Been cheating on my current gf

>been cheating on my current gf
>she's loyal, sweet, sexually pure, funny as hell and super qt
>but she doesn't put out as often as I want her to
>been fucking other girls on the side and she has no idea
>tell her I'm just going out on walks or hanging with friends from uni
>she trusts me completely and is extremely devoted
>have several side thots, none of them know I have a gf
>do perverted degenerate sexual shit with them
>found out that one of the girls I've been seeing is friends with my gf at college
>I'm fucking serious, they've been talking more & more lately and I'm pretty sure they've found out what i've been doing
>my gf has been avoiding me for the past three days and I haven't heard from most of the other girls either
>texted her to meet me today and she agreed and said she has some important things we need to talk about

Welp, kind of a nightmare. Not sure how this happened, pretty sure I'm utterly fucked

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>I'm not sure how this happened
Really keeps the noggin joggin

i believe this is what the kids call fake and gay

you deserve it

obvious b8 friendo, try harder next time

kind of happened to me too, just get a new gf and don't go to the same places for a while lol

Nice Blog Oh-Pee!

>Not sure how this happened

Yeah yeah stop bullshitting faggot tell me what your waifu's name is

It's not bait you fucking retards. I've genuinely been scared as shit these past few days since I never expected to get caught

Wow. It's for faggots like you std's are so common nowdays
Go die in a hole you bastard. You will never deserve love

And you expect, what? Me to feel sorry for you? This is entirely your own fault you piece of shit. I hope they all claim you raped them.

>never expected to get caught
C'mon dude, you can't be this fucking dense. Now, if you really did it with this many chicks, be a pal and share some goodies, and don't be afraid. If you get beaten up, it will heal up, and you'll get new thots.

Just blame it on her.

How should I do that? I still like her and like the company and lovingness she provides, but I have needs that she doesnt really fulfill all that much. I guess I should just damage control like fuck and convince her to stay with me, then find new thots to fuck around with.

just masturbate when you're horny and she's not down to fuck you fucking faggot

Imagine being this much of a faggot you can't grasp concepts like fidelity and higher goals.
You can't have your cake and eat it.

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>allowing biochemistry to rule over every decision in life
you're not even human anymore, but i'll pray for you user

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You deserve every bad thing that happens to you. I hope you get terminal prostate cancer you fucking bastard.

if it's not bait you're a weak subhuman and you should probably see a therapist. feel bad for your gf. sincerely hope she breaks up with you.

Fuck you asshole

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I hope this experience knocks some humanity back into you

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>funny as hell
Women aren't funny.

Haha, fucking pleb. I just fuck other girls with my gf's knowledge. She knows I have a high sex drive and that sex is just a biological need for men and doesn't necessarily have feelings attached. Girls are actually mostly okay with you fucking other girls as long as there aren't any feelings involved. They even see you as more attractive if other women like you.

And thus more whores who are willing to cheat and be cheated on are created. Good job, asshole.

yeah i really don't fucking know about that user, im 200% sure your girlfriend simply looks down on men (and you) so much that she has absolutely no faith that men can ever be truly capable of controlling their fucking penis.
she would definitely prefer you as an actual human being that loves her and doesn't have the sex drive of a permanently in heat bitch.

if this isn't bait, then i fucking hope you get caught.
and i hope she fucking leaves you and takes all your shit. you disgusting faggot.
okay, this is bait.
also this.

Moralfags out in full force today

shit, imagine being super proud and bragging to your male friends that your girlfriend "lets you" fuck other girls, all while she looks at you with the eyes of a disappointed mother, wondering where the fuck did the human race go so wrong.

>women are sluts reeeee
>but guys cheating is totally ok

Go police (a)morality somewhere where people care. Anonymous doesn't give a shit about your personal opinion and stance on anything.

better to be a man with some semblance of morals and humanity than to be a man who is a hedonistic nihilist faggot retard that can't into being a faithful lover

i have very little hope for the future of this Earth, Mankind, and Civilization.
where did it all fucking go wrong

is this what (you) wanted?
probably with bait

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probably at conception if im honest

That's a LOT of projection right there, even for Jow Forums. I wasn't even the one who brought it up or suggested it. She just gets sore from being fucked so there's usually a 1-2 day cooldown after we have sex, but ideally I'd do her at least once a day. She said it early on that she had a harem fantasy but was too insecure to indulge in it because she would want to be the "favorite", then after two years of being together she felt safe enough for a threesome and it went from there. It is messed up and it is 100% because she was raised by her grandparents whom she can't even properly communicate with because she never learned their language well enough, but that's just how it is. There are tons of girls like her out there.
I hope you at least realize that you have absolutely no way of knowing the truth and all this autism about the "eyes of a disappointed mother" is just what you wish was the truth. Women don't actually look at their bf/husbands the same way mothers do at their children, I don't even know what gave you that idea. Women who are in long term relationships look up to their man because that's what they want and if they don't respect you they won't stick around for years and years. Dom gfs or women who want to be your equal are actually extremely rare.

so your girlfriend is into being one of many? that is so amazing, you must feel super beast, tell me more about you feel looked up to and shit

no, that's too early.
i'd say the turning point for everything going to shit was the 1960s, here in the United States, at least.
>le girls want to be dominated and abused meme

baitfags out in full force today

my point is that this was bound to happen, things went to shit after ww2 if we're talking about the exact event that tipped it.

She's probably been fucking other guys too desu you candyass

>kind of a nightmare
>not sure how this happened
good larp

>one of many
>the girl you come home to and have a life with is on the same level as some thot you have sex with like twice a week
user, I...
If that's what you got from all that then you're legit retarded. It is a meme, but it's based on a real phenomenon and what I just described is very far from "abuse".

You deserve a bullet. Get the fuck off this board.

Just break up with her and settle down with some roastie 10 years down the line that has fucked every nigger on the block
She's too good for you. Might as well kill yourself while you're at it.
>tfw no pure gf

taking advantage of pure people is retarded
if there is a god, i know not.
but if he's real, i hope he condemns you to hell. OP.
once again, OP is a faggot.
also this

This. The brief time i had a gf in highschool was when girls started coming up to me randomly and initiating conversation.

pic relatedbalariiiii

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OP obviously she is none of the things she says she is if your fucking other girls. You should settle down with the girl that's friends with your GF.

Same here but my gf moved away

just cuddle you ungrateful degenerate

I am glad that you will suffer. You cheated on your girlfriend. I hope she breaks up with you, and then has hot sex with her friend.