Are you racist? Why?
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define racist please.
I'm not racist. I haven't had enough negative experiences with any race to be. I think people here focus too much on race and not enough on subculture. I'm white but I'd rather be friends with a black weeb than a normie white person, for example.
if you have to ask, then the answer is yes sweetie
Blacks are stupid and ugly and are ruining the world yes.
A racist is someone that believes in racism, i.e.
>Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
No, but I do say a bunch of racist shit, none of which I actually mean. I don't believe any race is inherently superior or inferior to any other.
Despite being only 13% of the population,
It human nature and facts prove it a valid position
>Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
>based on the belief
So if it's based on fact, it's not racist?
because i can't throw a table like this bitch
because non whites are leeching off my country and i want them to all fuck off
this country was created by whites for whites
and foreign niggers have no right to be here
Not particularly, but when I'm looking for a place to rent I make sure to omit the predominantly black areas from my search.
Kek, is this supposed to be attractive?
No because I know enough people of each race that I really like and really hate to know that no race is 100% bad and no race is 100% good. I'm not stupid enough to generalize to that extent.
Im racist because black girls treat me like shit and white girls treat me human. Most of my friends are white women
In the words of Uncle Ruckus, I bet you can name ten niggers you hate right now.
you are retarded.
I can be prejudiced. But i dont think im a racist.
No, "superior" is an opinion i.e. not fact.
>> belief that one's own race is superior
>No because I know enough people of each race
The thing is that you really really don't. You have to keep in mind that the niggers/browns you see in America or similar are literally the top 1% from their countries and the rest are EVEN WORSE. They are the outliers, and they're still far below the white average. Furthermore, even if you know literally hundreds of people, you have an unimaginably tiny sample size in the grand scheme of things. You understand that there are literally billions of niggers, yes? Do you even comprehend how many that is? And according to statistics, the majority of them are what we would consider mentally retarded. That's a problem. Racism or race realism or accepting reality has nothing to do with determining that EVERYONE of a race is X or has Y characteristic. But you must be able to recognize the patterns and understand that some people are not fit for the modern white world.
love to see a source for those ''facts''
Never made sense to be racist.
negro, you are not a human being. and you never will be.
i do not hate you and i bear no ill will towards you.
it's just a simple fact of life.
grass grows, birds fly, what comes up must go down, and niggers aren't humans, they're another species entirely.
>No, "superior" is an opinion i.e. not fact.
So, if you have two cars that are in all ways identical, except for the fact that one can go twice as fast as the other one, it isn't superior? It's just an opinion? Both of them can still do the exact same things, but one of them can do it better than the other.
Superiority is most certainly objective. It is objectively better to be able to bench press 200lbs than to bench press 100lbs. There's nothing to argue against there.
i originally agree with what this anonymous user has said
I find funny when robots are racist when their own race don't want them. If etho state ever happens, you won't be part of it.
Remember that they just treat you well because they feel sorry for you
I fucking hate pajeets so god damn much. Literal chicken neck subhumans with a disgusting fucking language. I want them all to die a miserable, painful death.
Niggers are alright, on an individual basis they're really friendly.
Yea we will see who has the last laugh when Im a billionare blackcel with my own harem of aryan 10/10 stacies
Any crime statistic will do.
But at least be honest to yourself and admit that you will just spout how downtrodden poor people are totally entitled to be violent drug pushing monkeys that kill eachother over a pair of shoes with a brand name.
Yes because niggers
I'm incredibly racist, I dated a black girl for about a month, she was loud and rude and behaved like an educated ape, more monkey than human. Her skin was coarse and her hair was rough and dry, she had a natural stink to her, and despite her best efforts couldn't appear intelligence to save her life. We broke up because I didn't want to buy her macdonald's. FUCK NIGGERS.
>another species entirely
Calling you autistic would be offensive to autistic people jesus
> So, if you have two cars that are in all ways identical, except for the fact that one can go twice as fast as the other one, it isn't superior?
It's funny how you have to give an extreme example (that isn't relevant to a discussion about race) to argue your point because otherwise it falls apart. The truth is that the different "races" all are "superior" in different ways because they have evolved in different environments with different evolutionary pressures. So yes saying that one race is superior in general is an opinion - a racist one.
>I can be prejudiced. But i dont think im a racist.
I'm not racist at all, but I think everyone is at least somewhat prejudice. Like if some bearded arabs in huge coats walk onto my plane, my stomach is going to do flips. Nothing I can do about that.
Niggers are more ape than human, anyone who says otherwise is a coal burner niggerloving faggot
go to a prison like san quentuin. black people form their own gangs, same with hispanics. white people form nazi gangs. people become racist when in prison to survive
Wow a whitey that doesnt hate negroes for once. What a rare site
if you're posting here, there's no goddamn way you'll ever be a billionaire.
Ok, whites are only superior in terms of intellect, creativity, inventiveness, work ethics, honor, ethics, logic, loyalty, kindness, empathy, physical strength, height, beauty, and compassion.
You know what? That still amounts to, you guessed it, superior.
Who cares? I still want my dick in them
>t. Nigger
Pajeets are on top of you on the racial hierarchy you subhuman, dont disrespect them
the white man is the greatest of all the races
>You know what? That still amounts to, you guessed it, superior.
No it doesn't. It doesn't follow logically. That is... you're a racist piece of shit. I'm Jewish and Jews on average have a much higher IQ than all the gentiles, including whites and East Asians. Does that mean that Jews are superior? I wouldn't say that, but according to your logic it would.
Im not fond of white people but I can respect what they have accomplished as a group.
>secret black appreciation thread
>no black males
>Are you racist?
Because I am around non-whites daily.
>hurr hurr iq statistics
Not a perfect scale of intelligence, pattern recognition is too raw
I am racist because every encounter with the race I hate left me with a bad impression of that race.
This is perfect for bots
Niggers dont make me hard. It's like showing me pictures of orangutans with big asses. I'm not into bestiality, sorry
No, because IQ is not the single determining factor, and no one has ever claimed that, you little rat. It's furthermore not accurate in the first place. Look instead to the achievements of Europeans, which is the true proof.
Lol no source would be good enough. You love niggers, no evidence will change your mind
This would save the planet
Lol black men truly are the weakest link :) Couldn't let the chance to shit on us pass you by huh? Lol, gotta suck up to Becky for some brownie points, pathetic.
The self-hate just oozes out of you huh? Pity
Two KHV bitchboys talking about superiority when they can't even land a stacey.
Blacks smell and ruin everything that they infect
>implying you are not hard as bricks now
east asians and kikes don't have honor, kindness, empathy, or compassion.
Cringe and pseudo-redpilled
Ok so suddenly IQ isn't as important? Stupid insecure goy.
You must really be a raging faggot to keep all of these ripped niggers on your phone. Sorry, like I said, literal beasts of burden dont turn me on
Cope harder goy.
Jews are the master race since they have higher IQ than whites and control everything.
You are showing you are inferior by prefering white mens women over women of your own kind
Don't get me wrong, I wish only the worst to those "SO U BE SAYIN *SMACKS LIPS*" loud and obnoxious blacks, but I'm in NY and really, a lot of em are very friendly.
As white as white can get. I'd probably put my schmeat in one of those pale skinned hindu ladies though.
>calls them beasts when see's them shirtless
>still implying he isn't hard
You can have a low iq and still be a successful person, same as how you can have a high iq and be a fucking neet posting on r9k about your autism for unnecessary hatred toward non whites
Jewish guy here. I wouldn't put it like that and the notion that Jews "control everything" is untrue and a common anti-Semitic myth. Stop it.
>bring me that vanilla hole white boi
>You are going to serve me now whiteboi
Who cares lol?
I don't give a fuck about your dick, all I care about is mine. You can always just leave the thread
>This vanilla cone is going in that vanilla boihole next bitch
Such a hard cope kek
Only verbal iq, plus iq is not the only factor necessary to determine superiority
>is your bussy winking yet
I want to fuck a white boy in front of his gf
i started browsing pol when my brain was still developing
So I see you have no idea how species are actually classified.
It's clear you people only have this fetish because of how damaging your childhood was. It's okay, I'm not really judging you, just trying to help you see the disgusting error of your ways. Fucking a nigger is unnatural and wrong. You wouldnt fuck a hog or an eel, why would you stupe so low as to fuck a literal primate? It boggles the mind, it's almost sad now far gone you are.
i hate every race individually
If you're an animal that can outsmart every single other species in your habitat and manipulate them easily like puppets, you're the apex predator. If you're a species of animal that keeps stupidly inviting diseases, predators and other harmful elements into your habitat, and is constantly tricked by the superior predators, you're a useless evolutionary dead-end. Natural selection.
>imagine not taking the hrt and finding this on Grindr
Why does Stacy get all the fun
Go find your own bussy destroyer already
>this is the only way for bots
>Suck it up white boi you little bitch
Whatever you say fag, stay mad
>cucktrap racebait thread
I'm not racist if I hate everyone equally. I hate trailer trash whites that just live off government welfare and spend it on alcohol drugs and partying. I hate niggers because of their shitty music and gangster hoodrat culture, unwillingness to work and their stink. The type that will steal your bike and knock your teeth out on the street. I hate Chinese because of their rudeness, apathy for others and selfishness. The type that will cut their toenails on the train and cut in line at airports. I hate middle-easterns because of their retarded religion that causes them to blow people up to prove they are "the religion of peace". I hate Indians because they are basically Chinese but even smellier and dirtier. The kind of curryslurping street-shitting pajeets that companies outsource their work to because they are willing to work for peanuts. I hate Koreans because they are a bunch of superficial looks-based society that thinks they are top shit even though they are just China's toenail. I hate Islanders because they are basically niggers except they all look the same. I hate Russians because all they do is get drunk, suck at video games and rage.
fuck off, schlomo.
they control everything
I'm not even white you spectrum case, fuck off. I don't give a fuck what the billions of other black people I will NEVER MEET are like. I don't care what the billions of white people I will NEVER MEET are like. Out of the ones I know, some are cool, some aren't. I have no real reason to hate any race. What, you want me to hate blacks because of what some maniacs in another continent did? What the fuck does that have to do with me? I should judge a whole group of people based off of some fucking statistics?
>Yeah, sorry Tariq. I know we were both in the same Talented And Gifted and Advanced Placement classes in school but statistics say your people are dumb so we can't be friends
>Listen, John. I know you're a really cool and social guy and you wouldn't ever hurt anyone who didn't have it coming but statistics say you're more likely to run into a church with an assault rifle and start gunning people down, so I think it's best that I keep my distance
Imagine living your life based on statistics and billions of people that you will never meet.
All my racebait threads get deleted right away, mods only like pro nigger threads like this one
Thanks for admitting kikes are manipulative parasites, more people need to know
That's not necessarily racism, that's more tribalism. You don't go with your own race out of hatred for other races, you go with your own race because you're in a new, hostile environment full of people you don't know, so you're naturally going to go and be with the people who look like they have something in common with you. Most members of these racial gangs only pretend to be racist. Honestly. I have an uncle who, before prison, listened to hip hop and R&B nonstop, loved black girls and dressed like a wigger until he hit prison. Then he came out with all these Nazi and Confederate tattoos. The funniest part is, when my cousin brings his black gf over for family gatherings, my uncle will run in the house and put something on to cover all of his tattoos because he doesn't actually feel that way. He did it to survive.
>not realizing you hate him because you want him in you
So now its about success.
no because if you think people are usually successful based off merit ur retarded. most rich people were born rich and thats just how it is
Now this is epic!