Why do some people enjoy watching their waifus suffer or find it hot? Why would you hurt someone you love?

Why do some people enjoy watching their waifus suffer or find it hot? Why would you hurt someone you love?

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Watching other people's waifus suffer is hot, but I would never do that to mine.

Is it suffering if they enjoy It?

What is that ring and rod her legs are wrapped to for?

Literally what is the objective of this bondage?

Do you want them to enjoy it?

Not even out of love?

Making her learn to enjoy it is the plan

I don't think my waifu enjoys pain or torment. She seems to enjoy cuddling more, so I give her that.

Because you want her to know what it's like to have a penis

Vaginal are more sensitive, I think that hurts more

Why. Fucking why. That shit looks painful. Poor, poor Serena.

Tough love bby

I love watching anime girls get dismembered

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I love Serena and I love this picture. She looks cute squirming in pain. I'd probably push down on her hips until she started crying.

Why are you a hypocrite

Not really if they look cute

Are you aware serena is like 12?

Ehhhh I like sexual torture but not guro

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She's really cute, I like her navel

they just have that fetish. i doubt it has to do with someone they love or not

keker neker
its a fucking anime girl desu
also u do realize youre on /99k/ right? are you lost reddit fag?

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I like watching my waifu get tortured but only in a sexual manner. I dont mind if she doesnt enjoy it or suffers, but the minute it starts to actually harm her that's too much for me

well that makes a sense. I think OP was asking why people would enjoy seeing their waifu actually getting hurt. What ur talking about is like kinky pleasure

Basically yeah, but if she begun struggling or begging though that would just turn me on, aka rape.

maybe ur into mind fuck other than physical harm? or are u into it as a roleplay scenario?

Okay so see the torture device in op's pic? I would seriously tie her onto it without her consent or keep her on when she cannot take it anymore and as long as it doesnt physically harm her, I dont care how unbearable it gets for her

so by physically harm you mean like it cuts into her vag and shit but not pain?

Other way around actually. Pain is fine, cutting isnt (so no weights)

Basically, how painful can I make it between her legs before it starts to cut I to her

Idk what that fetish is called though

yeah that's what l meant

Yeah I realized that, and it have to be sexual too.

yeah of course ur not just gonna go up to ur waifu and punch her in the stomach

what ur describing seems really common though, like ass smacking during sex and choking

I'm talking full-on rapey torture

but still not to the extent of a psychopath, that's the thing

You guys sound like psychos. Please explain to me the appeal of the wooden horse because that shit looks awful.

Those hips unnnf

This thread gave me an erection in public

If you're not gonna contribute to the thread in a meaningful way just don't post. Also, why are you browsing threads like these in public? As well as, phone poster

Someone please tell me what they ring her wrists are bound to is for

Someone needs to color this

I think they're so she can pull herself down. Seems like she's enjoying her time there

She won't be for long

But isn't the edge serrated?

How so? It looks like she's suffering to me.

Let me try to explain. In real life some people like to experience pain, while others want to aggressively dominate. The way I do it is that its just a fantasy, almost like a fantasy in a fantasy. There are things that you would never do in real life even if given the chance but with your imagination you would do it anyway. That's the way I see it. Although when you get into Guro/kill/badly injured territory I think that's really fucked up with the only exception to that rule is if the character is immortal or would just "re spawn" or something like that, and even that I think its fucked up still.

There are many sexual fantasy's I can think of putting my Waifu through. Although as long as I "really won't hurt her" it's ok. At the end of it we were just playing it out. Understand me?

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In the same way people who are raped asked for it

But would she be let off when she's done?

Nice, she can be left there then, see how she enjoys it a day later.

Or longer

She is a child, why are you torturing her?

That's adorable, and wonderful choice of waifu. Inaba is fun to bully and torment

in the same way people like self bondage or bondage in general

animated pedos are obviously better

it's just my guess as well as the breath coming from her mouth as that usually indicates pleasure

there's no harm done.
>inb4 they will later
if they were actual pedos it wouldn't matter either way. This way they get to look at something that won't hurt anyone else deterring them from actually doing it to a real life child

What I really like about Reisen is that she comes in two flavors that I like to switch between. The cute, bunny like side and the aggressive, bad ass side. Of course her being a bunny girl there's the slutty side people tend to like but I don't like that what so ever.

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How could a wooden horse feel good?

And it doesnt matter anyways becaus she is cute either way

its really fun seeing a girl struggle and cry out for help
also it goes both ways
really like the girl ------> obviously think about your fetish being applied to her

really hate a girl ------> want to see her suffer

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To imagine comforting them afterwards.

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Because anime is not real.

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When people are scared and in pain, they're vulnerable... there's nothing hotter than vulnerability.

Pic related to the topic at hand in this thread.

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