Why the fuck don't you get shredded?

Why the fuck don't you get shredded?

Developing your body to make people like you is FAR easier than developing your personality and social skills.

Think about it. Being liked, envied and treated nicely and with respect wherever you go. Getting positive female attention and admiration whever you go. Sounds like it is worth it.

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Literally no one cares about muscles.

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Because it's hard to get fit.

being in shape and taking care of your body is cool but yeah just using it as a vanity addon is lame

memeing out is a work out

People like strong friends and women like strong protectors.

You're a fucking fag who could never protect his gf if she got molested by niggers

>far easier

Idk where you find the commitment

Because it requires dedication discipline and ambition. Something the low testosterone degenerates of this board lack

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I kind of did this as a teen. Was still sad and obsessive compulsive, worrier. Too reserved and afraid of failure to approach girls. Now I'm at an age where people have jobs and careers, not just some hot piece of meat supported by mom will do. And I wouldn't lie just to get pussy, not even worth it to me. I eat what ever I can find at home, once or twice a day on average. Not like growing up when I was guaranteed three cooked meals a day, so I'd have to stock my room with cheap, non perishable foods with protein.

It really fucking isn't. Training for 2 hours every 2nd day and eating enough protein is hard?

You fags have no idea how pleasurable exercise is. You not only get feel-good chemicals but this is the only drug which has long-term benefits and which makes you feel like a winner for at least a short time. Plus you can look at cute, sweaty girls.

>2 hours a day

So you don't have a job then. Plus who knows how to eat properly we aren't women

getting out of bed to brush my teeth or play a video game is too hard most days

kek if you think I can get up and physically exert myself with strenuous activity for hours

You need 45 minutes 3 days a week if you do it right. Just fucking eat well, your standard meat and veg, cut back sugar and junk food will cut it. Eat less if you get fat, eat more to get bigger. It doesn't have to be a complex science unless you have some disorder or are an athlete.
Stop being lazy


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with properly I mean a lot

Being a former fatass truly has it's benefits. I've been at the gym like 3 times and I ALREADY see increase in strength and muscles, meanwhile the skeletons there didn't change at all which makes me sad.

Let's not pretend exercise isn't super boring and painful.


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>I've been at the gym 3 times

You will quit former fatty, but good luck

I fucking love it, why should I quit?

Seeing your fit body get increasingly fitter and achieve new records is like watching a plant grow, it is satisfying.

I fucking hate rest days and would rather go EVERY day but rest is essential.

Did this and a healthy balanced diet. Still feel like shit. Exercise is boring and only makes your muscles sore. The only positive thing was that i had a flat stomach but I dont really care. Besides going to the gym is akwkward and stressful to me. Not everyone is the same and it doesnt work for everybody you retards

>Heroicly protect gf from niggers with your big muscles
You dont go out much do you?

I suspect theres a thyroid issue. I just get bigger and bigger. Thank god im a mesomoprh so I look like I workout anyway

Deterrence nigga
You could be a potential martial artist or boxer for all he knows.
He knows only one thing, that a guy who had the discipline to get fit, probably could have the discipline to be a boxer, so the nigga will leave you alone. Niggers are less risk-taking than you think. They only beat whites who they KNOW are weaker than them.

Shut the fuck up and go back to pol virgin

is everyone on Jow Forums this retarded?

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I am too weak mentally to do anything with myself, so I have decided to put any physical desires in the back row until I fix my brain, if ever.

I honestly cannot afford the (natural) protein I would need to make natty gains. Unless I buy only canned beans.

>life keeps improving
>gets a (((job))) and is a good goy for his paycheck
I get this is a joke but yikes

>lifting for girls
>he thinks that'll help

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The best argument for lifting is that it makes you an objectively better person than others.

That was painful to watch.

>Sounds like it is worth it.
It really isn't. I know some guys who look the sort to easily squeeze me to death using just their thump muscles.
Nigger, those guys were worse robots then me, as lonely as anyone here and even more awkward. Only that they manage to make it look like a damn solar eclipse is happening when they flex.
Being feared or getting envied seeming better than being disrespected is only a thing that sounds good when you never had it, but it leads you nowhere and drive you more lonely.

Get in shape enough to be healthy and comfy with looking at yourself, I am all for that. But never try going full muscle guy, especially when nature didn't see fit to give you the height.

Getting fit for girls is a meme. Face is by far the most important

>5ft 7

Sorry I'd rather be a cute trap rather than a butch manlet.

A lot of guys like butterfaces, although being skinny is just as good as being fit. Anything but fat desu

>torture your body and eat a strict diet of food you hate for years
>then MAYBE receive the privilege of being liked, something everyone else is born with
Hmm, interesting over but no thanks.

>>torture your body for years and end up becoming better and stronger as a goal
if you don't think this sounds badass you're not a man

Getting on TRT is easy as fuck. You just have to pay to get a PR and blood work then they ship it to you.