>Jow Forums tries to go outside
>Jow Forums tries to go outside
He didn't do anything wrong desu
he is based and redpilled
of course they're going to try to paint him as a weirdo
>"Get on your knees"
He was trolling in real life
Also judging from the comments this video was probably on reddit's homepage or something.
That's why I'm not cashier trained
Fuck dealing with people
>just trolling
>implying he didn't have a full blown spergout in public
Sure thing buddy
ok i skipped like 95% of the video only one heard the guy scream ''she said it'' ''she fucking said it''
did she call him a nigger?
>he is based and redpilled
>of course they're going to try to paint him as a weirdo
Trying wasn't even needed
because he is one lol. you just can't see it because you're the same bottom feeder outcast as him
Holy fuck kek
>that little garden gnome manlet absolutely BTFO
What are you, 31?
>I still fucked your mom
KEK based and redpilled
What did he say that was wrong desu?
he claimed she said she wanted extra rights for being a woman when in reality she wasn't willing to put up with a shitty customer calling her a bitch
>I fucked your mom jokes are funny
You must be 18+ to use this site
>whiny bitch thinks she shouldn't be called names because she's a women
>and everyone agrees and calls him a "sexist"
>"s-she doesn't want extra rights!"
pls go and stay go
>downie in dad clothes
it's always these clowns
>whiny bitch thinks she shouldn't be called names because she's a women
>and everyone agrees and calls him a "sexist"
>"s-she doesn't want extra rights!"
>pls go and stay go
didn't fucking read go be a bitch elsewhere kid
Only way this video could be better is if he started throwing pocket spaghetti at people.
I've seen more of these videos being posted here lately. Is there a collection of these that I haven't seen? They're great.
>getting age bullied by some chad
>btfoing him out of the blue isn't funny
You have to go back
>extra rights
oh that makes a lot more sense. I thought they were arguing for two minutes about who gets extra rice with their meal
wasn't wearing his cargos
that part where he called out that manlet for being a shrimp. Even some idiot sperg has more clout than a manlet.
Also what started the fight to begin with? I get that he called her a bitch but I don't know why.
Anyone man against a roastie is based.
based. he stood up to thots when most of us wouldnt
Sold out of tendies and he didn't take too kindly of it.
If you've never called a woman acting retarded a stupid cunt then you've never lived, lads.
i had to pause this is too cringy
he made such an ass of himself
>mocking each others pronunciation and laughs
Just retards being retards
just shoot up the place and leave, jeez
>all the normalfags whiteknighting an anonymous woman from insults
It's no more sexist to use bitch as an insult than it is to use dick. The guy may be a clueless autist but he is not a sexist.
R9k doesn't have half the balls and pol can't do that without assault rifles in hand
On another point White Pants has the cheeks and a sexy voice
No wonder no one likes you autists. This man is literally disgracing himself in public and all you can do is glorify this shit and say he's based n redpilltt xDD!!!11!!1!
He has 0 self awareness but since you don't have that either you see nothing wrong with it.
>out of shape fatty crying about his chicken burger
>no self control in body language whatsoever
>can't dress himself properly and accentuating his man titties
>pubes on his chin
Be better robots
Jesus I thought that young girl who confronted him was some old lady before the camera panned over to her.
I thought canadians were allowed guns?
why didnt he just shoot them all?
She was acting normal, she just told him they are out of McChicken. He called her a bitch and started screaming
>muh cold logical males.
>assault rifles
Spotted the commie faggot that calls normal rifles assault rifles
>screaming and getting angry at random person because of something that is out of their control
Right. Based and redpilled.
>Be better robots
They are exactly just like that man, except they stay in their smelly basements
Looks like an Alpha male standing up for his consumer rights. What of it?
This is filmed in the capital of Canada.
Almost everyone there is inbred or sexually abused as a child.
That includes Justin Trudeau
Canadians are subhuman filth.
Canada is /r9k of the world
>based n redpilltt xDD!!!11!!1!
go back
>no hot, straight women anywhere
>nothing but trannies, goblinas and lesbians
Seems about right to me
>those comments