Is there anything more NPC and brainlet than identifying with MBTI? It's literal pseudoscience on par with astrology...

Is there anything more NPC and brainlet than identifying with MBTI? It's literal pseudoscience on par with astrology. It's only followed by people who have no personality or interests, and so they identify with a MBTI to try and feel unique.

Attached: 2jy24u.jpg (636x773, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> It's literal pseudoscience

got any of that "real science" to back that up there bud?

>out.print.ln; , , "got any of that "real science" to back that up there bud?" ,

Sure. Only the I-E scale has some validity. The rest is bullshit.

Thats a nice bait you got there. Any success yet?

>print.ln; , , "Thats a nice bait you got there. Any success yet?"

[input]: thing I don't like
[output]: type_text "YOU ARE AN NPC YOU ARE AN NPC YOU ARE AN NPC"

you do the exact same thing you're making fun of - kneejerk responses to things you don't like - the only difference is that you've convinced yourself you're right, because you're "different" to all those normal people!!!!

Why don't you copy paste this and write it so it looks like code? that would probably make you feel better, so go ahead

You know, you're completely right that people are stupid for buying into that test as opposed to the big 5. That said, your npc framing is annoying and nailed you completely.

>n-no you!!: the post

Attached: 20181117_094341.png (500x256, 71K)

>haha! I've got him now!!! I have a picture on my pc that will totally destroy him AND his argument!!!!

>n-not an argument
Stop pretending your shitpost was ever anything other than one of your autistic meltdowns

I know it's retarded it's just people wanting to feel special

Attached: 1542408025454.jpg (1024x969, 125K)

Found the Non-Playable Character


the fuck is that code? you're not fooling anyone, half of us here actually write code you fucking pseud

This whole thread is pretty npc desu

I can honestly say after squandering almost a decade of my existence on typology that you're completely right but the Forer phenomenon is very effective and people need to feel special, which is why MBTI continues to flourish and infest communities

My therapist wants me to take it desu.

Nothing screams npc more than caring about what you scored in a personality test

Hard cope lmao

Using npc meme on the wrong targets and arguing about is pretty fuckin npc

the original purpose of mbti was to show tendencies, so that an individual can work on bringing balance to any extremes.

but everyone has turned it into something concrete. as if your tendencies are all or nothing.

and identifying with those tendencies is completely antithetical to the whole point.