Aspergers is a death sentece. Suicide rates are 15x higher and 90% are unemployed. 2/3 of males with aspergers will die without ever having a relationship with a woman. People wil aspergers are doomed to never form social bonds or close relationships of any kind. Our lives are meaningless and ultimately filled of loneliness. It is IMMORAL to bring a child with aspergers into the world.
Aspergers is one of the cases in which suicide is reasonable; there is no chance of cure or overcoming as it is the essence of your being and brain completely unfixable and barely improvable
FUCK HANS ASPERGERS ; the nazis where right to euthanize us ; and prenatal diagnosis and abortion is the MORAL solution to this problem.
People with aspergers should be aborted
Other urls found in this thread:
>Suicide rates are 15x higher and 90% are unemployed.
Maybe there's a correlation there. I bet the unemployed kill themselves a lot more than the employed.
>People wil aspergers are doomed to never form social bonds or close relationships of any kind.
That's not true. There are people with asperger's who have social bonds and close relationships.
The solution to people needing a lot of support and help isn't aborting them, OP. It is how a society treats its downtrodden and its needy that reveals that society's values.
i was diagnosed with aspergers when i was 11. i have a beautiful latina wife and a job as an exploitation analyst with a thriving social life. chin the fuck up, user.
Cucked response.
People with Asperger commit suicide because they are UNABLE to form meaningful social bonds ; not disadvantaged simply UNABLE genetically wired not to be able to. I think you believe they are disadvantaged when in reality they are doomed.
It is ethical to abort objectively broken and doomed people.
I have aspergers and have come to the realization i was doomed since birth ; it isnt my fault how my life has turned out as it was simply the far more likely outcome
For every one of you there are 9 dead aspies
Most likely misdiagnosed ; doesnt fit the symptoms at all does it mate...
For some reason, there are periods where I really, really want to be close to people. To become close with them and bond with them. Whenever it happens though, I quickly want to be rid of them, and return to being a social recluse. I start to miss the isolation I had before and prefer it over being around people at all. Can anyone else relate to this?
Humans are naturally inclined to want social interaction it is a basic need.
Even with social interaction and aspies will never be fulfilling or meaningful making the need unobtainable.
So is my sperg brain conflicted on what it actually wants?
Yeah. And then people straight up don't care that you've vanished. God it hurts.
Have you considered that there may be a conclusion other than "I was doomed" or "it's my fault?" Another possibility is "society failed me." But I don't think you can live with the notion that you actually had the potential for a happy, relatively well-adjusted life and it was simply never nurtured to fruition: you prefer to believe you were simply fucked from the outset because that hurts less.
I have aspergers and feel the same way ; I go to parties often and actually have many friends however constant paranoia of not being accepted ; crippling anxiety and inability to feel an emotional connection that is meaningful ; makes it paniful to actually be at social events and i instantly go to drinks/drugs or longing to be alone in my room.
I feel that aspies desire more than anything to be accepted ; but will never feel it.
Sounds like the pattern of an avoidant, as in avoidant personality disorder. You desire attachments and yet the vulnerability is overwhelming: frightening and exhausting.
Thought that for a long time.
However I statistics dont lie my friend. This was the far most likely outcome; with suicide being extremely likely aswell.
I actually have done rather well in school ; straight A's and actually have freinds and attend parties etc.
However I still feel dead; i cant form social bonds and have to self medicate the crippling paranoia and anxiety i fear due to aspergers. I will not be able to hold a job despire my high intelligence and studying well.
>However I statistics dont lie my friend.
How do the statistics suggest that this outcome is inevitable? They could just as easily suggest that society is failing aspies terribly, which is probably true. Hell, it's failing neurotypicals too, given the rising rates of mental illness. It's harder than ever to make friends and meaningful relationships.
Can you give me a source on any of those fucking statistics?
t. scared aspie
This Reddit thread (ik Reddit haha bad) that made me lose hope it contains citations in the comments top
I don't want to encourage suicide so bear in mind you could still be part of the 10%!
85% less marriages compared to non aspergers
ive already had a gf and currently have two jobs so i guess im lucky.
I thought my diagnosis was bullshit at first and demanded a second opinion but three psychs said i had the burgers so
Am asperger part-time wagie and happy despite being lonely
Have you tried not being a lame crybaby? Works all the time, I guarantee you.
>Sample size of one 1 HUAN
Jesus Christ user that's some shitty fucking reasoning right there, I have aspergers and some days I feel like killing myself but I don't want to disappoint my mum and dad, I also want to find a better job, the job I have now is shit but the friends I have at that job are fucking based. sometimes shit gives you a diamond and those diamonds, to me at least, are friends.
Honestly it's not that bad being an aspie
on one hand, intelligent selection will accelerate advancement in society
on the other hand, intelligent selection will accelerate advancement in society.
enjoy your time OP. because your wish is currently being fulfilled, you're the last of a dying breed. just like how schizophrenics were revered, aspies are as integrated in society as they will ever be. just try to take it easy and focus on doing things that make you happy and that you're good at. the world will probably have no more aspies in 3-4 generations from now.
I'm 99% sure autism and Asperger's are undetectable until the child is already born
Not a lame crybaby im going to an hero my next birthday im at peace with the world faggot.