Hate liberals as people

>hate liberals as people
>vote Democrat out of logical self interest
Anyone else?

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>hate liberals and conservatives
>doesn't vote

So you're an illegal migrant?

the only reason to hate libs is that they aren't left wing enough

Wait a second. People do vote even ironically?

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You do know that its democrats that caused liberals to act like this right? And some democratic politicians act just like your pink haired angry liberals.

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Good job for not being an NPC user. I do believe that your beliefs are fucking shit tier if you vote democrat, but it's nice that you don't vote against what you yourself want only because "i hate u lmao trolled and pranked"

>NPC meme
>hates democratic policies

back to Jow Forums you braindead reactionary ape

nice argument friendo. Never heard this one before.

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>everything I don't like is reactionary
>you must love x sides policy blindly or youre a boogeyman

>Anyone else?
I hate left wingers and a good chunk of the people I talk to are borderline alt right but I still vote dem

Funny, I hate liberals and I still vote Democrat but because escalation is the only option and their politics will lead to apocalypse, race war, and revolution the quickest.

his post made it plainly obvious he's a conservative subhuman. not that he disagrees with one or two specific policies, but disregards the whole platform. you're being a disingenuous blob, most likely a reactionary as well

Quit it, faggot. You're making yourself way too obvious of a bigot.

make me you inbred sack of shit

So far you sound more contrarian, but that's okay user. Again, happy that you're able to vote on a platform even if you hate the people on it. Do recommend reading into economy, might help.

Never thought I'd see acceleracionism on Jow Forums out of all places

>people who disagree with me are subhuman
What a fucking brainlet.

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Yep, I despite socialists/leftists but I vote liberal (eg trudeau, leaf equivalent of democrats) for muh neetbux and muh dudeweeds. Reminds me of that doomer pic with the "hates hypocrites therefore hates himself"

I don't hate libs. I tend to agree with them on most social issues and the fact they frustrate the hell out of reactionary existence. I disagree with them on economic issues mostly.

that's a rather simplistic way of portraying it

it's more like subhuman who hold subhuman ideas, have garbage morals and ratfucking ways of achieving their goals are subhuman

>ideas I don't agree with are subhuman
>morals different to mine are garbage
>other ways of achieving goals than those used by me are ratfucking
You just reiterated your own fucking stupidity. Go hang yourself and remove the burden on the human genepool.

They cant vote bro , also I'm speaking English.

>I disagree with them on economic issues mostly.
Nice. Some of the policies they push are good, except migration and economic related. I recommend not being a reactionary yourself if you hate reactionaries. It helps.
Too bad both parties hold a monopoly and are both contrarian on purpose. If conservatives like X, democrats hate it and vice versa. If tomorrow conservatives said they want to turn the US into a communist paradise, democrats would almost 100% start throwing Heil salutes. Or would go with the "but communism is a meme haha we got you". It's disgusting.
but you can't really vote for policy, because even if you vote for someone on a party that has good individual beliefs, they will always be reigned in to vote what the whole party wants. Or their voice will be made to be irrelevant.

missing the point once again or just being blatantly dishonest in your interpretation

it's not about disagreeing with me, it's about disagreeing with me in specific ways on specific ideas.

As an incel it almost feels like being an uncle tom.

>Nice. Some of the policies they push are good, except migration and economic related. I recommend not being a reactionary yourself if you hate reactionaries. It helps.
My disagreement doesn't stem from their ideas being too opposed to the status quo. It's actually the opposite.

>it's not about disagreeing with me, it's about disagreeing with me in specific ways on specific ideas.
Yeah, so having ideas you don't agree on. You're a fucking retard. Genuinely. If you don't understand this you almost certainly have a two-digit IQ.

>Yep, I despite socialists/leftists but I vote liberal (eg trudeau, leaf equivalent of democrats)

Nothing hypocritical about that at all, especially when you have the NDP (which from how I understand it is like if Berniebros here in the States had their own party), which basically leaves the Liberal Party as the middle-ground party. There are plenty of centrist/conservative-leaning liberals.

I say this as a socialist who hates liberals.

>Yeah, so having ideas you don't agree on.
No, having major disagreements on ideas. I just said I disagree with libs on economics but don't consider them subhumans. I do consider conservative subhumans. So you either are being dishonest and it's not as black and white as you're trying to portray it or just not understanding my point.

Why do Democrats love to dehumanize conservatives when its much easier to not only dehumanize leftists and progressive but its even easier to justify the murder of leftists? No one wants to die for trannies and anti-white hatred, but many would die for their race. Unlike you, its not because I'm a pathetic fucking leftists who thinks my abnormal and objectively wrong ideas need to be forced on others, its because you are a objectively, a threat to civilization and your political ideology is caused by bad genetics.

Also what the fuck, who the hell votes for Democrats when you are just actively voting for your own self-destruction? Is the third worldification of California and Chicago not enough?

>No, having major disagreements on ideas
Oh yeah, the disagreement being major definitely means it's not a disagreement.
> So you either are being dishonest and it's not as black and white as you're trying to portray it or just not understanding my point.
No. You're a mouthbreathing mongrel piece of shit waste of biomass who is too stupid to even identify cognitive dissonance in himself, because he's so drowned in Dunning-Kruger he thinks others having different opinions makes them subhuman.
YOU ARE A RETARD. Simple as that. Maybe not based on the average of course, because the average is pathetic and you're well beyond that.

Because conservatives aren't human sweetie

you genuinely seem unable or totally unwilling to follow simple logic and lines of reasoning

I guess I triggered the shit out of you so much so it broke your brain, or you're just an obviously hypocrtiical shit eater who can't see he's doing exactly the thing he perceives me to be doing

>replying to bait Jow Forums thread on Jow Forums
so it's this or trannies now? That's it?

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It doesnt really help that you present yourself as something that is hard to distinguish from satire.

>Jow Forums Jow Forums
Do you seriously expect quality from this board? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I mean I agree with social justice as a principle , but sjws approach the issue by promoting a form of tribalism which just seems insane to me.

The left-wing populist crowd is the best way to go if you feel that way. "A rising tide lifts all boats" and all that.

The righ is simply right. Voting democrat is against own interest.

You didn't make an argument though you absolute retard

Democrats are like the Conservative party in Canada (general neo liberal policy). American politics are shifted further right than most of the west.

>realize both parties are jewish
>don't vote at all because the establishment is all demonkikes regardless of party
Anyone else?

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Voting simpIy does not matter.