I miss him so much bros
I wish I could have been his friend and helped him self improve and work out to become the ultimate thot destroyer
I miss him so much bros
Other urls found in this thread:
i doubt he was saveable, he probably would have killed you in your sleep on the DOR
As if I would mind
It would have been an honour
There are literal millions of people like him, just grab one from the shelf over here
would you have been his top or bottom?
None, but I would have set him up with lots of girls I know
He was unironically hot as fuck, but was just in the wrong fucking place to find a quality girl
but do they have a nice car?
He was beyond saving,it's pretty obvious reading through his manifesto he had way bigger problems than just the unhability to have sex and get a girlfriend.
Posting some Elliott's
Another Elliot Rodger photo
His stepmother on the left and his sister on the right
Elliot in his car
One of my favourite photos
Elliot with his sunglasses on his shirt posing.
Elliot just having a meal with Peter Rodger
Final one of the supreme gentleman
That is one of his best photos
Stepmom is a tier 1 milf
She also did some nude shit
Do you have some rare elliots?
I wish somebody would find toaster Steve. He's in western Canada somewhere.
>He said that he was unable to make friends although acquaintances said that he rebuffed their attempts to be friendly.
Yeah good luck with that
Also hello to any future Elliot who might see this.
I have some less common Elliot Rodger photos sure. Most of his stuff already been mass released tho.
Elliot Rodger with his only ever female friend.
Toddler Elliot rodger
Elliot Rodger and his grandfather
Holy fuck look at this normie how dare he pretend to be a robot
Elliot rodger posing for a photograph
Elliot rodger inside a cave
Elliot rodger with some girl
Elliott,his father and his sister
Another Elliot Rodger picture
Not rare but still cool
Should I post some random screenshots of his online posts?
Yes, thanks for the posts
He died for our sins, anons.
Alright bro I will get some and post them here.
Not sure why you fags worship him so much.
He was a whiny little bitchboy who had completely unrealistic expectations while offering nearly nothing in return. It's like the male version of the fat women who expect Chad tier men.
Elliot responds to somebody calling him a manlet
Elliott Rodger bodybuilding posts about dick size
More of Elliot rodger posts on bodybuilding.com
he was controlled opposition for future anti-incel laws
Of course you are, Supreme Gentleman.
Puahate post(site got deleted)
Elliots posts on women
Somebody responds to Elliot Rodger
Elliot responds to an user(btw sorry if some are repeated)
Elliott posts a question
>helped him
He almost certainly had Narcissistic Personality Disorder. There's no way to help them, no way to cure them, no way to treat them at all other than hoping that they kill themselves before they kill somebody else.
2 Elliot rodger posts
There's still happa swede
More several Elliot Rodger posts
>never insult the style of elliot rodger
i would have thought he was just some other shitty troll on misc if i had been in that thread at the time
>Stabbed his roommates for no reason
>Supposed to shoot up a sorority but couldn't open the door
>Just decide to shoot up random people
>An hero because he couldn't get away from the cops
He was a loser, before AND after death
Elliot is bragging
pretty much this I don't get how other incels want to remember and worship him like a god when he was just a faggot who couldn't do anything right.
Why didn't you crash into them
Looking at Elliot's shitposts, I think he was probably triggered by trying to win arguments on the internet. Could be that that's the shit that pressed him over the edge.
Somebody quoted Elliot Rodger
Elliot pretended to be a girl when somebody gave him bad reviews on Teenspot
And their (well, mostly Elliot's sister's) dog in the background.
IIRC this was on Elliot's 18th birthday.
I think she wasn't his only female friend.
>some girl
His sister.
"Hotblondie17" was actually him
He gives robots/incels an even worse reputation. No one will take us seriously about our depression/mental illness seriously and just alienate us more.
A picture of Elliot rodger wearing a wow shirt
He would have refused to meet any of them.
I miss him. But I realize by paying tribute I know we make him happy, he is smiling upon us
Elliot rodger with blonde hair
What reason is there to take people like you serious?
We are also faggots who can't do anything right. That's why we like him so much.
>why didn't you crash into them
Damn what a teaser for what was to come
he looks like veritasium
So many of the screenshots here are bullshit. The term 'uncle' didn't exist when he was posting on bodybuilding forums
US marine takes picture with vietcong soldier, circa 1962
It's his 18th birthday dinner and I even know where they had it but I am not going to tell any of you dickheads as you never accepted me among you. I won't share any other of my materials either, once I will get them.
the term incel has been around for like 2 decades now, it just didn't proliferate until recently
I wanted to say that it can easily be found out in his manifesto, where he often mentions the names of restaurants, but it looks like this one is an exception.
He would have loved that new pokemon trailer with the original song, I miss him.
If you mean "incel," it existed then. I came across the term when I was 15-16 in 2010 or 2011. I identified with it until I was 18 and realized how retarded the whole term and what it entailed meant. I actually believed you could go crazy because of lack of sex. Truth is, there's a deeper problem beyond that and it's due to social isolation and wanting to belong.
Hes got a tard look from an early age
There are other exceptions too. I know it as I have listed ALL places he mentioned in his manifesto (and other writings and pictures) to collect all information about them. I have also listed all things he liked, now I am listing things he disliked, then things telling about his personality. I have been a bit lazy about it all lately though, collecting evidence of incels and their female orbiters.
>you will always be living in a post Elliot world
That Pepe looks like Elliot in his darkening car as the sun sets and his latte has been drank.
Is there any proof this was him?
And the girl he rated 2.5/10, I'm curious what she looked like.
Oh shit I even listed all of those things from the Investigative Summary, you know, the places he shot in or did something else in, all the findings and even where he liked to shoot people at. I'm a maniac.
I need all of this information though, in my works.
It's funny that in his bodybuilding.com profile he lists himself as 5'9; I really don't believe this. In his manifesto he made a point of repeatedly explaining that he was always shorter and smaller than everyone else. Yeah I know hurr durr, 5'9 , Prince of manlets, but in reality it's at the higher end of average height. I believe he must have been closer to 5'6.
that fucking keks me everytime
>have half asian genetics
>worldwide average of 5.5 inches
>This is very unsettling.
I know where that image was taken too. Heehee.
>It's his 18th birthday dinner and I even know where they had it but I am not going to tell any of you dickheads as you never accepted me among you. I won't share any other of my materials either, once I will get them.
WHy though. What happened to you here that made you so bitter? None of us are accepted here, it's a hate factory. That's part of the charm.
I've seen a lot of acceptance here among E-fans and other types of people. I mostly have been ignored in most of the E-threads. Also in other places I have been ignored. But hey, c'est la vie. That is what I always have been, everywhere. Ever since the kinder garden. Now that even Elliot fans do not accept me among them, it kind of makes me feel even closer to him. I'm special like he was.
Good Night. Lots to do tomorrow.
>Now that even Elliot fans do not accept me among them, it kind of makes me feel even closer to him. I'm special like he was.
Be nice if you could share your stuff with us though. Maybe think about it? Goodnight