Evil always wins

Almost ready to jump off that bridge..

I am 23.5.
If I join that particular union by age 24... I won't be able to get the surgeries until age 25...

And that's just 1/3 of them.... I need 50k for my legs, 10k for another surgery, and another x amount for my spine.

This is it. I'm not going to be able to last that long. God knows that.
I've wanted to die for 7 FUCKING YEARS



I was never meant to become complete.

I'm going crazy. Suicide is my only option..

But the thing is, this devil god will throw me straight to hell if I end my life.

I was predestined to lose. I lose if I stay and I lose if I go.

What an evil god.
Evil always wins. The pure always die out. Natural selection will end me.
God was jealous of what I had. The most godly will power in all of existence. I threatened god. He took everything away from me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


user, not to sound like a normie, but please don't kill yourself.

Sounds like you need a brain surgery my friend

You sound like a faggot right now, user. Stop. You need to figure out a way to get checked out for your head right now. I'll tell you a secret, screaming and throwing a fit like this is DOING NOTHING. I CAN SCREAM TOO AND RANT AND RAVE AND LOOK AT WHERE THAT'S GETTING ME. YOU ACT LIKE THIS AND YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING GET PUT IN A MENTAL INSTITUTE, AND THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR LEGS IN THERE
So once you've calmed down start fucking looking into how to get welfare of some kind. Sounds like you're pretty fucked right now, which could help you qualify. Research what you need, your different options, etc.

OP calm down and tell me what happened.

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Yes, ik. I've been to the mental hospitals 3 times. Hard to stay calm when I have endured 7 years of hell and counting.

Maybe another time. I just can't say it right now. No one gets me anyways. Not even my therapist or psychiatrist.

a board of mentally ill fucks is probably more likely to get you rather than some dick in a comfy office, if that helps.

Let's just say I've been labeled with having "body dysmorphia".

>I've wanted to die for 7 FUCKING YEARS.
You massive attention whore. When I wanted to kill myself I gave away all my stuff and spent weeks looking for the right spot to jump off. I was only saved by a girl from high school who heard what was happening and let me stay at her house for weeks.

Stop worrying about religion. That is all complete bullshit. Study some philosophy don't listen to some moron in a church tell you about some cloud and and some old cunt with a white beard.

Get an amazing waifu like me, Taiga will keep you safe dude.

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>Get an amazing waifu like me, Taiga will keep you safe dude.
should have gone through with it

>salty roastie
sorry you've been replaced by 2d perfection. please feel free to kill yourself. this world needs less entitled whores like you.

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>fantasizing over pictures a sweaty asian man slaves over to make

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>Oh hahahhahha!
It really is a triggered roastie lmao. Only some lame fatass bitch would use pathetic shaming language like "fat" and "sweaty", knowing damn well she is both.
What's worse looking at your face every morning knowing you are one ugly fat bitch or your period pains right now?

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>projecting this hard
lmao nigga relax

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Oh no you don't get away that easy roastie. Come on tell us why are you here lols?
Got pumped and dumped again? Your "nigga" we are all bruhs is not fooling anyone.

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I accept your defeat if all you can post if gibberish.
Now make me a sammich. Good girl ;)
Did I mention Taiga was perfection...

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>make me a sammich
how, would you say, original?
Also hope no hard feelings for real

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You already said you've been in mental hospitals. Care to elaborate? Most of us are mental fucks anyway, so you'll find some understanding here.

as in, you want to be a tranny? Or you actually want parts of you cut off and shit?

Feelings... (facepalm) women really are npc bags of meat...
Don't worry about me. I have no problem slapping around the inferior gender intellectually or physically any day. Good luck with your cramps.

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Explain what's wrong so we can attempt to help or fuck off with this attention whoring

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It sounds stupid... but here's a summary..

"I've done 17k pushups with 45lb in a month, 51k situps in a month, mvp of track, curl a 20lb dumbbell 1,800 times per arm, curl 50-60lb dumbbells, and almost maxed the machines in the fitness rooms in my highschool I used to go to. I started at age 12 and stopped at age 16.5. Trained 2-3 hrs a day for 4.5 yrs . So what happened? My final height is 5'5" and it completely fucked me up. Made me feel inferior. Now I have been suicidal for 7 yrs (23) and the only "solutions" are a height surgery in beijing that costs 50k (10cm/4 inches) and another for my spine. Ya, fuck that price.. too expensive to fix my deformity. It would take YEARS to get that kind of money and besides, it's too late to restore my masculinity anyways. My goal was to create and break world records but that dream is dead. I had a passion for training, but oh well. Life isn't based on effort. "

I have 3.5k notes on my phone from 2016 talking about how I want to die. Have some notes as early as 2014.

you could get into rock climbing, I'm sure you could set records there

5'5. FFS in 7 years you haven't studied countries with a shorter average height????
Yes you are short so go meet a cute short girl and shut the fuck up. How about being glad you were not born deaf or blind you moron.
Grow up dude. Start acting like a man and you might attract a woman.

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This isn't about women. I'd also prefer to be deaf anyways.
>down playing this hard

Well who the fuck do you want acceptance from then? Men?
Same thing. Grow up bring something to the table other than your self pity and I am sure you can meet a guy who will love you.

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Just move to korea retard

Nothing. Neither male or female. I didn't do it for others.
Also... downplaying problems? So if all your family was killed in front of you, would you like it if I just said "big deal. Just get a new one"?
Fuck that. Same difference. I'll look in the mirror and still be a midget in my eyes. Only the surgeries are the answer

Shut the fuck up you american fag. Go to Europe where they have free Health Care

dude, ok, we joke about being short on here
no one in the real world gives a fuck.
No one. Seriously.
You need to get counseling. I know it sounds unimaginable and you can't even think of it, but you're fine. You really are. And I know that doesn't help but you'll look back someday and be able to realize that. You need to seriously look into getting help though.

That guy is me.. but ya.. that's how obsessed I am with the perfect form

>I'm not wasting my life reading your shitty links.
Are you seriously telling me your whole was killed in front of you?
If not and you are seriously comparing being short to dealing with that kind of pain. You are 7 years late you absolute autistic mong.
Just imagine the real pain people go through every day with a smile on their face and here's you an able bodied, well fed, educated and healthy human who's only problem is being short.
You are an absolute waste of time.

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>down playing this hard
So because I haven't had my legs blown off or my family killed... I have no right to complain?

Fuck off.

sorry i'm too dumb to realize it was you and now i feel bad.

Don't... not a big deal to me

>So because I haven't had my legs blown off or my family killed... I have no right to complain?
>Fuck off.
You pointless, annoying dwarf cunt. YOU fuck off and please stop crying. You are a fucking pathetic excuse for a human being. You need to grow the fuck up and stop crying for attention on the internet for superficial problems.

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i would give you height if i could, i am not worthy of it, don't have a modicum of the dedication and will to fight that you do man

>grow the fuck up and stop crying for attention on the internet for superficial problems.
1. How would you "grow up"? Should I live just to be a wagwcuck my whole life?

Look retard. WHY live without a PURPOSE? I should just live "just because"? Sorry, but I'm not brainless enough to be satisfied with just pointless survival/vanity

2. Superficial.. what isn't superficial? That's subjective

So again, fuck off

I'm sorry, but you're a retard, major league. You could've moved to phillipines where average height is 5'4".

Another thing... I know you can't grasp how long 7 yrs is... but I have 3.5k fucking notes on my phone along with 30ish posts on that suicide forum.

You REAAALLY think I can just "get iver this"?

See... this is why I don't like going into detail. There will always be people who simply aren't capable of understanding my obsession. How I've attempted suicide over it before.
How there was a point where I stopped eating and lost like 65lb. I weighed like 115lb at one point because I had just given up. But ik... u don't get it

This isn't simply about "being average". This is about what I see in the mirror

Literally just shut the fuck up and kill yourself already. Seriously.

I was the first in the thread to tell you to move somewhere with a lower average height. In your entire 7 years of being a crybaby you never though of it? Now who's the retard?

About the only contribution you are going to make to this planet is a gif of a midget face planting some concrete. Hurry up and get on with it. You are clearly too weak and pathetic to exist on this planet.

I can only imagine how disappointed your family is in you.

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Don't kill yourself dude, live it out and enjoy life before you do. Do something you'll remember or buy a Cessna like I've always wanted to do.

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Unless you're going to accept the advice on here and get help, then do whatever the fuck you want, user. I really don't know why you even made this post if you didn't want to hear the truth. Next time write a note and burn it if you want to scream into the abyss.

And this is why you're mental. You're wasting a perfectly fine body on complexes, like some teenage bullimic attention whore. Imagine if you were born deaf, or a real tard. Grow the fuck up.

Don't listen to those disgusting normies, user! You have 17k with 45 foreverial lbs each month. Take them out and then yourself, a real TALL 17k 12 to 16.5 Chad would do it and so will you!

>I was the first in the thread to tell you to move somewhere with a lower average height. In your entire 7 years of being a crybaby you never though of it? Now who's the retard?

That would be you, dumbass. Read this >About the only contribution you are going to make to this planet is a gif of a midget face planting some concrete. Hurry up and get on with it. You are clearly too weak and pathetic to exist on this planet.
Haha... I have demonstrated more will power than you. Have an associate's degree in the electrical trade and will soon have an interview to a uniom that caps at 44.35 an hr after 3.5 yrs.. and I'm 23. Ya... "too weak". Retard. You probably haven't even accomplished what I have.

>I can only imagine how disappointed your family is in you
They are happy abojt my job prospects. They only care about my financial success, not my mental health

So again, fuck off, retard

>pic related

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>grow up
So what should my priorities be then? To live just because?
Answer this

Right, can we just address this because no-one ever does
>tens of millions of people die every year
>many of whom are from rough areas, ghettos, have histories of gang crime, alcoholism etc etc.
>these all get sent to hell that initially was only supposed to deal with about a few million per year if not more
So with that in mind, wouldn't there be a build hold-up in hell? Surely they would have some diversions or something like that, the torturers would probably live in luxury after all or have some incentive to do their job which must be fucking hard with so many people so how do they manage that. Who's handling the pay-checks in hell? What happens when the Poles start coming over and taking their jobs and torturing people with their humour? Will the torture-people start kicking off at Lucifer or something? There's so many questions it stressing.

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>build up in hell
>as if there's a known limit
Asking the wrong person here

you guys are fucked, you should try to understand op and offer support or at the very least just listen without attacking him. you all know what it's like to be suicidal and you all have different reasons but you're just ragging on this guy like he has no reason to be sad at all. maybe it seems silly to you, just like your preoccupation with gf or whatever seems silly to others, but he's in a lot of pain and you're just saying lol do what i say just move across the world just like fix ur self bro. do you realize how fuckin stupid you guys sound.

Stop pretending to be intelligent. You have no idea about my academic background so stop making assumptions.

Further proof of your stupidity is that you came to this board expecting sympathy for your crybaby attitude and pretty much every response is telling you the same thing. Grow up.
Which is kinda funny. Seeing as even that seems to be ... flying right over your head.

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>will soon have
Fuck off larper, either post some picks of your deformity, or go back to being a faggot. At this point you're wasting our time.

>Stop pretending to be intelligent.
Nevee lied about my degree, fucker
>You have no idea about my academic background so stop making assumptions.

What IS your educational background in anyways?

>Further proof of your stupidity is that you came to this board expecting sympathy for your crybaby attitude and pretty much every response is telling you the same thing. Grow up.
And not a single one explains what you mean by "grow up" or what my priorities should be. HAHAHAHAHAH WHAT A DUMBASS

>Which is kinda funny. Seeing as even that seems to be ... flying right over your head.
Look at my above statement

Hey OP, kill yourself. Make the world a better place. Fucking pussy.

OK roastie thanks for you delicate sensitive input. Can you please you some of that female intuition to find the kitchen and make me a sammich?

because some of us here make efforts to improve ourselves or accept it. We don't come here screaming like lunatics and wanting sympathy while lashing out at criticism.

No selfies. Also, retard, what isn't a waste of time? It can be argued you are wasting time just by posting here.

Ha... you are the pussy. You wouldn't say that to my face. If you did, you would be part of a rekt thread compilation

>Saved by a girl from highschool
Nigga how?

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I'm not here to talk about my life lol. It has been a struggle but unlike you I made sure every day I made tomorrow a little better for myself.
You just need to grow up. You seem to have your head on the ground. Come on pick yourself up. Reach for the stars.

Your problems are probably child's play to me.
Come on,user. Tell me what your problems are? I want to see if you are a man or a pussy bitch. Can't get laid? Too ugly? Shit job because

So many dumbasses... I ask questions yet they get ignored.


Can't answer that? Stop being a fucking moron and answer the question.

cringing at you bud

like you've never had a manic episode or lashed out at others, mary poppins. when you're in pain you can't help it. and when people gather around you poking you and suffocating you saying lol just get better bro like just heal ur self, you would tell them to fuck off too.

Nigga I was friends with her for years at school. I stopped talking to anyone and she found me where I was staying. Yeah I know I was fucking lucky. In fairness I've never forgotten her and we've always been in touch. I doubt it but if she is reading this. Thank you Laura.

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*because of low education?

I'm 5'5 and no one will give me sympathy online
(and I've got a huge pussy)

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I couldn't quite understand the post, apologies. Are you disabled and attempting to get surgery to more on your own? If that is the case then it may be worth holding it out though honestly I wouldn't hold your breath. I remember one of my friends, Jake, was a paraplegic. Went to America to have 40k surgery on his legs (that got stolen when they got around half of the money via fund-raisers, so everyone in the village chipped in to help raise a similar amount), had surgery and while I haven't seen him in over a decade it didn't seem to do much - maybe he can walk though know that its going to be an arduous and painful time. Its ridiculous how you have to pay so much for those surgeries, is there no loan service? If they pull those for spoiled students then surely they can help you out. Anyhow, know that even if your body and mind are torn to shreds, that you may prosper in the afterlife, that you may prosper in your thoughts even. Its tragic what you have to go through and you can't be blamed for suicide if you do go through with it... Of course I wouldn't advocate for it unless you were in your thirties by which point your future is beyond repair though years can make enormous differences - the year is the city-state to the country of life. Your twenties are younger than you may perceive, late-twenties even then are still young. If you need something to squeeze then here is an image of an anime girl that you can imagine yourself squeezing as much as you want as well as resting your head on her lap an telling her all of your problems, its not much though there's no means of helping you really, at least not from us. Best of luck still with whatever you do be is positive or negative, and praise be with you even if you suicide.

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Exactly noone is scared of you, internet tough guy.
Crying for help like a faggot just shows you really should kill yourself.
You agree, so why whine about it when someone agrees with you?
Go ahead and end it all, pussy. make everyone happy.

Good for you. We have different personalities. You probably don't give a shit about working out and perfecting your body like I did.

>Exactly noone is scared of you, internet tough guy.
Exactly. Because you are behind a monitor. :)
>Crying for help like a faggot just shows you really should kill yourself.
I promise I will if you do it first.
>You agree, so why whine about it when someone agrees with you?
What are you talking about? That other guy was being stupid and saying my problems WEREN'T a justified reason to want to die. Are you illiterate?
>Go ahead and end it all, pussy. make everyone happy.
Again, you are the pussy for saying that online but not in person. I know in person you would be too timid and keep it to yourself.

I know its not a cure to hear but it helps me: you aren't alone here user. I'm in the same ship, and about end it in January if things don't turn around. The physical pain is getting to be too much and I can't afford to love independently and pay for the needed surgeries.

Try to hang in there a little longer. If you come out of this rut, youll come out as an ultimate alpha badass that gives zero fucks. Just try another year and see what happens. I'm sure you've impacted some people's lives in ways you don't know or understand in a good way. And those people would hate to learn that you through it all away. Just keep pushing homie.

Dead midget thread coming soon. LMAO.

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the state of newfags. go back to /b/

Was here before you. The absolute state of wannabees. You mad cos r/incel got shut down midget?

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That's not op. I am. As for an incel? Have you not seen the workouts I've done?

You think this is about women?

>Was here before you.
you weren't here in '04 newfag

Not interested in you in the slightest sorry. Please come back when you qualify for the dead midget thread.
Prove it wannabe. You incels know nothing about what robot truly means.
Inb4 your frog bs and derp memes you fucking autist.

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>not interested
>missed my point

lol you're frothing at the mouth, control your temper. go a little easier on the may mays. we'll accept you if you can be a good boy and stop barking so damn loud.

>Acting like an authority on an anonymous image board.
Yep you're clearly autistic or just retarded. I won't even bother talking to you.
Not interested in you in the slightest sorry. Please come back when you qualify for the dead midget thread.

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>I won't even bother talking to you.
aight take the time to lower your cortisol levels. it's bad for you health you know!

Sooo... you made this entire thread and want to kill yourself because you're 5'5?
I'm 5'7 which is still considered a manlet and i've never had any issues in life, i also live in a country where males are much taller than that so again, what the fuck is your problem?

>not interested
I was simply explaining how I wasn't an incel. Holy fuck you are stupid..

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Already stated my problem. If you don't get it now, you won't get it if I explained it a second time.

I literally read this entire thread and you said you feel suicidal because you're 5'5, don't think i'm missing anything.
For the record, tyler1 is 5'6, he works out and is big as fuck

>I was simply explaining how I wasn't an incel
Yeah you are dwarf boy.

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5'5 is what, 1,65m? That's short, but not abnormal. I got friends who live fine with that as adults, you can too, if you don't obsess over memes.

Look, OP, height is just one detail. Going on the other extreme, being tall for a male is like having blue eyes, nice hair or big tits (on a girl): they make the person more desirable by default, but it doesn't save the whole picture by itself. It's like a +1 in appearance each, that's it.

I suggest you try improving the rest of your appearance. If, AFTER doing everything you can you still aren't satisfied, THEN you go for a surgery. But never before it.

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>gets saved
fucking faggot
I'm jealous user, but I'm glad you made it

Thanks bro. She is an amazing girl. Had a piece of shit abusive stepdad. Has a nice family now, 2 adorable kids and a production company worth half a million. Fuck people who say you can't make it. Still as humble and sweet as ever.

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Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Welcome to a gangsters paradise user. Sell drugs on and off the internet. Make yourself around 250k and stop, get the surgeries and enjoy your head start. You have nothing to loose because you are fucked anyway.
Now you know the mind set of those niggers you despise so much.

sounds like you have a crazy ego. like elliot rodger level ego. take some shrooms or LSD. ffs.

i'm sorry for your presumably bleak and shitty life but you sound very fucking whiny and entitled... you're 23 years old.

you need to grow up for yourself because in these times that's not a given with your age.