Is Jow Forums brainwashed?

is Jow Forums brainwashed?

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Back to whence you came from oh abhorrent homosexual spic Jow Forumsfag

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Niggers are disgusting apes both in appearance and in behaviour

Pigskins are disgusting cave beasts both in appearance and in behaviour

no, just really really stupid.

stop with the fucking racebait you morons

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Did somebody say Spiderman? Oh boy I smell goulash.

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Nope because I like features from all the human races, the only features I dont like are the ones from the nigger and abbo species

Yes, brainwashed into incel thinking.

>why do white people find white features attractive

An absolute conundrum

I'd unironically fuck this woman

but i don't think european features are the epitome of beauty, i like asian girls.

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I wish I was an asian girl desu

Japs > Whites > N******

i wish you were an asian girl too desu
i want to do sex to her so much

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now lets brainwash people into thinking that fat disgusting niggers are the epitome of beauty. this bitch probably feels like she's going to die from walking up stairs and stinks like the garbage she cant stop eating.

just look at her in this makes my balls ache

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Kpop korean girls are GOAT

looking at these is testing the nofap to extreme levels

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is that a dude
incels != robots

Fatty fat fat fatty fat

>tfw you're brainwashed into being attracted to your own race which constitutes 90 percent of your country and are generally more intelligent, empathetic, hard working and aesthetically pleasing than niggers

I think black women are pretty okay

I like thin girls but fuck she looks undernourished

maybe just a tiny bit

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European features aren't the epitome of beauty though

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>posts a gook that recieved a White level education, White healthcare, under a nation protected by a White military subsidizing billions of tax dollars for these gooks


which allowed these gooks to reach a White Stature. then you say you did these things without White Kindness.

utterly subhuman.

I am European, of course I think those features are the epitome of beauty.

Are you honestly implying that what races you're attracted to is based on your heritage?

Shit, I must have asian DNA somewhere down the line.


You have been muted for 2048 seconds because your comment was not original.

or, asians have a little White DNA, as do all humans except niggers and abos. and youre seeing that White DNA being expressed differently in non-whites.

>be Eritrean
Feels good family muh women look good and have better curves than white women with the bodies of male 12 year olds who age like shit

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cringe more at the White Truth.

Oh boy

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why hello, fellow White descended.

I ain't white bro, Eritreans are black and We're classes as black.

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how do eritrean blacks feel about niggers?

Eritreans have black skin but arent negroids

>Eritreans have black skin but arent negroids
>how do eritrean blacks feel about niggers?
Are you guys retarded? We're black. That's like saying everyone in the horn of Africa isn't black.

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You arent eritrean you are larping

>You arent eritrean you are larping
I live in the states and I'm pretty sure Eritreans are black and no I'm not larping.

>wants to stay on #TeamNigger

okay fine, suit yourself.

You're both fucking idiots and I hope you and everyone like you two die slow, painful deaths.

>spiccuck and mini jew racebait thread
cringe and saged

Post your hand, you are most likely a jew or white liberal larping

What the hell did I do? The fucking government papers say I'm black.
Spend 5 minutes taking a photo, resizing it and uploading it, that's a bit too long for my liking.

Kike detected, eritreans call themselves habeshan not negroid

Dad's a habesha short dude and mom's an afar you little shit. I know what they call themselves and if your an Ethiopian fuck off.

Post your hand kike

>Post your hand kike
I already said that's gonna take too goddamn long. Are you an ethiopishit living in Seattle?

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Actually as someone from a country with 0% black people, I'd love someone like that pic, it looks really exotic and sexy to me.