Is it possible to understand females?
Is it possible to understand females?
Yes. They're very simple creatures. Similar to how you can understand a dog to an extent
Teach me. To me they are just these irrational, emotional, complex creatures.
Literally what part is it that you don't understand? Where the hell can you be stuck? It's very easy
how do i get benis in bagina without being fake
asking for a friend
I don't know. Like all that "saying things indirectly or ironically" and that playing of mindgames.
If a girl says a simple thing, it can mean 100s of things.
the meme that women are complex comes from the fact that women are extremely boring, the point is to make them seem at least slightly interesting.
It's easy. For example, if a girl tells you she's fine but is showing signs of emotional distress, she's obviously not fine.
not really. women are usually very blunt and transparent. if you think they're complex, you just don't have enough experience with them. and that's the trick, experience. you can't just learn this shit by reading what faggots write online, you need to actually go out there and talk to women. after exchanging sentences with more than three women you're basically set. the only people who think women's sentences "hide 100s of things" are nerds that are internally hoping every woman that's above 4/10 is hitting on them so they take every minor thing they do into account. don't be that guy
The only girls who ever do shit like that are teenagers, user. I've never been with a woman who acts like that, ever.
>don't be that guy
Too late. But thanks for red-pilling me. Never having had female friends/sister really does suck ass.
play a mmo, as retarded as it seems you can meet females you can talk to there. in my experience they behave there almost the same as irl
nah, that sounds even more beta than just brute-forcing my way into experiences even though I will probably have a few weird ones or be seen as a creep
but do you even have a way to meet girls user?
Just interact with people lol. Doesn't matter if it's irl or online. I met my gf on discord so I don't think online is a bad thing
Yeah, just think like a spoiled child
I have 2 loser friends who I can take on a "tour" through town.
I am registered in a gym.
I am going to school again. (They are all FAR younger than me, literally 17/18 and I am in my mid-fucking-twenties.)
I am in a dilemma. My self-respect and pride tells me it would be wrong to start something with chicks who are barely kids.
My dick tells me they are biologically ready and that it's all that counts.
Probably leaving them alone is the alpha thing to do, but alphas would probably not even care about irrelevant shit with how "accountable" they really are for their actions. Be frank with me anons.
really no reason not to try to befriend them, and if they have at least some similar interests and over 18 you can go for it. girls like guys older than them usually. seriously, user, go for it before it's too late.
just fuck them you retard
Just do the opposite of what you would normally do and that is how to understand women
It's very easy. Literally all they do is for attention. Dress slutty? Attention. Flirt with you, but won't go any further? Attention. Supposedly like the things you're into? Attention. Talk to you on dating apps, but doesn't actually want to meet up? Attention. Posts on social media? Attention.
They're not blunt at all. They make up excuses for everything. They are very transparent though. You can tell when a girl likes you or not. She'll actually make an effort. Of course you need to be attractive for this to happen
They are a selection mechanism that select for good genes.
But why? What's in it for them?
Think of the dumbest and most irrational thing to say or do in any situation. There, now you understand women.
They don't have an identity/character/ego. They are mother nature, they act as gatekeepers for the composition of a new generation.
No, they don't even understand themselves. They just exist and do shit.
Girls need penises
It's like trying to make sense of a horse cat or child
of course it is
they're human beings who want to date chad
its preety simple
I understand those legs
Yes, because there is not much to understand. It's as easy as learning to handle farm animals.
Yes, but as you come to understand them, you lose the illusion of having anything in common with them, which can be an unpleasant realization