot of places that were anti porn and pro purity in the 00s.